My Comments On the Lesson-----Given by Miss Zhou Liju
In my opinion, the lesson given by Miss Zhou Lijun is quite successful.The teaching material of this lesson is Language Structure-----The Attributive Clau in Unit 4.Miss Zhou made her lesson interesting and lively in her own manner of teaching.The Attributive Clau is one of the most important and difficult grammar items in nior middle school.Many students have difficulty in mastering it.On the whole, Miss Zhou has achieved the desired results.I think, the main distinguishing features of this lesson are the evident arrangement of ideas and clear purpo, which contains the following three parts: a.Scientific, which reflects the good order and results;b.Efficient, which pays much attention to the ntence structure of communication terms;c.Focus, which paves the way for the following lesson.
There are six main steps in this lesson:(1)Lead-in;(2)Explanations of ntence structure;(3)Task-giving;(4)Practice;(5)Development and consolidation;(6)Assignment.The steps have their own functions.The first step is warming up.Enjoying a beautiful English song will arou the students’ interest.The cond one is learning the new language structure----the Attributive Clau(the us and functions of the relative pronouns who, which and that).The third one is understanding, who purpo is to help the students smooth away the difficulties in understanding the language structures.The fourth one is practising and memorizing.In this part, the students are asked to play a guessing game.It combines learning with fun, which makes the class more lively and helps the students learn the knowledge in a much easier way.The fifth one is the deeper understanding and usage of the language structure.After enjoying a movie, the students are asked to have a group discussion and then try to make ntences using the attributive clau.The activities make the students u the information they have obtained from what they have learned.And the three English proverbs can also help the students to reinforce not only what they have comprehended and learned, but also the language skills.The last step is
a brief summary of the contents of the lesson.And the students are given the tasks they should do after class.Besides, this lesson is ingeniously designed and rationally arranged.With the aid of CAI, more teaching contents are contained.With the colorful and vivid pictures, the teaching materials can easily attract the students’ attention and arou their interest.And therefore, the students can master the knowledge in a relaxing and pleasant atmosphere.Also, the relationship between the teacher and the students is quite harmonious.Most students have taken an active part in the class teaching.And I’d also like to make some suggestions.First, more time should have been t aside for the students to have the group discussion.In that ca, more students will have the chance to practi the language.Second, giving the students more opportunity to practi reading and writing will be much better.In a word, the lesson has been well prepared , the blackboard design is neat and clear and Miss Zhou’s spoken English is also quite
clear and fluent.It’s a successful lesson, I think.
选修7 Unit4 定语从句复习评课稿
听了竺剑杰老师的课,总的来说本节课还是比较成功的。1本节课体现了以人为本的教学理念和时代气息。2作为新教师在本节课中的表现相当不错,教师的语音语调标准,口语流利,词汇丰富。3与学生之间的互动比较好,学生反应比较踊跃,回答问题的学生数量比较多,并且基本能对老师的提问作出正确的回答,这说明老师上课的进度符合学生的程度。4 其中的对比训练相当不错,能有助于学生区别定语从句和其他从句的区别。5生动的课件在这节课中起了很好的辅助作用,让学生有操练的机会。
Unit4 Grammar-----The Attributive Clau教案
Title(课题): 语法:定语从句
The analysis of students(学情分析):
高一学生通过初中三年和高一前三个单元的学习,已经对英语有了一定的感性认识,积累了一定的语言知识,他们对语法知识的系统学习有比较强烈的要求,但对教师无味的讲解不感兴趣,他们喜欢探究型、合作型的学习。本课时前,学生已经接触过定语从句,部分学生已能辨认定语从句,但缺乏对其结构、关系词的选用的系统学习。目前,学生已具有一定的自主学习能力,能积极参与课堂活动。但学生在语法课堂上用英语与同学进行交流有困难。Teaching aims(教学目标):
锄禾日当午作者1.知识与技能:了解定语从句的结构,掌握关系代词who ,whom.,which, that ,who的用法,学会运用定语从句描述人和物。
①通过课前自主学习和课堂小组讨论培养学生自主学习和合作探究的能力。②学习包含定语从句的名言,培养学生积极的人生态度和正确的人生观。Important and difficult points(重点和难点):
掌握关系代词who ,whom.,which, that ,who的用法,正确运用定语从句描述人和物
Teaching strategies(教学策略):
Demonstration(展示),Group discussion(小组讨论),game(游戏)Teaching aids(教学辅助工具):
Multi-media and blackboard(多媒体、黑板)Teaching procedures(教学过程):
Step1.Lead-in and demonstration(图片导入和例句展示)
Step3.Group discussion(小组讨论归纳定语从句的定义、相关概念以及关系词的作用)
Step4.Finding the attributive claus in the reading passage(找出课本阅读文章中的定语从句)
Step5.Group discussion(小组讨论找出文中七个定语从句中的先行词、关系词及关系词在从句中的作用)
Step6.Doing exerci(现学现测)
Step7 Guessing game(猜词游戏)
Step8 Summary(总结)
一、说教材 1.教材分析
各位老师下午好,我今天说课的的内容是定语从句:主要从四个方面来说的:本课时的内容是高中英语必修一Unit4的语法第一课时,初次导入含引导词who, which, that的定语从句,这里的定语从句出现得比较凌乱,因此我把这些语法整合起来教学,让学生有个完整的认识。2.教学目标
小学数学教材教法B.掌握定语从句的引导词who, which和that的基本用法。2)能力目标:
1).引导词which, who及 that的基本用法。2).复习和巩固定语从句的结构和用法。4.教学难点
1.列举法,举例加深对定语从句的理解。2.在说练中体会语法的含义及用法。四.说教学程序 Leading in导入政治教育
T: Do you like the boy? S:Which one?
T: The one who has big eyes.„„
在学生猜出答案之前给学生输入尽量多含who的定语从句。Your classmate is the boy / man who „„ 4.小结: