draft 法案,草案
Government bill 政府议案
to pass a bill, to carry a bill 通过议案
to enact a law, to promulgate a law 颁布法律
ratification, confirmation 批准
law enforcement 法律的实施
to come into force 生效
decree 法令
clau 条款
minutes 备忘录
report 判例汇编
codification 法律汇编
legislation 立法
legislator 立法者
jurist 法学家
jurisprudence 法学
legitimation 合法化
legality, lawfulness 法制,合法
legal, lawful 合法的,依法的
to contravene a law, to infringe a law, to break a law 违法
outlaw, outside the law 超出法律范围的
offender 罪犯
to abolish 废止,取消
rescission, annulment 废除,取消
repeal, revocation, annulment 废除(法律)
cancellation, annulment, invalidation 废除(合同)
cancellation (支票)作废
annulment 撤消(遗嘱)
repeal rescission 撤消(判决)
revocation 撤消
immunity 豁免,豁免权
disability, legal incapacity 无资格
nonretroactive character 不溯既往性
prescription 剥夺公权
attainder 公民权利的剥夺和财产的没收
constitutional law 宪法
腊八粥的资料canon law 教会法规
common law 习惯法
勺子的英语单词criminal law 刑法
administrative law 行政法
civil law 民法
commercial law, mercantile law 商法每日早安图片
law of nations 万国公法,国际法
international law 国际法
natural law 自然法
labour laws 劳工法
fiscal law 财政法
Civil Suit Law, Code of civil law 民事诉讼法
Criminal Law 刑事诉讼法
Military Law 军法
Conscript Law 兵役法
Copyright Law 著作权法
penal code 刑法典
code of mercantile law 商法典
civil rights 民事权利,公民权利
right of asylum 避难权
human rights, rights of man 人权
(customs) duties 关税
death duty, death tax 遗产税
royalties 版税
1、category "A" prisoners A类囚犯
=prisoners who are dangerous, and would be a danger to the public if they escaped from prison. 越狱后将对公众造成危险的重罪犯
= act of giving something up voluntarily (such as the right to a property)
abandonment of a claim = giving up a claim in a civil action.
e.g. Abandoning a child under two years old is a notifiable offence. 遗弃两岁以下儿童是
3、abeyance 中止,暂缓
e.g. This law is in abeyance. 此法暂缓执行。 = This law is not being enforced at the prent time.
= actual bodily harm 实际人身伤害
= residence, the place where someone lives 居住地,住所 right of abode = right to live in a country. 居住权(在一个国家的居住权)
= to cancel or to remove (a law or a rule) 废除、撤回(废止或废除法律或规定)
e.g. The Chancellor of the Exchequer refud to ask parliament to abolish the tax on alcohol. 财政大臣拒绝让议会废除对烈性酒的征税。
= to go away without permission or not to return to the court after being relead on ba
il or to escape from prison.
e.g. He was charged with absconding from lawful custody. 他被指控从合法监护人那里逃走。
= complete or total 无条件的,绝对的
absolute discharge = letting a convicted person go free without any punishment. 无条件释放
absolute title = land registered with the Land Registry, where the owner has a guaranteed title to the land (absolute title also exists to leahold land, giving the proprietor a guaranteed valid lea) 绝对的不动产所有权(指在土地登记处登记的土地,其所有人对土地享有 被担保的所有权。租借土地也享有绝对所有权,它给予物主一个有担保的 有效租借权。)
= to refrain from doing something(especially voting) 弃权,克制做某事(尤其指不投
e.g. Sixty MPS abstained in the vote on capital punishment. 在表决死刑时,60位下议院议员弃权。
= using something wrongly 滥用(错误的使用) 邴
abu of power = using legal powers in an illegal or harmful way. 滥用权力(用非法或有害的方法使用合法的权力)
abu of process = suing someone in bad faith or without proper justification or formalicious reasons. 滥用诉讼程序(恶意地,在没有合适司法程序情况下或带恶意地起诉某人)
1. accommodation
a. = money lent for a short time 通融贷款,短期贷款
b. = something done to help someone 通融(做某事帮助某人)
e.g. to reach an accommodation with creditors = to agree terms for ttlement 与债权人
accommodation address = address ud for receiving messages but which is not the real address of the company 权宜通信地址(不是 公司的真实地址,只用它来得到音信)
accommodation bill = bill of exchange where the drawee signing is helping another company (the drawer ) to rai a loan; it is given on the basis of trade debts owed to the borrower 通融汇票(受票人 签字是帮助另一个公司即出票人筹措贷款,这种汇票的给予是以欠借款人 的贸易债务为依据的)
accommodation maker = person who signs a promissory note for no fee, but who expects to lend the creditor money. 通融期票出票人 (为向债权人进行贷款而免费在期票上签字的人)
2. accredited
a. = (agent) who is appointed by a company to act on its behalf (代表,代理人)被委任的(被一个公司任命,代表它做事) b. = (ambassador) who is appointed by a country to reprent it in another country.
e.g. He is accredited to the United Nations.
3. f...
= to say that someone has committed a crime or to charge someone with a crime. 指控、告发某人犯罪
She was accud of stealing 25 pounds from her boss. 她被告发从老板那儿偷了25镑钱。
He was accud of murder. 他被控有谋杀罪。
accud = person or persons charged with a crime 刑事被告
All the accud pleaded not guilty. 所有刑事被告表示不服罪。
The police brought the accud jnto the court. 警察将被告带进法庭。
新加坡物价4. aquit
= to t a person free becau he has been found not guilty. 无罪释放
He was acquitted of the crime. 他被宣判无罪。
The court acquitted two of the accud. 法庭释放了两名被告。
5. act
= statute which has been approved by a law-making body. 行为,公约,法律,条例,法令,成文法
Act of Parliament = decision which has been approved by Parliament and so becomes law 国会法令(经议会批准并已成为法律的决定)
Finance Act = annual Act of the British Parliament which gives the government power to rai taxes as propod in the budget. 金融法,财政法(英国议会法案,该法案授予英国政府按预算中的建议征 税的权力)
torts (民事侵权行为) which are in themlves sufficient grounds for bringing an action without the need to prove that damage has been suffered.
to adduce evidence = to bring evidence before a court.
to remove a legacy from a will becau the item mentioned no longer exists.
从遗嘱中取消遗产,因为所提及的物品不复存在,例如遗嘱人在死前已 将它卖给别人。
4、ad hoc
Latin phra meaning "for his particular purpo", 专门的,特 别的,为某一特别目的, an ad hoc committee = a committee t up to study a particular problem. 专门委员会(为研究某一专门问题成立起来的委员会)
5、adjective law
= law which refers to legal practices and procedures
= to stop a meeting for a period; to put off a legal hearing to a late date
休会(使会议停止一段时间);将审讯延迟 The chairman adjourned the tribunal until three o'clock.
The appeal was adjourned for affidavits to be obtained.