Typical Chemistry Laboratory Equipment
烧杯 Beaker
量筒 Cylinder, graduated cylinder
移液管 Pipet, pipette 刻度吸量管Graduated pipet
吸耳球 rubble pipette bulb
温度计 Thermometer
漏斗 Funnel 布氏漏斗Buchner funnel
滴液漏斗Dropping funnel
分液漏斗Separatory funnel
无颈漏斗 stemless funnel
烧瓶 Flask 下饭的家常菜锥形烧瓶Erlenmeyer flask, conical flask
蒸馏烧瓶Distilling flask
平底烧瓶Flat bottom flask
圆底烧瓶Round-bottom flask, round flask
双颈烧瓶Two-necked flask
吸滤瓶 Filter flask, suction flask
容量瓶Volumetric flask,
Condenr 空气冷凝管 Air condenr
回流冷凝器Reflux condenr
球形冷凝器Ball condenr
蛇管冷凝器Coil condenr
柱Column 蒸馏柱Distilling column
分馏柱Fractional column
离子交换柱Ion exchange column
层析柱Chromatography column
索氏提取器 Soxhlet extractor
接头Head 蒸馏头 Distilling head
克莱森蒸馏头Clain head, Clain adapter
接收管Adapter 真空尾管Vacuum adapter
大(小)变小(大)转换接头 Reduction/ expansion adapter
温度计套管Thermometer adapter
管子Tube 试管Test tube 试管夹test tube hold
离心管Centrifuge tube
干燥管Drying tube
毛细管Capillary tube
熔点管Melting point tube
玻璃管Glass tube
胶管、橡皮管Rubber tubing, rubber tube
瓶Bottle 滴瓶Dropping bottle
洗瓶Washing bottle
称量瓶Weighing bottle
洗气瓶Gas-washing bottle
广口瓶 wide-mouth bottle
干燥塔Dry tower 干燥器Desiccators, dryer, exsiccator
蒸发皿Evaporating dish 表面皿Watch glass
玻璃棒Glass rod 滴管Dropper
研钵Mortar 研杵Pestle
塞子Stopper 软木塞Cork 玻璃塞Glass stopper
胶塞Rubber stopper 活塞 Stopcock
坩埚Crucible 坩埚盖Crucible cover 坩埚钳Crucible tongs
石棉网Asbestos gauze 三脚架 tripod
铁架台 Iron stand 滴定架台burette stand 支架Support stand
滴定管 Burette, buret 弹簧节流夹 Pinch clamp 螺旋夹Screw clamp
持夹器 clamp hold
为啥买i3不i5托盘天平Counter balance 台秤Platform balance
分析天平Analytical balance 电子天平Electronic balance
砝码Balance weight
酒精灯 Alcohol burner
电热板 Electronic hot plate
电热套 Electronic mantle
加热套 Heating mantle
马沸炉 机要件Muffle furnace
管式炉 Tube furnace
恒温箱 Thermostat oven
真空干燥箱Vacuum drying oven
搅拌器Stirring 电磁搅拌器Magnetic stirring
机械搅拌器Mechanical stirring
搅拌棒Stirring rod 创业众筹平台
泵pump 水泵Water aspirator pump
真空泵vacuum pump
旋转蒸发仪 Rotary evaporator
滤纸 Filter paper 试纸 Test paper 石蕊试纸 litmus paper
PH 指示剂 PH indicator
试剂 reagent
注射器 Syringe
刮铲Spatula 药匙Spoon
标准磨口玻璃仪器 Standard ground glassware
实验台 bench
通风橱 Fume hood, fuming cupboard
比色皿 cuvette glass cuvette quartz cuvette
设备 apparatus
Note 1
1.Round-bottom flask for distillation, reflux; Three-neck flask for more complicated reaction t-up (two-neck flasks also available);
2. Erlenmeyer flask for titration, crystallization, preparation; Beaker for heating, mixing;
3. Addition funnel for adding liquids; Separatory funnel for extraction and reaction work-up;
4. Condenr for distillation, Air condenr for distillation with high boiling liquids
5. Still head for distillation;
6. Various adapters for distillation, vacuum distillation;
7. Drying tub for drying gas;
8. Suction flask (filter flask) for collecting the filtrate.
9. The rotary evaporator is ud for the removal of volatile solvent from solution, leaving behind the non-volatile component.
Note 2
1.All should be ud carefully, avoiding impact or breakage.
吉他独奏曲2.Don’t heat directly except beaker, flask and tube.
3.Erlenmeyer flask and flat- bottom flask cannot withstand reduced pressure and should not be ud in such system.
4.After cleaning up glassware containing a stopper, a small piece of paper must be put between the stopper and ground joint to avoid adhesion.
5.The glass of mercury bulb is thin and easy-to-break, thus should be ud with care, never ud it as a stirring rod, after u, cool it down, and rin it afterwards to keep it from cracking, The measurement of the thermometer doesn’t go beyond its graduated range.
6.When asmbling the apparatus follow the principle of “bottom-to-up, left-to-right”, step by step. When disasmbling, obrve the rule of ‘right-to-left, up-to-down”, one by one.
7.All experimental apparatus must be tight, right, tidy and safe. All ground-glass joint should be connected snugly