1、How to diagno nephrotic syndrome:
答:① confirm whether the patients are the nephrotic syndrome
② rule out the condary dias causing nephrotic syndrome
③ make sure the pathological type of the nephrotic syndrome by renal biopsy
④ asss the complication associated with nephrotic syndrome
2、What is white coat hypertension?
White coat hypertension refers to the situation in which a patient's blood pressure (BP) is elevated when measured by a physician or other health care personnel but normal when measured outside the health care tting. The syndrome is best diagnod by 24-hour ambulatory BP monitoring or home BP monitoring.
3、What are the major etiological factors of nutritional iron deficiency anemia?
① Stored iron deficiency at birth, ie: premature birth, Low birth weight, twins, etc.
② Inadequate diet. It is the most important etiological factor.
③ Rapidly growth, especially in infants and adolescents.
④ Malabsorption of iron.
⑤ Excessive loss of iron, ie: blood loss becau peptic ulcer dia, intravascular emolysis,etc.
4、Plea point out the five major manifestations in the Jones criteria for the diagnosis of rheumatic fever
①rheumatic carditis ② migratory polyarthritis ③ chorea ④ erythema annulare or erythema circinatum ⑤ subcutaneous nodules
5、male patient恋爱个性签名, 18 years old, student.. He had an acute ont of left chest pain and dyspnea during playing volleyball, which aggravated within 6 hours. physical findings: BP100/70mmHg, P108/min, R20/min, trachea shift to right side, left chest expansion, dec
read tactile fremitus, hyperresonance, diminished breath sounds. Cardiac borderline was not clear, low heart sound, regular rhythm, HR 108/min. Abdominal examination is negative. Questions: (1)Plea write out the most possible diagnosis; (2) which is the best examination method to diagno the young patient; (3) how to treat the patient? 染的成语>一键清理系统垃圾bat
answers:(1)Left-sided spontaneous pneumothorax)(2)chest X-ray examination
(3)thorax puncture exhaust。other therapies, such as oxygen supply
control or prevent lung infection by using antibiotics
6、Plea explain‘Nephrotic syndrome’in English
The nephrotic syndrome is a clinicopathological characterized by massive proteinuria, which leads to hypoproteinemia/hypoalbunemia, hyperlipidemia with elevated cholesterols, triglicerides and other lipids, and edema. The edema results not only from the hypoosmolar state caud by the loss of plasma proteins, but also from abnormal salt and water retention
7、Plea explain‘Complete remission (CR for ALL)’in English
All symptoms and signs of the dia (ALL) are gone. Criteria for CR are achievement after chemotherapy of a platelet count >100×109/L, a neutrophil count>1.5×109/L, no leukemic cell in the peripheral WBCs, a bone marrow that has <5% lymphoblasts plus prolymphocytes and no extramedullary leukemia is prent.
8、Plea explain‘Stierlin Sign’in English
Taking X-ray examination with barium enema in intestinal tuberculous patients ,becau of spasm and hypermotility from inflammation in the teminal ileum,rapid emptying of that gment may occur. We call this phenomenon as Stierlin Sign.
9、Plea explain‘Acute coronary syndromes’and describe its clinical classification in English
Acute coronary syndromes mark rapid progression in the verity of coronary artery obstruction generally caud by obstructing haemorrhage and intravascular thrombus w
hich derive from the rapture of unstable plaque. Acute coronary syndromes include sudden cardiac death, acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and unstable angina
毓婷的副作用10、Plea write out the clinic feature of a typical angina pectoris. (answer in English)
答:(1)Location:the superior or middle gment of sternum;Precordial region;left arm to be involved.
(2) Feature:compression and tightly clod nsation.
(3) Cau:physical work or agitative emotion
(4)Lasting time:about 3 to 5 minutes,be relead after having a rest or holding
11、Plea explain‘Acute coronary syndromes’and describe its clinical classification in English.
答:Acute coronary syndromes mark rapid progression in the verity of coronary artery obstruction generally caud by obstructing haemorrhage and intravascular thrombus whi
ch derive from the rapture of unstable plaque. Acute coronary syndromes include sudden cardiac death, acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and unstable angina.
12、Chronic bronchitis (answer in English)
商务合作意向书答: This dia is characterized by the symptoms such as cough,sputum or wheeze for at least 3 months of the year for more than 2 concutive years,without any indication of other lung and heart dias (such as tuberculosis,asthma,heart failure,etc.);If the patient had the symptoms less than 3 months every year,this dia is diagnod by some impersonal investigation including X-ray,and measarement of ventilatory function.