
更新时间:2023-05-16 16:15:34 阅读: 评论:0

7 Rules For Properly Interpreting Control Charts
By Mark Durivage, QualitySystems Compliance LLC
Control chartsbuild upon periodic inspections by plotting the process outputs and monitoringthe process for special cau variation or trends. Control charts aredecision-making tools that provide information for timely decisions concerningrecently produced products.'
Control chartscan be ud to identify sources of variation, both common and special cau.Common cau variation is the variation inherent in the process. Common cauvari
ation is also known as the noi of the process. A process with only commoncau variation is highly predictable. A process that has a significantinherent common cau variation may not be capable of producing products thatmeet predetermined specifications. Common cau variation is said to accountfor 80% of the variation in any process and is considered management’sresponsibility.
Special cau variationis variation that is not inherent to the process. A process with special cauvariation is highly unpredictable. Special cau variation is said to accountfor 20% of the variation in any process and is considered the worker’sresponsibility.
Control chartscontain a centerline — usually the mathematical average of the samples plotted— and upper and lower statistical control limits that define the constraints ofcommon cau variation and performance data plotted over time.
山药香菇汤There are twogeneral classifications of control charts: variables and attributes charts.Variables are things that can be measured. Attributes are things that can becounted. The type of data (variable or attribute) will dictate the appropriatetype of control chart required to monitor a process. Table 1 can be ud forcontrol chart lection.
Table 1: ControlChart Selection Guide
Selection of thecorrect type of control chart is important to ensure the underlying statisticalconcepts are appropriate for the feature or attribute being measured.
A process issaid to be in control when the control chart does not indicate anyout-of-control condition and contains only common caus of variation. If thecommon cau variation is small, then a control chart can be ud to monitorthe process. If the common cau variation is too large, the process will needto be modified or improved to reduce the amount of inherent variation to anacceptable level.
When a controlchart indicates an out-of-control condition (a point outside the control limitsor matching one or more of the criteria in the rules below), the assignablecaus of variation must be identified and eliminated.
The followingrules can be ud to properly interpret control charts:
Rule 1 – One point beyond the 3 σ control limit
规则1 ——任何1点超出3 σ控制限
Rule 2 – Eight or more points on one side of the    centerline without crossing
规则2 ——连续8点或以上在中心线同一侧
Rule 3 – Four out of five points in zone B or    beyond
规则3 ——连续5点中有4点在B区或B区以上
Rule 4 – Six points or more in a row steadily    increasing or decreasing
规则4 ——6个点或更多连续递增或递减
Rule 5 – Two out of three points in zone A车牌字母
规则5 ——连续3点有2点位于A区
Rule 6 – 14 points in a row alternating up and    down

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标签:控制   原因   过程   变异
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