International Regulation for Preventing Collision at Sea, 1972
(COLREG 72 )1972年国际海上避碰规则
Structure of COLREG 72
野荷塘视频 (章) (条) (附录)
38 Rules 4 Annex
Part A: General (总则) Part B: Steering and Sailing Rules (驾驶与航行规则) Part C: Lights and Shapes (号灯与号型) Part D: Sound and Lights Signals (灯光与声响信号) Part E: Exemptions (豁免)
PART A ***** 第一章 总 则 (Three Rules Rule 1-3) (共有三条规则 第1-3条)RULE1: Application 第一条:适用范围 RULE2: Responsibilities 第二条:责任 RULE3: General Definitions 第三条:一般定义
PART B - *****G AND ***** RULES 第二章 驾驶与航行规则***** 1: 第一节 任何能见度情况下的行动
Conduct of Vesls in any Condition of Visibility***** II: 第二节 船舶在互见中的行动 Conduct of Vesls in Sight of One Another ***** III: 第三节 能见度不良时的行动 Conduct of Vesls in Restricted Visibility
经济观念 海事大学教学
***** I - Conduct of Vesls in any Condition of Visibility 第一节 船舶在任何能见度情况下的行动Rule 4 : Application 适用范围 Rule 5 : Look-out 了望 Rule 6 : Safe Speed 安全航速. Rule 7 : Risk of Collision 碰撞危险. Rule 8 : Action to avoid Collision 避免碰撞的行动. Rule 9 : Narrow Channels 狭水道 Rule 10 : Traffic Separation Schemes 分道通航制.
***** II - Conduct of Vesls in Sight of One Another第二节 船舶在互见中的行动Rule 11 : Application 适用范围 Rule 12 : Sailing Vesls 帆船 Rule 13 : Overtaking 追越 Rule 14 : Head-on Situation 对遇局面Rule 15 : Crossing Situation 交叉局面 Rule 16 : Action by Give-way Vesl 让路船的行动 Rule 17 : Action by Stand-on Vesl 直航船的行动 Rule 18 : Responsibilities between Vesls
***** III - Conduct of Vesls in Restricted Visibility 第三节 能见度不良时的行动Rule 19 : Conduct of Vesls in
Restricted Visibility.船舶在能见度不良时的行动精美手机壁纸大全
进口信贷 海事大学教学
反义词大全 PART C - LIGHTS AND *****ule 20 : Application 适用范围 Rule 21 : Definitions 定义 Rule 22 : Visibility of Lights 号灯可见距离 Rule 23 : Power-driven Vesls underway 在航机动船 Rule 24 : Towing and Pushing.拖带和顶推 Rule 25 : Sailing Vesls underway and Vesls under Oars.在航帆船和划桨船
Rule 26 : Fishing Vesls 渔船 Rule 27 : Vesls not under Command or Restricted in their Ability to Manoeuvre 失控船和操纵能力受到限制的船 Rule 28 : Vesls constrained by their Draught 限于吃水的船舶 Rule 29 : Pilot Vesls. 引航船 Rule 30 : Anchored Vesls and Vesls aground 锚泊船和搁浅船 Rule 31 : Seaplanes 水上飞机
PART D : Sound and Light SignalsRule 32: Definitions 定义 Rule 33: Equipment for Sound Signals声响设备 Rule 34 : Manoeuvring and Warning Signals 操纵与警告信号 Rule 35 : Sound Signals in Restricted Visibili雄伟壮丽
ty 能见度不良时的声响信号 Rule 36 : Signals to Attract Attention招引注意的信号 Rule 37 : Distress Signals 遇险信号
PART E: *****ONS
贺的组词是什么 Rule 38 Exemptions
Rule1 Application( Including Five Items)
( 共有5 款)
Applied vesls and waters 适用的船舶与水域(a)The rules shall apply to all vesls upon the high as and in all waters connected therewith navigable by agoing vesls. (本规则适用于在公海和连接公海而 可供海船航行的一切水域中的一切 船舶)
Special rules made by authority主管机构指定的特殊规则(b) Nothing in the Rules shall interfere with the operation of special rules made by an appropriate authority for roadsteads, harbour, river, lakes and inland waterways connected with the high as and navigable by agoing vesl. Such special rules shall conform as cloly as possible to the Rules. 本规则各条,不妨碍有关主管机关为连接公海而可供海船航行的 一切水域的任何港外锚地、港口、江河、湖泊及内 陆水道制定的特殊规定的实施。这些特殊规定,应
Special rules made by Government政府指定的特殊规则(c) Nothing in the Rules shall interfere with the operation of special rules made by the with respect to additional station or signal lights, shapes or whistle signals for ships of war and vesls proceeding under convoy, or with respect with to additional station or signal lights, shapes for fishing vesls engaged in fishing as a fleet. The additional station or signal lights, shapes or whistle signals shall, as far as possible, be such that they cannot be mistaken for any light, shape or signal authorized elwhere under the Rules.
本规则各条,不妨碍各国政府为军 舰及护航下的船舶所制定的关于额外的 队形灯、信号灯、号型或笛号、或者为 结对从事捕鱼的渔船所制定的关于额外 的队形灯、信号灯或号型的任何特殊规 定的实施。这些额外的队形灯、信号灯、 号型及号笛,尽可能不致被误认为本规 则其他条文所规定的任何号灯、号型或 信号。
TSS Adopted by IMO IMO 采纳的TSS(d) Traffic Separation Schemes may be adopted by the Organization for the purpo of the Rules. (为了实施本规则,本组织可以采 纳分道通航制)