Non-conformity Number 不符合项编号 | Number 编号 | 1 | of | 14 | Classification 类别 | Major 严重 Minor轻微 |
Process过程 | M4 内部审核 | IATF Clau IATF条款 | | |||
QMS Document reference QMS 参考文件 | IP-0313 | Document issue 文件版本 夹竹桃课文 | A1 | |||
Statement of nonconformity 不符合项陈述 | 产品审核未有完全有效实施 泰罗制 | |||||
CSR or IATF Requirement CSR 或IATF要求 | Product audit The organization shall audit products using customer-specific required approaches at appropriate stages of production and delivery to verify conformity to specified requirements. Where not defined by the customer, the organization shall define the approach to be ud. | |||||
Objective Evidence 客观证据 | 最近一次对顾客xx的产品审核,其产品Φ12.7×1.2×5150对应的顾客订购单要求产品满足<xx环保标准>,顾客特殊要求<品质协议书>4.6环保要求也有规定,其产品审核对此要求未有进行验证。 | |||||
Justify classification minor or major 严重或轻微分类的理由 | ||||||
Auditor raising NC 提出不符合项的审核员: | ||||||
特殊情况处理 |
Containment/Corrections within 15 days: 15天内的遏制/纠正 | 1、查此批材料已全部发货至xx顾客,品质客诉专员2018年3月31号通过电话与xx顾客品质部李x沟通,顾客回复进料检验和生产使用均无异常,环保检测也无异常。 2、将顾客的环保要求加入到《产品质量审核检验计划表》并于2018年4月3日进行审核。经对2017年6月15日材料的ROHS测试报告(报告#KA/2017/60849)比对,结果显示符合xx环保标准。(见附件:表单编号FM-351《产品质量审核检验计划表》、编号KA/2017/60849 RoHS报告) |
Root cau including methodology ud, analysis, and results: 职业价值观分析根本原因分析包括使用的方法,分析和结果 | 1、为什么xx产品审核未进行产品环保要求的验证? 因为:《产品质量审核检验计划表》没有列出客户对环保的要求。 2、为什么《产品质量审核检验计划表》没有列出客户对环保的要求? 因为:因为策划人员对客户的要求识别不全。 3、为什么策划人员对客户的要求识别不全? 因为:IP-0313《内部审核作业程序》文件对产品审核准则不完善。(文件条款:6.3.4产品审核内容为产品尺寸、功能、包装和标签,以产品图纸、工艺规程、作业指导书所规定的内容为准)未对环保要求进行要求。 根本原因:产品审核依据准则不完善。 |
implemented systemic corrective actions to eliminate each nonconformity, including consideration of the impact to other similar process and products: 已实施的为消除每个不符合项所采取的系统性的纠正措施,包 括考虑了对其他类似过程和产品的影响 | 1.修改IP-0313《内部审核作业程序》文件,增加4.4产品审核准则:产品审核项目须依据客户品质协议书、交易合同、客户订单、产品图纸、客户环保标准等要求为准则,产品审核时依据审核准则制定产品审核计划表,进行审核验证,并于2018年04月08日发行执行。见附件修改后的IP-0313赞美明月的诗句《内部审核作业程序》 2.2018年04月10日依据新发行《内部审核作业程序》重新对xx、xx共4家汽车客户产品审核补充环保要求审核 ,审核验证全部共4家汽车客户均符合客户要求--见附件《产品审核检验报告》。 |
verification of effectiveness of implemented corrective actions 对纠正措施有效性的验证 | 纠正及遏制: 1.已将顾客的环保要求加入到《产品质量审核检验计划表》,并于2018年4月10日进行审核。经对报告日期为2017年6月15日材料的ROHS测试报告(报告#KA/2017/60849)比对,结果显示符合彩虹环保标准。 纠正措施: 1.2018年04月08日修改后IP-0313《内部审核作业程序》已发行,版本由A1变更为A2,4.4产品审核准则:产品审核项目须依据客户品质协议书、交易合同、客户订单、产品图纸、客户环保标准等要求为准则,产品审核时依据审核准则制定产品审核计划表,进行审核验证。--见附件修改后的IP-0313《内部审核作业程序》 2. 查编号FM-405《产品审核检验报告》xx、盛x、伟x业、x兴产品审核检验报告中有列入环保要求项目进行审核,审核结果为合格,符合客户要求 |
To be completed by SGS Auditor 由SGS审核员完成 | |
Conclusion Acceptable 结论可以接收 | Yes是 / No否 / 100% resolved with on site special audit required 100% 解决安排一个特殊审核 |
Objective evidence reviewed by SGS Auditor: SGS审核员评审的客观证据 | |
For Major non-conformities client corrections (containment) 对于严重不符合项,顾客纠正(遏制措施) | |
In exceptional ca(s) when nonconformity is open but 100% resolved explain justification, action plan completion dates特殊情况下,不符合项处于开放但100%解决时,解释理由,措施计划的完成日期。 | |
Agree follow-up audit date on site prior to the next visit by SGS Auditor SGS审核员同意的在下次审核前的现场验证审核日期 | Auditor must confirm date for the next special audit and this entered here for scheduling in Certnet 审核员必须确认下一次特殊审核日期,把该日期输入这里以便于Cernet计划员输入。 |
Evidences checked at the additional on site audit to clo NCs previously considered 100% resolved 额外的现场审核确认的证据以关闭上次认为的100% 解决的不符合项 | This ction to be left blank if there were no NCs considered 100% resolved Auditor must record objective evidence checked, not just reference 8D or e action plan e.g. ID number, issue date, revision number, to evidences, action plans, documents and records reviewed 如果没有不符合项为100% 解决,本栏目可以留白。审核员必须记录评审过的客观证据,不能仅参考8D或看行动计划。例如:评审过的证据,行动计划,文件和记录的ID编号,发行日,版本号, |
Non-conformity Number 不符合项编号 | Number 编号 | 2 | of | 14 | Classification 类别 | Major 严重 360dns Minor轻微 |
Process过程 描写心情好的句子 | M1公司环境 | IATF Clau IATF条款 | 4.3.2; | |||
QMS Document reference QMS 参考文件 | IG | Document issue 文件版本 | D/1 | |||
Statement of nonconformity 不符合项陈述 | 顾客特殊要求未有充分识别 | |||||
CSR orIATF Requirement 摩羯座幸运石CSR 或IATF要求 | 4.3.2 Customer-specific requirements Customer-specific requirements shall be evaluated and included in the scope of the organization’s quality management system. Quality management system documentation The organization’s quality management system shall be documented and include a quality manual, which can be a ries of documents (electronic or hard copy). The format and structure of the quality manual is at the discretion of the organization and will depend on the organization’s size, culture, and complexity. If a ries of documents is ud, then a list shall be retained of the documents that compri the quality manual for the organization. The quality manual shall include, at a minimum, the following: a) the scope of the quality management system, including details of and justification for any exclusions; b) documented process established for the quality management system, or reference to them; c) the organization’s process and their quence and interactions (inputs and outputs), including type and extent of control of any outsourced process; d) a document (i.e., matrix) indicating where within the organization’s quality management system their customer-specific requirements are addresd. NOTE A matrix of how the requirements of this Automotive QMS standard are addresd by the organization’s process may be ud to assist with linkages of the organization’s process and this Automotive QMS. | |||||
Objective Evidence 客观证据 | 对xx《品质协议书》,其识别为顾客特殊要求,但此协议条款4.4 4M变更、4.5 初物品管理要求、4.6环保的内容未有体现在《顾客特殊要求清单》、《顾客特殊要求矩阵》中。 | |||||
Justify classification minor or major 严重或轻微分类的理由 | ||||||
Auditor raising NC 提出不符合项的审核员: | ||||||
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