complex number 复数 | zero; naught;0 零 |
real number 实数 | imaginary number 虚数 |
relational number 有理数 | irrational number 无理数 |
integer number 整数 | positive integer number 正整数 |
natural number 自然数 | negative integer number 负整数 |
fraction 分数 | decimal 小数 |
odd number 奇数 | even number 偶数 |
cardinal number 基数 | ordinal number 序数 |
approximate number 近似数 | significant number 有效数 |
addition 加法 | subtraction 减法 |
addend 加数 | subtrahend 减数 |
augend 被加数 | minuend 被减数 |
plus sign 加号 | minus sign 减号 |
sum 和 | difference(diffa)差 |
plus; add; and; increa 加 | minus; subtract; decrea 减 |
is; equal 等 | division 除法 |
multiplication 乘法 | divide 除 |
multiply; multiplied by; times 乘 | divisor 除数 |
multiplier 乘数 | dividend 被除数 |
multiplicand 被乘数 | quotient 商 |
product 积 | remainder 余数 | 荷兰豆炒腊肉
positive 正 | negative 负 |
numerator 分子 | denominator 分母 |
decimal point 小数点 | naught point four 零点四 |
fraction stroke 分数线 | recurring decimal 循环小数 |
percent 百分比 | permill 千分比 |
average 平均数 | round off 舍入 |
discount 折扣 | interest 利息 |
power 幂; 乘方 | 八字五行属性root-extracting 开方 | |
exponent 指数 | logarithms 对数 | |
X squared 某数的平方 | cube 三次方 | |
three cubed 三次方的 | four 乘四次方 群起效尤 | |
cube root 立方根 | square root 平方根 | |
to ri to the power of five 使乘五次方 | radical sign根号 | |
algebra 代数 | equation 等式; 方程式 |
inequality 不等式 | unknown number 未知数 |
absolute value绝对值 | simple equation 一次方程 |
quadratic equation 二次方程 | cubic equation 三次方程 |
monomial 单项式 | polynomial 多项式 |
variable 变量 | coefficient 系数 |
differential 微分 | integral 积分 |
derivative 导数 | function 函数 |
ratio 比 | proportion 比例 |
sign of equality等号 | sign of inequality不等号 |
interval 区间 | matrix 矩阵 |
theorem 定理 | lemma 引理 |
definition 定义 | |
数值 1/2 | a half; one half | |
l/3 | a third; one third | |
2/3 | two thirds | |
1/4 | a quarter; one quarter; a fourth; one fourth | |
l/100 | a(one) hundredth | |
l/1,000 | a(one) thousandth | |
113/324 | one hundred and thirteen over three hundred and twenty-four | |
four and two-thirds | ||
forty-five and eighty-nine over twenty-three | ||
0.1 | one tenth; point one | |
0.01 | one hundredth; point zero one | |
0.001 | one thousandth; point zero zero one; point two zero one | |
2050.0357 | two thousand and fifty point zero three five ven | |
0.25 | zero point two five | |
point two five repetend five | ||
zero point two five recurring | ||
zero point three ven twenty-five recurring | ||
对483579四舍五入到千位 | round off 483579 to nearest thousand甜甜的味道 | |
108 | one followed by eighteen zeros | |
-30.8 | negative thirty point eight | |
2-3i | two minus three i; two minus three times i | |
2% | two per cent; two percent | |
5‰ | five per mill; five permill | |
∞ | infinity | |
实数 x+y=z | x plus y is z; add x to y is z; x and y is z | |
(x+y) | bracket x plus y bracket clod | |
x-y | x minus y; subtract y from x; y from x; x subtracts y | |
x±y | x plus or minus y | |
x×y; xy | xy; multiply x by y; x multiplied by y; x by y; x times y; | |
x÷y | divide x by y; y into x | |
x over y | ||
x : y | the ration of x to y | |
x∝y | x varies as y; x is in direct proportion to y | |
x=y | x equals y; x is equal to y; x is y | |
x≠y | x is not equal to y; x is not y | |
x≡y | x is identical to y; x is equivalent to y; x is equivalent to y; | |
x≈y | x is approximately equal to y; x approximately equals y | |
x>y | x is greater than y; x is more than y | |
x>>y | x is much greater than y; x is far greater than y | |
伛偻读音x≥y | x is greater than or equal to y | |
x<y | x is less than y | |
x<<y | x is much less than y | |
x≤y | 优美比喻句x is less than or equal to y | |
0<x<1 | zero is less than x is less than 1; x is greater than zero and less than 1 | |
0≤x≤1 | zero is less than or equal to x is less than or equal to 1 | |
x2 | x square; x squared; the square of x; the cond power of x; x to cond power | |
x3 | x cube; x cubed; the cube of x; the third power of x; x to the third power | |
xn | the nth power of x; x to the nth power; x to the power n | |
the square root of x; x squared | ||
the cube root of x | ||
the nth root of x | ||
x-n | x to the (power) minus n | |
(x+y)2 | x plus y all squared | |
x over y all squared | ||
x i | x i; x sub i;x subscript i; x suffix i | |
函数 lognx | log x to the ba n; log of x to the ba n | |
log10x | log x to ba 10; common logarithm | |
logex; lnx | log x to the ba e; log to the ba e of y; natural log (of) y | |
ex; exp(x) | exponential function of x, e to the power x | |
the summation of x sub i, where i goes from 1 to n; the sum from i equals one to n x i; the sum as i runs from one to n of the x i | ||
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