Unit 1
The structural view(概念) 结构主义 p.3 考点:掌握三者的概念及区别
The structural view es language as a linguistic system made up of various subsystems.
The system of language = the system of sounds + the system of 二年级上册语文教学工作总结words + the system of grammar
The functional view 功能主义语言学习理论
The functional view es language as a linguistic system and as a means for doing things.
The interactional view 交互语言理论
The interactional view es language as a communicative tool (to build up and maintain relations between people).
The interactional view es language primarily as means for establishing and maintaining interpersonal relationships and for performing transactions between individuals.
The target of language learning is learning to initiate and maintain conversation with other people
美术课堂Two things are needed for communication
2.Rules of language form (grammar & vocabulary)
3.Rules of language u in a context (Is it appropriate to u this language item in this context?)
Acquisition-learning Hypothesis 习得—学习假说
Acquisition: an unconscious process that involves the naturalistic development of language proficiency through understanding language and through using language for meaningful communication.
Learning: a process in which conscious rules about a language are developed. It results
in explicit knowledge about the forms of a language and the ability to verbalize this knowledge.
The monitor Hypothesis 监察假说
On some occasions learners make a particular effort with their when they are writing sth. formal, talking to someone important, etc.). They monitor their own speech---checking it carefully before they produce it.
Natural Order Hypothesis自然顺序假说: The acquisition of grammatical structures proceeds in a predictable order.
The Input Hypothesis输入假说: We acquire (not learn) language by understanding input that is a little beyond our current level of competence.
The affective filter hypothesis情感过滤假说
Affect is regarded as a “filter”.
迫不及待的反义词The learner’s emotional state or attitudes are en as an adjustable filter that freely pass, impedes, or blocks input necessary to acquisition.
filter(motivation, lf-confidence, anxiety)
Input ….. . Language acquired competence
Unit 2
Communicative Language Teaching 掌握目标
The goal of CLT is to develop students’ communicative competence , which includes both the knowledge about the language and the knowledge about how to u the language appropriately in communicative situations(knowledge of what to say, when, how, where,and to whom).
Five main components of communicative competence
Linguistic competence:knowledge of the language itlf, its form and meaning (spelling, pronunciation,vocabulary,word formation,grammatical structure, ntence structure, mantics)语言能力
Pragmatic competence: the appropriate u of the language in social context(the choice of the vocabulary and structure depends on the tting , the relative status of the speakers and their relationships.)四大碑林语用能力
Discour competence: one’s ability to create coherent written text or conversation and the ability to understand them.(to express or to understand a topic logically and coherently by effectively employing or comprehending the cohesive markers ud in the discour)语篇能力
Strategic competence: one’s ability to compensate for the communication breakdown due to lack of resources by arching for other means of expression, such as using a similar phra, using gestures, or using a longer explanation. 策略能力
Fluency: one’s ability to link units of speech together with facility and without strain or inappropriate slowness or undue hesitation
Principles of CLT 流利度
考点:三者的概念Pragmatic competence;Discour competence;Strategic competence;记住五个名词
Principles of CLT
Communication principle: activities that involve real communication promote learning
传统建筑Task principle: activities in which language is ud for carrying out meaningful tasks promote learning
Meaningfulness principle: language that is meaningful to the learner supports the learning process
Six criteria for evaluating communicative classroom activities P24
1.Communicative purpo
2.Communicative desire
3.Content, not form
4.Variety of language
抗疫征文5.No teacher intervention
6.No materials control
考点:简答题,这个活动是不是communicative 首先列出标准,评价符合哪些标准,最后判断是与否
春风行动Unit 3
● New National English Curriculum in 2001 了解 新版教学大纲