外文翻译原文 Operation ability analysis Material Source: China's curities nets 05/17/2020 Author:Techever Operation ability fully utilize existing resources to create social wealth ability, can be ud to evaluate the enterpri to its own resources utilization and operating activities ability. Its esnce is to as few as possible resources occupation short turnover time, produce as many products, create as many sales revenue, and to achieve this goal, we must improve enterpri's operation ability level. Operation ability is the asts of the enterpri turnaround to measure the efficiency of the utilization of asts enterpris. The index reflects asts turnover rate have inventory turnover, liquid asts turnover rate, total ast turnover. The faster turnaround speed, it shows that the enterpri of asts into business links, forming the faster the cycle of revenue and profit more short, business efficiency is higher. Operation ability refers to the enterpri ast turnover operation ability, usually can u total ast turnover, fixed
小说故事ast turnover, flow ast turnover, inventory turnover and accounts receivable turnover the five financial ratios to enterpris' operating capacity for layered analysis. Operation ability analysis can help investors understand enterpri business conditions and operating management level. With our su ning electric equipment (BBS) (market, for example, 002024) to introduce how to enterpri's inve芬芳扑鼻>鸡属相
stors operating capability analysis. Total ast turnover is to show enterpri sales income and total asts of the ratio of average balance. Suning 2020 sales revenue for 91.1 billion yuan, average total asts of 14 million yuan; 2020 sales income incread to 160.4 billion yuan, the average total asts is incread by 2.3 times, reached 31.9 million yuan. Due to the growing rate of total asts than the sales income increa, total ast turnover down to 5 by lead. The rate of decline in 2020 with suning opened the new mass are directly related. In order to complete the “national cloth nets“ thestrategic pattern, suning in 2020 at 65, a new store new landed 20 cities, and the original logistics, rvice system of radiation radius is limited, so su ning to makes lots of management platform, in order to support the construction of the urban
翻译2>oppo系统更新construction in the same after other stores of logistics and management. This makes su ning expansion strategy initial cost of relatively high. Current asts turnover is enterpri's sales income and liquidity ratio of average balance. Through this ratio analysis, we can further understanding of enterpri in the short term operation ability changes. From statements that su ning 2020 sales income nearly 1.6 billion yuan, growth rate, while the average flow rate reached more than doubled asts. The liquidity didn't bring the same margin large increa of sales income growth, so current asts turnover in 2020 7.36 dropped by the 2020 5.61, explain the efficiency in t
he u of su ning liquid asts declined. Fixed ast turnover is mainly ud for analysis of fixed asts such as factory buildings, equipment, the ratio of the utilization efficiency of the higher and higher, explain utilization, management level, the better. If the fixed ast turnover compared with industry average low, then explaining enterpri of fixed asts utilization is low, might affect the enterpri profitability. It reflects enterpri ast utilization degree. Fixed ast turnover ratio = sales revenue/average net value of fixed asts The average net value of fixed asts = (initial
equity + final equity) voting 2 Enterpri inside certain period advocate business wu income with average net current asts ratio of total ast utilization, is apprai enterpri another important indexes. It reflects the enterpri liquid asts turnover rate from enterpri all asts, liquidity of the strongest in current asts Angle of enterpri asts utilization efficiency, in order to further analyze the quality of enterpri asts reveals acoustics major factor. Current asts turnover means certain period for a year) (usually the main business income and total migrant asts ratio of the average balance.therefore, can through to inventory turnover and accounts receivable further analysis of flow ast turnover ratio changes. Suning in stock sales primarily, therefore, accounts receivable accounted for only the liquidity, and inventory 50% 4.75%. Inventory turnover refers to enterpris and inventory cost of sales average balance ratio. For real estate industry inventory turn
over is a very key indicators, real estate industry is very special. Usually, inventory turnover is the sooner the better, and real estate industry inventory quantity bigger, the slower the turnover that the strength of the company is the more abundant. Other industry'
粽子图片卡通s inventory turnover for six or ven times a year of general level, in contrast, in the real estate industry a year about a cond, if in six or ven times a year inventory turnover for real estate industry as the company is tiny companies, with a powerful real estate stocks, inventory turnover are very low, becau must keep a lot of land rerves, land rerve is his inventory, the hous built yet form sales belong to asts range, depend on the achieve sales.Inventory turnover condition can also be expresd with inventory, namely said days once inventory turnover the time required that the shorter days, the faster inventory turnover. Suning 15.05 inventory turnover in 2020 for 2020, this ratio dropped to 10.33. Accordingly, inventory turnover days from 24 days extended to 35 days. Inventory liquidation speed decread obviously, explain suning sales ability may exist problems down or inventory excess. Accounts receivable turnover refers to the enterpri certain period income and accounts receivable credit average balance ratio. It reflects the company obtained the account receivable from the right to withdraw money, can be converted into cash needed the length of time. Accounts receivable turnover can be ud to estimate the accounts receivable converted