国企银行1、 Purpo of new employee orientation:入职培训目的
To reduce startup-costs, anxiety and turnover; to save time for supervisors & co-workers; to develop realistic job expectations, positive attitudes and job satisfaction.
2、 Trainee 培训对象
All new employees should take part in orientation.
3、 Orientation contents培训内容
New employee orientation includes two parts. The 1st part is Overview Orientation which includes SBL introduction, Employee Handbook, corporate culture, important policies and general procedures (non-job specific), EHS knowledge and requirements, basic business et
iquette. The 2nd part is department-specific orientation which includes introducing the function of the team, and how the employee fits in; job responsibilities, expectations and duties; job specific policies, procedures, rules and regulations; layout of workplace; introduction to co-workers and welcome.
入职培训包括两部分。第一部分是集中培训,内容包括公司介绍、员工手册、企业文化、重要的政策规定(非部门业务性的)、EHS知识与要求、 基本商务礼仪。第二部分是部门培训,内容包括所在团队职能与该职员的角色、岗位职责与工作要求、与岗位工作相关的规章与流程、工作场所情况、介绍给同事并表示欢迎。
4、 Training responsibility培训责任
Overview Orientation should be made before joining the company unless specially approved by both the line manager and HR & Adimin manager, and spend 2 to 4 hours. Department-specific orientation should be made within 2 weeks of join date.金麒麟花>为什么总是流鼻血
5、 Training ways培训方式
Overview Orientation will be conducted by HR Department; appropriate line manager /supervisor will conduct department –specific Orientation.做合格党员
6、 Training ways 培训方式
Overview Orientation will be achieved by classroom lessons, or watching orientation Video plus short discuss .For assistant manager or above level, and other special cas, lf-studying Overview Orientation Teaching Material is acceptable.
Department-special Orientation will be achieved by showing them the workshop, introducing them to others, explaining job related knowledge and related policy and procedures.
7、 Orientation examine培训考核
Overview Orientation will be examined by written tests.
Department-specific Orientation will be examined through filling Department-special Orientation Checklist by the immediate supervisor, and /or manager.