哦 你好啊 | Oh, hello. |
你没事吧 | Are you all right? |
怎么了 小朋友? 迷路了吗? | What is it, dear? Are you lost? |
本字幕仅供学习交流,严禁用于商业用途 破烂熊字幕组 - 翻译:人鱼心台大叉 tpring lovekeico校对:tpring 鸣谢:破烂熊英剧小分队内测 时间轴:Dot_Kuma Liahy 绿 石头君 特效:烟雨訾洲 | |
巴斯克维尔的猎犬 | The Hounds of Baskerville |
唉 没劲透了 | Well, that was tedious. |
你就这德性坐地铁回来的? | You went on the tube like that? |
所有出租车司机都拒载 | None of the cabs would take me. |
没事发生? | Nothing? |
乌干达兵变 嗯 | Military coup in Uganda. Hm. |
又有张你戴着那个… 别提了 | Another photo of you with Oh! |
好吧 内阁重组? | Well, um, Cabinet reshuffle? |
就没有重要的事吗? | Nothing of importance? |
天哪我要疯了 | Oh, God! |
约翰 我需要 给我一点 | John, I need some. Get me some. |
不干 快给我一点 | No. Get me some. |
不行 说好突然戒断的 绝不妥协 | No. Cold turkey we agreed, no matter what. |
别忘了是你付钱收买他们的 | Anyway, you've paid everyone off, remember? |
方圆两英里内 都不会有人卖给你了 | No-one within a two-mile radius will ll you any. |
愚蠢的主意 谁出的来着? | Stupid idea. Who idea was that? |
赫德森太太 | Mrs Hudson! |
听着 夏洛克 你都忍到现在了 | Look, Sherlock, you're doing really well, |
这会儿放弃多不值得 | don't give up now! |
告诉我在哪儿 | Tell me where they are! |
求你告诉我 | Plea, tell me. |
求你了 | Plea. |
抱歉我帮不了你咯 | Can't help, sorry. |
我告诉你下周彩票中奖号 | I'll let you know next week's lottery numbers. |
试试也好死心 | It was worth a try. |
好哟 | Yoo-hoo. |
我的秘密存货 你把我的秘密存货藏哪了? | My cret supply, what have you done with my cret supply? |
啊? 烟 你都拿到哪去了? | Eh? Cigarettes, what have you done with them? |
你从不许我动你东西的 | You never let me touch your things! |
越找就越找不到哦 | Oh, chance would be a fine thing. |
我以为你不是我管家呢 | I thought you weren't my houkeeper. |
我确实不是呀 嗷 | I'm not. Argh! |
喝杯茶如何? 先把鱼叉放起来 | How about a nice cuppa and perhaps you could put away your harpoon? |
我需要比茶刺激性强7%的东西 | I need something stronger than tea. Seven percent stronger. |
你又去过查特吉先生那儿了 | You've been to e Mr Chatterjee again. |
你说啥? 三明治店 | Pardon? Sandwich shop. |
新衣服 但袖口有面粉 | That's a new dress, but there's flour on the sleeve. |
你烤东西不会穿这么好 | You wouldn't dress like that for baking. |
夏洛克… 大拇指甲里有箔粉痕迹 | Thumbnail. Tiny traces of foil. |
又去刮卡了 后面结果不用说了吧 | Been at the scratch cards again. We all know where that leads. |
"卡斯巴之夜" | Kasbah Nights. |
周一早上用这个太挑逗了吧 | Racy for a Monday morning, |
你觉得呢? | wouldn't you agree? |
我在博客上写了一篇关于辨别香水的文章 | I wrote a blog on the identification of perfumes on the website. |
你该去读一读 | You should look it up! |
行了 | Plea! |
别幻想和查特吉先生去乘游轮了 | Don't pin your hopes on that crui with Mr Chatterjee, |
没人知道他在唐克斯特有个老婆 | he's got a wife in Duncaster nobody knows about. |
夏洛克 当然了 除了我之外 | Sherlock! Well, nobody except me. |
我真的不知道你在说什么 | I don't know what you're talking about, I really don't! |
你刚才那是要干嘛? | What the bloody hell was all that about? |
你不了解 | You don't understand. |
快去跟她道歉 | Go after her and apologi. |
道歉? 没错 | Apologi? Hmm. |
哦 约翰 我太妒忌你了 | Oh, John, I envy you so much. |
你妒忌我? | You envy me? |
你的头脑多么平静 直接 几乎不转 | Your mind, it's so placid, straight-forward, barely ud. |
而我的就像台转速过快的引擎 | Mine's like an engine, racing out of control. |
像被困在发射台上 快炸成碎片的火箭 | A rocket, tearing itlf to pieces, trapped on the launch pad. |
我需要案子 | I need a ca! |
你不是刚破了一起吗 | You've just solved one, |
显然通过用鱼叉戳死猪 | by harpooning a dead pig, apparently! |
那是今天早上了 | Oh, that was this morning. |
下一个什么时候才有? | When's the next one? |
网站上没消息吗? | Nothing on the website? |
"亲爱的夏洛克·福尔摩斯先生" | "Dear Mr Sherlock Holmes. |
"我找不到蓝铃花了" | I can't find Bluebell anywhere. |
"求你啦 能帮帮我吗?" | "Plea, plea, plea can you help?" |
蓝铃花? | Bluebell? |
一只兔子 约翰 | A rabbit, John! |
哦 还没完呢 | Oh. Ah, but there's more. |
蓝铃花消失前 突然发起光来 | Before Bluebell disappeared, it turned luminous. |
"像小精灵一样"科斯蒂小朋友写道 | "Like a fairy," according to little Kirsty. |
第二天早上 蓝铃花就不见了 | Then the next morning, Bluebell was gone. |
笼子锁着 没有强行闯入的痕迹 | Hutch still locked, no sign of a forced entry. |
我在说什么 这案子太好了 | What am I saying, this is brilliant! |
打电话给雷斯垂德 | Phone Lestrade. |
告诉他有只兔子逃跑了 | Tell him there's an escaped rabbit. |
你开玩笑呢吧? | Are you rious? |
不照办就玩"妙探寻凶" | It's this or Cluedo. |
不干 再也不跟你玩那个了 怎么? | Ah, no. We are never playing that again. Why not? |
不可能是受害人干的 夏洛克 | It's not possible for the victim to have done it.Sherlock,that's why. |
这是唯一可行的解释啊 | It was the only possible solution. |
规则里没写 | It's not in the rules. |
那就是规则写错了 | Well, then, the rules are wrong! |
只响了一下 | A single ring. |
用力一按到底 只响了半秒 | Maximum pressure, just under the half cond. |
委托人 | Client! |
达特沼地 一直流传各种神话传说 | Dartmoor, it's always been a place of myth and legend, |
但是否真有什么潜伏着呢? | but is there something el lurking out here? |
非常真实的东西 | Something very real. |
达特沼地也是 | Dartmoor is also |
政府最神秘机构的所在地 | home to one the government's most cret of operations, |
生化武器研究中心 | the chemical and biological weapons rearch centre, |
是比波登当(国防科技实验室)还敏感的名词 | which is said to be even more nsitive than Porton Down. |
二战结束后 | Since the end of the Second World War, |
坊间一直流传着巴斯克维尔实验的传言 | there have been persistent stories about the Baskerville experiments. |
基因突变的 为战场培育的动物 | Genetic mutations, animals grown for the battlefield. |
很多人相信 在这排围栏里 | There are many who believe that within this compound, |
在这片古老的荒野中 | in the heart of this ancient wildness, |
有难以想象的恐怖事件发生 | there are horrors beyond imagining. |
但更重要的问题是 | But the real question is, |
是否有些已踏入外面的世界? | are all of them still inside?' |
我那时还只是个孩子 | I was just a kid. |
就发生在沼地上 | It was on the moor. |
天很黑 但我知道看见了什么 | It was dark, but I know what I saw. |
我知道是什么杀了我父亲 | I know what killed my father. |
你看见了什么? | What did you e? |
我后面正要说呢 | Oh, I was just about to say. |
嗯 那是电视采访 我喜欢听未剪辑版 | Yes, in a TV interview. I prefer to do my own editing. |
对哦 抱歉 行啊那好吧 | Yes. Sorry, yes, of cour. |
对不起 | Excu me. |
不着急 | In your own time. |
但还是快点 | But quite quickly. |
您知道达特沼地吗 福尔摩斯先生? | Do you know Dartmoor, Mr Holmes? |
不知道 | No. |
美丽的地方 独一无二 | It's an amazing place, it's like nowhere el, |
有些荒凉 但是很美 | it's sort of bleak, but beautiful. |
不感兴趣 继续 | Hm, not interested. Moving on. |
母亲去世之后 我和父亲经常去散步 | We ud to go for walks, after my mum died, my dad and me. |
每天晚上 走去沼地 | Every evening, we'd go out onto the moor. |
好吧 快进到你父亲被残杀那天晚上 | Good. Skipping to the night that your dad was violently killed, |
发生在哪里? | where did that happen? |
有这么个地方 | There's a place, |
算是当地地标 叫德沃谷 | it's a sort of local landmark, called Dewer's Hollow. |
德沃是恶魔的古名 | That's an ancient name for the devil. |
所以呢? | So? |
你那晚上看到恶魔了吗? | Did you e the devil that night? |
是的 | Yes. |
体型巨大 | It was huge. |
皮毛乌黑 双目血红 | Coal-black fur with red eyes. |
它把他扑倒在地 | It got him. |
不停撕咬 将他撕碎 | Tore at him, tore him apart. |
我只记得这些了 | I can't remember anything el. |
他们第二天早上发现我在沼地游荡 | They found me the next morning, just wandering on the moor. |
爸爸的尸体至今未找到 | My dad's body was never found. |
嗯 | Hm. |
双目血红 毛发乌黑 庞大... | Red eyes, coal-black fur, |
狗? 狼? | A dog? Wolf? |
或是基因实验品 | Or a genetic experiment. |
你在笑我吗 福尔摩斯先生? | Are you laughing at me, Mr Holmes? |
怎么 你说笑话了? | Why, are you joking? |
我父亲一直跟我讲 | My dad was always going on |
他们在巴斯克维尔做的事情 | about the things they were doing at Baskerville. |
告诉我他们培育的怪兽 | About the type of monsters they were breeding there. |
人们总是笑话他 | People ud to laugh at him. |
至少电视台的人认真对待我 | At least the TV people took me riously. |
我猜也是德文郡旅游业的福音吧 | And I assume did wonders for Devon tourism. |
亨利 不管你父亲有怎样的遭遇 | Henry, whatever did happen to your father, |
都是20年以前的事了 | it was 20 years ago. |
怎么现在来找我们呢? | Why come to us now? |
你大概帮不了我 福尔摩斯先生 | Not sure you can help me, Mr Holmes, |
既然你觉得整件事很可笑 | since you find it all so funny! |
因为昨晚发生的事 | Becau of what happened last night. |
怎么 昨晚发生什么事了? | Why, what happened last night? |
你...怎么知道? | How do you know? |
我不知道 我观察到的 | I didn't know, I noticed. |
你今早从德文郡搭首班列车来的 | You came up from Devon on the first train this morning. |
你吃了糟糕的早餐 喝了黑咖啡 | You had a disappointing breakfast and a black coffee. |
隔走道的女孩看上你了 | The girl across the aisle fancied you. |
原本很乐意来往 但你改了主意 | Though initially keen, you've changed your mind. |
你急着想抽今天的第一根烟 | You are anxious to have your first cigarette of the day. |
坐下 奈特先生 随便抽吧 | Sit down, Mr Knight, and do plea smoke. |
我很乐意的 | I'd be delighted. |
你到底是怎么观察到这些的? | How on Earth did you notice all that? |
这不重要... | It's |
身上有车票打孔的碎屑 | Punched out holes where your ticket's been checked. |
不用现在说吧 | Not now. |
拜托 我都憋了好久了 你这是显摆 | I've been cooped-up for ages! You're showing off. |
我这人就是爱显摆 这是我们的专业水平 | I am a show-off, that's what we do. |
火车上的餐巾纸 擦过洒的咖啡 | Train napkin you ud to mop up the spilled coffee. |
污渍颜色深 说明你没加牛奶 | Strength of the stain shows that you didn't take milk. |
番茄酱的痕迹 | There are traces of ketchup |
餐巾纸 嘴边 袖口都有 | on it and on your lips and sleeve. |
自己做的早餐 或列车上充数的 | Cooked breakfast, or the nearest thing tho trains manage. |
大概是三明治 | Probably sandwich. |
你怎么知道不好吃呢? | How did you know it was disappointing? |
火车上能有好吃的吗? 那个女孩 | Is there any other type of breakfast on a train? The girl. |
女性的笔迹很好认 | Female handwriting's distinctive, |
餐巾纸上有她的手机号 | wrote her number on the napkin. |
写字角度上看 | I can tell from the angle she wrote at |
她是坐在过道对面 | that she was sat across from you. |
她起身走人后 | After she got off, |
你用那张纸擦了洒掉的咖啡 | I imagine you ud the napkin to mop up your spilled coffee, |
不小心洇了号码 | accidentally smudging the numbers. |
你用另一支笔描过后四位数 | You've been over the last four digits in another pen, |
想留住这号码 | so you wanted to keep the number. |
你用那张餐巾纸擤了鼻涕 | You ud the napkin to blow your no, |
说到底你也不那么喜欢她 | so you're not that into her after all. |
你颤抖的手指上有尼古丁痕迹 | Then there's the nicotine stains on your shaking fingers. |
这种迹象我最懂了 | I know the signs. |
在火车上不许吸烟 | No chance to smoke when on the train, |
在出租车上没空卷烟 | no time to roll one before you got a cab here. |
现在才早上九点一刻 你很急切 | It's just after 9.15, you're desperate. |
从艾克赛特到伦敦 第一班车5:46出发 | The first train from Exeter to London leaves at 5.46am. |
你赶上了第一班车 | You got the first one, |
说明昨晚一定发生了重要的事 | so something important must have happened last night. |
我说错了么? | Am I wrong? |
没有 | No. |
你说对了 | You're right. |
全对 完全准确 | You're completely, exactly right. |
我就听说你推理很快 | Bloody hell, I heard you were quick. |
这是我的工作 快闭嘴抽烟吧 | It's my job. Now shut up and smoke. |
亨利 你父母都去世时你才七岁? | Henry, your parents both died and you were what, ven years old? |
我知道 那... | I know, |
那肯定对你造成了很大伤害 | That must be quite a trauma. |
你有没有想过 | Now, have you ever thought |
可能是你自己幻想出了这个事件... | that maybe you invented this story, |
来给自己一个理由? | ..to account for it? |
摩梯末医生也是这么说的 谁? | That's what Dr Mortimer says. Who? |
他的心理医师 我的心理医师 | His therapist. My therapist. |
当然了 | Obviously. |
露易丝·摩梯末 | Loui Mortimer. |
因为她我才回到达特沼地的 | She's the reason I came back to Dartmoor. |
她建议我勇敢面对心中的恶魔 | She thinks I have to face my demons. |
你昨晚回到达沃谷 发生了什么 亨利? | What happened when you went back to Dewer's Hollow last night, Henry? |
你听取了心理医师的建议 | You went there on the advice of your therapist |
现在却找侦探咨询 | and now you're consulting a detective. |
你看到了什么 改变了主意? | What did you e that changed everything? |
那谷是个很诡异的地方 | It's a strange place, the Hollow. |
让你的内心感到刺骨恶寒 心惊胆战 | It makes you feel so cold inside, so afraid. |
我要想读诗的话 | Yes, if I wanted poetry, |
就去看约翰给女友们的邮件了 | I'd read John's emails to his girlfriends, |
有趣多了 | much funnier. |
你到底看到了什么? | What did you e? |
脚印 | Footprints. |
就在我看着父亲被撕成碎片的地方 | On the exact spot where I saw my father torn apart. |
男人还是女人的? | Man's or a woman's? |
都不是 是... | Neither. |
就这而已? 没别的 只有脚印? | Is that it? Nothing el? Footprints, is that all? |
对 可它们很... | Yes. But |
停 摩梯末医生赢了 | No! sorry Dr Mortimer wins. |
就是童年阴影引起的记忆歪曲 | It's a childhood trauma masked by an invented memory. |
无聊 拜拜 奈特先生 谢谢你的烟 | Boring. Goodbye, Mr Knight, thank you for smoking. |
脚印怎么说? | What about the footprints? |
多半是动物爪印 | Oh, they're probably paw prints, |
什么的都可能 所以毫无意义 | could be anything, therefore nothing. |
自己回德文郡去吧 | Off to Devon with you |
来顿奶油茶点 算我请 | and have a cream tea on me. |
福尔摩斯先生 是巨型猎犬的脚印 | Mr Holmes, they were the footprints of a gigantic hound. |
再说一遍 | Say that again. |
我看到了脚印 很大... | I found footprints, they |
不不不 刚刚的原句 | No, no, no, your exact words. |
一字不差地重复一下你刚才的那句话 | Repeat your exact words from a moment ago, exactly as you said them. |
福尔摩斯先生 | Mr Holmes, |
是巨型猎犬的脚印 | they were the footprints of a gigantic hound. |
这案子我接了 对不起 什么? | I'll take the ca. Sorry, what? |
谢谢你提醒我这点 其中大有深意 | Thank you for bringing this to my attention, it's very promising. |
等等 你说啥? | Sorry, what? |
刚才你还说脚印很无聊 | A minute ago, footprints were boring, |
转眼又有深意了? | now they're very promising? |
跟脚印毫无关系 你根本没认真听 | It's got nothing to do with footprints, you weren't listening. |
巴斯克维尔 听说过么? | Baskerville, heard of it? |
不太了解吧 很敏感的话题 | Vaguely. It's very hush-hush. |
听着像是很好的着手点 | Sounds like a good place to start. |
你会来调查啰? | You'll come down then? |
不 眼下我不能离开伦敦 太忙了 | I can't leave London at the moment, far too busy. |
别担心 我会派我最优秀的人去 | But don't worry, I'm putting my best man onto it. |
我总能依靠约翰把相关资料发给我 | I can always rely on John to nd me the relevant data, |
虽然他一个字都看不懂 | as he never understands a word of it. |
瞎说什么"太忙"? | What are you talking about 'you are busy'? |
你手头又没案子 刚还在抱怨... | You don't have a ca! You |
我要找蓝铃花嘛 | I've got Bluebell! |
人间蒸发的夜光兔子 | The ca of the vanishing glow-in-the-dark rabbit. |
北约骚动了呢 | NATO's in uproar. |
哦 抱歉 那你不来了? | Oh, you're not coming, then? |
哦 | Oh. |
好吧 | OK. |
那行吧 | OK. |
不需要这个了 我要去达特沼地呢 | I don't need tho any more, I'm going to Dartmoor. |
你先走吧 亨利 我们跟上 | You go on ahead, Henry, we'll follow later. |
抱歉 那你又要来啰? | Sorry, so you are coming? |
失踪二十年 怪兽般的猎犬? | 20-year-old disappearance, a monstrous hound? |
我才不会错过呢 | I wouldn't miss this for the world! |
一起乘游轮... | ..crui together, |
你从没有想到带我上船玩儿 | you had no intention of taking me on a boat! |
哦 看样子赫德森太太 | Oh! Looks like Mrs Hudson |
终于发现在唐卡斯特的老婆了 | finally got to the wife in Doncaster. |
等着看她发现伊斯兰堡那个吧 | Hm. Wait until she finds out about the one in Islamabad. |
请到帕丁顿火车站 | Paddington Station, plea. |
巴斯克维尔在那边 | There's Baskerville. |
那边是格林盆村 | Er... That's Grimpen Village. |
那个一定是... | So that |
对 德沃谷 | Yes, Dewer's Hollow. |
那个呢? 嗯? | What's that? Hm? |
地雷区? | A mine field? |
巴斯克维尔其实是个军事基地 | Technically, Baskerville's an army ba, |
我猜他们很乐意挡住闲人吧 | so I guess they've always been keen to keep people out. |
显然 | Clearly. |
好 每天带三个团 | Right, three tours a day. |
告诉你的亲友 身边的每一个人 | Tell your friends, tell anyone. |
别见外 欢迎来玩 记住 夜间远离沼地 | Don't be strangers. And remember, stay away from the moor at night, |
要珍惜生命哦 保重 | if you value your lives! Take care. |
挺冷的 | It's cold. |
那部分没有变 | That part doesn't change. |
有什么变了呢? | What does? |
有个别的什么 是个词 | Oh, there's something el. It's a word. |
自由 | Liberty. |
自由左手掌心有痣? | Liberty? |
还有一个词 | And there's another word. |
里(IN) | In. |
里面的里(I.N.) | I. N. |
自由 里 你觉得可能是什么意思? | Liberty In. What do you think it means? |
抱歉 没有双人大床房给你们了 | Sorry we couldn't do a double room for you boys. |
没事 我们不是... | That's fine. We' |
钱给你 | There you go. |
谢啦 我给你找钱 谢啦 | Oh, ta. I'll just get your change. Ta. |
给你 | There you go. |
我注意到 | I couldn't help noticing, |
沼地的地图上有个十字骷髅头? | on the map of the moor, a skull and crossbones? |
哦 那个啊 | Oh, that. |
有海盗? | Pirates? |
呃 不是 那是格林盆大雷区 | Er, no. The Great Grimpen Minefield, they call it. |
好吧 并不是你想的那样 | Oh, right. It's not what you think. |
是巴斯克维尔的实验区 | It's the Baskerville testing site. |
已经有八十多年啦 | It's been going for 80-odd years. |
估计没人知道那里究竟有什么了 | I'm not sure anyone really knows what's there any more. |
炸药? 不仅仅是炸药哦 | Explosives? Oh, not just explosives. |
闯进那地方 | Break into that place |
被炸飞还只是幸运的死法 | and if you're lucky, you just get blown up, so they say. |
以防你想进去溜个弯啥的 | In ca you're planning a wee stroll. |
谢了 我记下了 | Ta. I'll remember. |
不客气 吓走了一部分游客 | Aye. No, it buggers up tourism a bit, |
但还好出了恶魔猎犬 | so thank God for the demon hound. |
你看了么 那个纪录片? | Did you e that show? The documentary? |
最近看的 | Quite recently, yeah. |
上帝保佑亨利·奈特和他的地狱怪兽 | God bless Henry Knight and his monster from hell. |
你见过么? 那只猎犬? | Ever en it? The hound? |
我? 没有没有 | Me? No, no. |
弗莱切看到过 | Fletcher has. |
他开了条怪物旅游线 | He runs the walks, the monster walks for the tourists, |
你看 他见过了 | you know. He's en it. |
很赚钱吧 | That's handy for trade. |
我们这儿都快忙死了 是吧比利 | I'm just saying we've been rushed off our feet, Billy. |
嗯 怪物猎人可多了 | Yeah, lots of monster hunters. |
这年代消息传得忒快 | It don't take much the days, |
推特上一发 呼啦就来了 | one mention on Twitter and whoomph! |
没有维可德鸡尾酒了 | We're out of WKD. |
好吧 有那么些怪兽和嗜血监狱 | Oh, right. What with the monster and the ruddy prison, |
我都不知道晚上怎么睡的 | I don't know how we sleep nights. |
你呢 加里? 酣睡得像个婴儿 | Do you, Gary? Like a baby. |
才怪呢 呼噜打得震天响 | That's not true. He's a snorer. |
喂 家丑不可外扬 | Hey, ssh. |
你男朋友也打呼么? | Is yours a snorer? |
有卖薯片吗? | Got any crisps? |
嗯 不 好吗? 保重啊 拜 | Yeah. No. All right? Right, take care. Bye. |
不介意我坐这桌吧? | Mind if I join you? |
都是骗人的吧 你根本没见过那只猎犬 | It's not true, is it, you haven't actually en this hound thing? |
你是记者么? | Are you from the papers? |
不 只是好奇而已 | No, nothing like that, just curious. |
你到底见过吗? 也许 | Have you en it? Maybe. |
有证据吗? | Got any proof? |
有也没必要告诉你呀 | Why would I tell you if I did? |
回见 我给亨利打过电话了 | Excu me. I called Henry. |
赌打不成了 约翰 对不起 | Bet's off. John, sorry. |
什么? 你们打赌了? | What? Bet? |
我的计划需要黑暗 还有半小时才黑 | My plan needs darkness. We've got another half an hour of light. |
等等 什么打赌? | Wait, wait, what bet? |
哦 我跟约翰赌了50镑 | Oh, I bet John here 50 quid |
赌你拿不出见过猎犬的证据 | that you couldn't prove you'd en the hound. |
是啊 酒吧里的人说你能 | Yeah, the guys in the pub said you could. |
那你要输钱了 哥们 | Well, you're going to lo your money, mate. |
是么? | Yeah? |
是啊 我真见过 | Yeah. I en it. |
就一个月前 在谷里 | Only about a month ago. Up at the Hollow. |
雾很大 所以看不太清 | It was foggy, mind, couldn't make much out. |
懂了 也没目击证人吧 | I e. No witness, I suppo. |
不 但也… 还是没证据 | No, Never are. |
不 等着 看吧 | No, wait. There. |
就这个? 这不能算证据吧 | Is that it? It's not exactly proof, is it? |
对不起 约翰 我赢了 | Sorry, John, I win. |
等等 还有别的呢 | Wait, wait, that's not all. |
他们都不喜欢去那个地方 | People don't like going up there, you know. |
去谷里 | To the Hollow. |
说是给人感觉阴森森的 | Gives them a bad sort of feeling. |
闹鬼的感觉? 你以为这就能说服我? | Is that hauted?That's suppod to convince me? |
别犯傻了 才不是呢 | Nah, don't be stupid! Nothing like that. |
我猜那里真有东西出没 | But I reckon there is something out there. |
有东西从巴斯克维尔逃出来了 | Something from Baskerville, escaped. |
克隆兽 超狗? 有可能啊 | A clone? A super-dog? Maybe. |
鬼知道他们这些年朝我们喷了什么 | God knows what they've been spraying on us all the years, |
朝水里下了什么 | or putting in the water. |
我死都不会相信他们的 | I wouldn't trust them as far as I could spit. |
你就这么点本事? | Is that the best you've got? |
我有个朋友在国防部工作过 | I had a mate once who worked for the MOD. |
有个周末我们说好去钓鱼 但他一直没来 | One weekend we were meant to go fishing, but he never showed up. |
好吧 很晚才露面 | Well, not till late. |
出现的时候 脸色白得像纸 | When he did, he was white as a sheet. |
我现在都能看到他的脸 | I can e him now. |
"我今天看到点事 弗莱切" 他说 | "I've en things today, Fletcher," he said, |
"这辈子再也不想见到了" | "that I never want to e again. |
"可怕的事" | "Terrible things." |
他之前被派到一个秘密军事基地 | He'd been nt to some cret army place. |
大概是波登当 | Porton Down, maybe. |
或巴斯克维尔 或别的什么地方 | Maybe Baskerville, or somewhere el. |
在那些真正机密的实验室里 | In the labs there, the really cret labs, |
他说他看到过可怕的事情 | he said he'd en terrible things. |
老鼠像狗一样大 他说 | Rats as big as dogs, he said. |
狗呢 狗都跟马一样高 | And dogs, dogs the size of hors. |
我们说好赌50镑的 | Um, we did say 50. |
谢了 | Ta. |
请出示通行证 | Pass, plea. |
谢谢 | Thank you. |
你有巴斯克维尔的证件? | You've got ID for Baskerville?! |
怎么搞到的? | How? |
不是这地方专有的 我哥哥的证件 | It's not specific to this place. It's my brother's. |
哪里都能进 | Access all areas. |
我...很久前拿到的 备用 | I, um, ahem, acquired it ages ago. Just in ca. |
太好了 怎么了? | Brilliant. What's the matter? |
我们会被抓 不会 | We'll get caught. We won't! |
现在还不会 五分钟后就会 | Well, not yet. Caught in five minutes. |
"喂 有可疑人士" | "Hi, we thought we'd have a wander |
"在你的绝密武器基地闲逛" | around your top cret weapons ba." |
"真的? 太好了 进来 上茶" | "Really? Great. Come in, kettle's boiled." |
如果没被爆头的话 | That's if we don't get shot. |
好了 非常感谢 谢谢 | Clear. Thanks very much. Thank you. |
一直朝前开 长官 | Straight through, sir. |
麦克罗夫特的名字真的是敲门砖哪 | Mycroft's name literally opens doors. |
早告诉你了 他基本就是英国政府 | I've told you, he practically is the British Government. |
大概得20分钟 | I reckon we've got about 20 minutes |
他们才会发现不对 | before they reali something's wrong. |
怎么了 我们惹麻烦了? | What is it? Are we in trouble? |
是"我们惹麻烦了 长官" | Are we in trouble, sir. |
是的长官 抱歉长官 | Yes, sir. Sorry, sir. |
你知道我们要来? | You were expecting us? |
你的通行证立刻上报了 福尔摩斯先生 | Your ID showed up straight away, Mr Holmes. |
莱昂丝下士 安保部 | Corporal Lyons, curity. |
有问题吗 长官? | Is there something wrong, sir? |
我希望没有 下士 | I hope not, Corporal, I hope not. |
我们这里一般不会受到视察 | We don't get inspected here.It just doesn't happen. |
有听说过突击检查吗? | Ever heard of a spot check? |
约翰·华生上尉 | Captain John Watson, |
诺桑伯兰第五明火枪团 长官 | Fifth Northumberland Fusiliers. Sir. |
白瑞摩少校会生气的 长官 | Major Barrymore won't be plead, sir. |
他会想和二位见面 | He'll want to e you both. |
恐怕没时间 得巡视整个基地 | I'm afraid we won't have time. We need the full tour. |
马上开始吧 这是命令 下士 | Right away. Carry on.That's an order, Corporal. |
是 长官 | Yes, sir. |
干得好 好久没拿军衔来压人了 | Nice touch. Haven't pulled rank in ages. |
享受么? 爽死了 | Enjoy it? Oh, yeah. |
你们这儿有多少动物? | How many animals do you keep down here? |
很多 长官 | Lots, sir. |
有逃跑的么? | Any ever escape? |
除非会用那部电梯才行 长官 | They'd have to know how to u that lift, sir. |
我们还没培育出那么聪明的 | We're not breeding them that clever. |
除非有人帮忙 | Unless they have help. |
啊 你们是? | Ah, and you are? |
没关系 弗兰克兰博士 | It's all right, Dr Frankland, |
我只是带这两位参观一下 | I'm just showing the gentlemen around. |
新面孔 真好 | Ah, new faces, how nice. |
当心别困在这里了 我当年只是来修龙头的 | Careful you don't get stuck here, though, I only came to fix a tap. |
那个电梯能下到多深? | How far down does that lift go? |
挺深的 长官 | Quite a way, sir. |
嗯 下面是什么? | Hm-mm. And what's down there? |
垃圾桶总得找个地方放啊 长官 | Well, we have to keep the bins somewhere, sir. |
先生们 这边请 | This way plea, gentlemen. |
那么你们在这具体做什么呢? | So what exactly is it that you do here? |
我以为你知道 长官 你不是来视察的吗 | I thought you'd know, sir, this being an inspection. |
唉 谁叫我不是专家呢? | Well, I'm not an expert, am I? |
应有尽有 从干细胞研究 | Everything from stem cell rearch |
到普通感冒治疗 长官 | to trying to cure the common cold, sir. |
不过主要是武器? 多少有一些吧 | But mostly weaponry? Of one sort or another, yes. |
生化武器? | Biological, chemical? |
硝烟未散 风云又起 长官 | One war ends, another begins, sir. |
敌人更新换代 有备才能无患 | New enemies to fight. We have to be prepared. |
好了 迈克尔 下次换哈罗三号 | OK, Michael, let's try Harlow 3 next time. |
斯台普吞博士 斯台普吞? | Stapleton? |
是我 这位是? | Yes? Who's this? |
最高优先级 长官 | Priority ultra, ma'am, |
上面安排的视察 | orders from on high. An inspection. |
是吗? | Really? |
对我们应该言无不尽 斯台普吞博士 | We are to be accorded every courtesy, Dr Stapleton. |
您在巴斯克维尔负责什么工作? | What's your role at Baskerville? |
言无不尽 对吧? | Accorded every courtesy, isn't that the idea? |
恐怕我不能自由透露 这是国家机密 | I'm not free to say. Official crets. |
哦 你现在自由的很 千万要珍惜自由啊 | Oh, you most certainly are free, and I suggest you remain that way. |
我在这里事事都要插一指头 | I have a lot of fingers in a lot of pies. |
我喜欢搅合东西 | I like to mix things up. |
平常也就合成基因 有时候真的要用上手指头 | Genes, mostly. Now and again, actual fingers. |
斯台普吞 我就觉得这名字耳熟 | Stapleton! I knew I knew your name. |
不会吧 | I doubt it. |
人们都说世上没有巧合 | People say there's no such thing |
可见他们活的多无趣啊 | Dull lives they must lead. |
你和我女儿谈过? | Have you been talking to my daughter? |
为什么要杀死蓝铃花 斯台普吞博士? | Why did Bluebell have to die, Dr Stapleton? |
那只兔子? 锁在笼子里消失了 | The rabbit? Disappeared from inside a locked hutch, |
让人起疑 兔子? | which was always suggestive. The rabbit? |
显然是自己人干的 | Clearly an inside job. |
哦 你这么觉得? | Oh, you reckon? |
为什么? 因为它在黑暗中发光 | Why? Becau it glowed in the dark. |
我完全不知道你在说什么 你到底是谁? | I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Who are you? |
我们看够了 多谢你 这就完了? | We've en enough for now. Thank you so much. That's it? |
这就完了 从这边出对吗? | That's it. It's this way, isn't it? |
请留步 | Just a minute! |
我们这是闯进军事基地来查一只兔子? | Did we just break into a military ba to investigate a rabbit? |
哈 23分钟 | Ha! 23 minutes. |
麦克罗夫特越来越慢了 | Mycroft's getting slow. |
你好 又见面了 | Hello, again. |
少校... | Er, |
真是岂有此理 怎么没人向我汇报? | This is bloody outrageous! Why wasn't I told?! |
白瑞摩少校对吗? 嗯 很不错 | Major Barrymore, is it? Yes, well, good. |
真让我们赞不绝口 对吧 福尔摩斯先生? | Very good, we're very impresd. Aren't we, Mr Holmes? |
太出色了 | Hugely. |
设立巴斯克维尔基地 | The point of Baskerville |
就为避开这套繁文缛节 | was to eliminate bureaucratic nonn! |
抱歉 少校 视察 | Sorry, Major. Inspections! |
总不能永远都没人监视吧 | Can't remain unmonitored for ever, |
天晓得你们在搞什么呢 继续走 | goodness knows what you'd get up to. Keep walking. |
长官 | Sir! |
身份未授权 长官 什么? 我刚打过电话 | ID unauthorid, sir. What? I've just had the call. |
是吗? 你是谁? | Is that right? Who are you? |
好了 显然什么地方出了误会 | Look, there's obviously been some kind of mistake. |
绝对没有 麦克罗夫特·福尔摩斯 | Clearly not, Mycroft Holmes. |
电脑故障 少校 | Computer error. |
得在报告上记一笔了 | It'll all have to go in the report. |
到底在搞什么? | What the hell's going on? |
没事 少校 我认识这两位先生 | It's all right, Major, I know who the gentlemen are. |
你认识? 对啊 都怪我脸盲了 | You do? Yeah, I'm getting a little slow on faces, |
可我没料到福尔摩斯先生会在这里出现 | but Mr Holmes here isn't someone I expected to show up in this place. |
好吧 很高兴再见到你 | Oh, Good to e you again, |
麦克罗夫特 | Mycroft. |
我有幸在世界卫生组织会议上 | I had the honour of meeting Mr Holmes |
见过福尔摩斯先生 在...布鲁塞尔对吗? | at the WHO Brusls, was it? |
维也纳 维也纳 没错 | Vienna. Vienna, that's it. |
这位是麦克罗夫特·福尔摩斯先生 少校 | This is Mr Mycroft Holmes, Major. |
显然出了点误会 | There's obviously been a mistake. |
有问题唯你是问 弗兰克兰博士 | On your head be it, Dr Frankland. |
我来送客 下士 好的 长官 | I'll show them out, Corporal. Very well, sir. |
谢谢 | Thank you. |
是亨利·奈特的事 对吗? | This is about Henry Knight, isn't it? |
我猜到就是 | I thought so. |
我知道他想帮忙 | I knew he wanted help, |
可没想到他会去找夏洛克·福尔摩斯 | but I didn't reali he was going to contact Sherlock Holmes! |
别紧张 我知道你们是谁 | Oh, don't worry, I know who you really are. |
网站我整天在刷呢 | I'm never off your website. |
还以为你会戴那顶帽子 | I thought you'd be wearing the hat. |
那不是我的帽子 | That wasn't my hat. |
那不是我的帽子 | It wasn't my hat. |
我也喜欢你的博客 华生医生 | I love the blog, too, Dr Watson. |
哦 谢啦 | Oh, cheers. |
"粉色"那篇 | The pink thing. |
还有铝拐杖的故事 | And that one about the aluminium crutch. |
对 你认识亨利·奈特? | Yes. You know Henry Knight? |
嗯 跟他爸比较熟 | Well, I knew his dad better. |
他总对这里疑神疑鬼 发表各种奇谈怪论 | He had all sorts of mad theories about this place. |
不过我们一直是好朋友 | Still, he was a good friend. |
听着 这不是说话的时候 | Listen, I can't really talk now. |
留我的手机号 | Here's my cell number. |
烤肠的做法如果能帮上亨利 尽管给我打电话 | If I can help with Henry, give me a call. |
我还没问 弗兰克兰博士 | I never did ask, Dr Frankland, |
你在这里具体做什么? | what exactly is it that you do here? |
啊 福尔摩斯先生 我很乐意告诉你 | Ah, Mr Holmes, I would love to tell you, |
不过然后呢 我就得杀了你 | but then, of cour, I'd have to kill you. |
大言不惭啊 | That would be tremendously ambitious of you. |
给我讲讲斯台普吞博士 | Tell me about Dr Stapleton. |
我从不说同事的坏话 | I never speak ill of a colleague. |
好话也行 你也忘说了 | But you'd speak well of one, which you're clearly omitting to do. |
回头再联系 随时恭候 | I'll be in touch. Any time. |
所以呢? 怎样? | So? So? |
兔子到底怎么回事? | What was all that about the rabbit? |
拜托 别再来这套了好不好? | Oh, plea, can we not do this, this time? |
哪套? 你那副高深莫测的... | Do what? You being all mysterious |
颧骨 | cheekbones, |
还把大衣领子竖起来扮酷 | and turning your coat collar up so you look cool. |
我才没有 我说有就有 | I don't do that. Yeah, you do. |
所以 科斯蒂的邮件 失踪的发光兔子 | So, the email from Kirsty. The missing luminous rabbit. |
科斯蒂·斯台普吞 母亲是基因工程专家 | Kirsty Stapleton, who mother specialis in genetic manipulation. |
是她让女儿的兔子变成夜光的? | She made her daughter's rabbit glow in the dark? |
大概是荧光基因 | Probably a fluorescent gene. |
移植到样本身上 如今操作起来很简单了 | Removed and spliced into the specimen. Simple enough, the days. |
所以呢? | So? |
由此可知 斯台普吞博士 | So we know that Dr Stapleton |
在用动物做秘密基因实验 | performs cret genetic experiments on animals. |
问题是 她有没有用过 | The question is, has she been working on |
比兔子更致命的生物? | something deadlier than a rabbit? |
老实说 这范围也太大了 | To be fair, that is quite a wide field. |
嗨 嗨 | Hi. Hi. |
请进 请进 | Come in, come in. |
这可真... | This is, er... |
你很...有钱吗? | Are you, um, rich? |
是啊 好吧 | Yeah. Right. |
有几个词 老在我眼前晃 | There's a couple of words, it's what I keep eing. |
自由 | Liberty. |
自由? | Liberty? |
自由 还有... | Liberty. |
里(In) | In. |
就这些 | It's just that. |
吃完了吗? 嗯 | Have you finished? Hm. |
想起什么了吗? | Mean anything to you? |
"不自由 毋宁死"对吗? | Liberty in death, isn't that the expression? |
所谓真正的解放 | The only true freedom. |
现在怎么办? | What now, then? |
夏洛克有...计划了? 对 | a plan? Yes. |
好 我们送你回沼地 | Right. We take you back out onto the moor. |
好吧... | OK... |
然后等着你遇袭 什么? | And e if anything attacks you. What? |
这样才能激发危机 黑夜里? | That should bring things to a head. At night? |
你要我黑夜里回沼地去? | You want me to go out there at night? |
嗯 这就是你的计划? | Hm.That's your plan? |
太棒了 你有更好的主意? 这不叫计划 | Brilliant! Got any better ideas? That's not a plan. |
约翰 对付怪兽只有一个办法 | If there is a monster out there, John, there's only one thing to do. |
找到它的老巢 | Find out where it lives. |
夏洛克 | Sherlock. |
U, M, Q, R, A. Umqra? | (U, M, Q, R, A. Umqra? |
夏洛克 | (Sherlock. |
夏洛克 | (Sherlock. |
夏洛克? | (Sherlock?) |
遇见你朋友了 什么? | Met a friend of yours? What? |
弗兰克兰博士? | Dr Frankland? |
哦 对 鲍勃 | Oh, right. Bob, yeah. |
他好像很担心你 | He ems pretty concerned about you. |
唉 他就爱瞎操心 | Oh, he's a worrier, bless him. |
自从我回来他一直对我很好 | He's been very kind to me since I came back. |
他认识你父亲? 嗯 | He knew your father? Yeah. |
可他在巴斯克维尔工作啊 | But he works at Baskerville. |
你爸不介意吗? | Didn't your dad have a problem with that? |
朋友投缘就好 哪管这些? 看看你和约翰 | Well, mates are mates, aren't they? I mean, look at you and John. |
我们怎么了? | What about us? |
总之 鲍勃叔叔和我爸 他们说好不谈工作 | Well, they agreed never to talk about work, Uncle Bob and my dad. |
德文谷 | Dewer's Hollow. |
夏洛克 | (Sherlock.) |
天呐 天呐 神仙上帝老天爷啊 | Oh, my god, oh, my god, oh, my god! Oh, my god! Oh, my god! |
你看见没? | Did you e it? |
你看见没? | Did you hear that? |
我们看见了 我们看见了 | We saw it. We saw it! |
没有 我什么也没看见 | No, I didn't e anything. |
什么 你说什么? | What? What are you talking about? |
我什么也没看见 | I didn't e anything. |
拜托 他绝对看见了 | Look, he must have en it. |
我都看见了 他百分百看见了 | I saw it. He must have. He must have. |
我... 为什么? | I... Why? |
为什么他不承认? | Why? Why would he say that? |
它就在那里 就在那里 | It was there, it was. |
亨利 亨利 你得坐下 放松点 | Henry, Henry, I need you to sit down. Try and relax, plea. |
我没事 好得很 | I'm OK, I feel OK. |
我给你开点帮助睡眠的药 好吗? | I'm going to give you something to help you sleep. All right? |
这是好事 约翰 | This is good news, John. |
真的...是好事 | it's good. |
我没疯 | I'm not crazy. |
真的有只猎犬 真的有 | There is a hound there, there is. |
夏洛克也看见了 | And Sherlock, he saw it too. |
随他怎么说 他就是看见了 | No matter what he says, he saw it. |
他情况不妙 有狂躁症状 | Well, he's in a pretty bad way. He's manic. |
完全相信了有变异超能狗在沼地游荡 | Totally convinced there's some mutant super-dog roaming the moors. |
其实根本就没有 对吧? | And there isn't, though, is there? |
真有人搞出了变异超能狗 我们会知道的 | If people knew how to make a mutant super-dog, we'd know. |
肯定会上市出售的 这才是人之常情 | It'd be for sale. I mean, that's how it works. |
听着 我在沼地看到有人打摩斯密码 | Listen, on the moor I saw someone signalling, Mor. |
估计是摩斯码 看不出什么意思 | I guess it's Mor. It doesn't em to make much n. |
U M Q R A 这有什么意义吗? | U, M, Q, R, A, does that mean anything? |
好吧 我们有什么线索? | So, OK, what have we got? |
我们知道有脚印 亨利发现的 | We know there's footprints, becau Henry found them, |
那个导游也见过 | and so did the tour guide bloke. |
我们听到了什么声音 | We all heard something. |
不然干脆去查查养大狗的人 | Maybe we should just look for whoever's got a big dog. |
亨利说得对 什么? | Henry's right. What? |
我也看见了 | I saw it, too. |
什么? 我也看见了 约翰 | What? I saw it too, John. |
稍等一下 你看见什么了? | just a minute, you saw what? |
一条猎犬 在德文谷里 | A hound. Out there in the Hollow. |
庞然大猎犬 | A gigantic hound. |
呃 夏洛克 我们得理智点 | Um, look, Sherlock, we have to be rational about this. |
尤其你 你最不该... | OK, now you, of all people, can' |
我们按现有线索来 好吗? 紧扣事实 | Let's just stick to what we know, yes? Stick to the facts. |
排除不可能的因素之后 | Once you've ruled out the impossible, |
不管剩下的多不可思议 那就是真相 | whatever remains, however improbable, must be true. |
什么意思? | What does that mean? |
看看我 我害怕 约翰 | Look at me, I'm afraid, John. |
害怕了 | Afraid. |
夏洛克 | Sherlock. |
我一直都能保持淡定 | I've always been able to keep mylf distant. |
将自己同感受隔绝开来 | Divorce mylf from feelings. |
可是你看 我的身体背叛了我 | But look, you e, body's betraying me. |
真有趣啊 这些感情 | Interesting, yes, emotions. |
镜片上的砂粒(原著"波西米亚丑闻"中名句) | The grit on the lens, |
油膏中的苍蝇(俗语 美中不足之处) | the fly in the ointment. |
好啦好啦 斯波克 放松点 | Yeah, all right, Spock, ake it easy. |
你最近有点太兴奋了 承认吧 | You've been pretty wired lately, you know you have. |
依我看 你是在那里有点被吓到了 | I think you've just gone out there and got yourlf a bit worked up. |
吓到? | Worked up? |
黑漆漆的 很瘆人啊 | It was dark and scary. |
我? 我什么问题都没有 | Me? There's nothing wrong with me. |
夏洛克... | |
夏洛... 我没问题 | There is nothing wrong with me! |
明白吗? | Do you understand!? |
要我证明给你看? | You want me to prove it, yes? |
我们在找狗 对吗? 你的伟大论断 | We're looking for a dog, yes? A great big dog, |
庞然大狗 (法语)在找狗 | that's your brilliant theory. Cherchez le chien! |
从哪入手 从他们如何? | Where shall we start? How about them? |
善感的寡妇和她儿子 无业渔民 | The ntimental widow and her son, the unemployed fisherman. |
没错 没错? | The answer's yes. Yes? |
她有条西部高地白梗 叫威士忌 | She's got a West Highland Terrier called Whisky, |
不是我们要找的 | not what we're looking for! |
拜托夏洛克 | For God's sake! |
看他的毛衣 几乎新的 他显然不舒服 | Look at his jumper, hardly worn. Clearly he's uncomfortable. |
材质或花纹的问题 | Could be the material or the hideous pattern, |
是别人送的 多半是圣诞礼物 | suggests it's a prent. |
他想讨好母亲 为什么? 多半为钱 | He wants into his mother's good books. Why? Probably money. |
他请她吃饭 可他自己那份很少 | He's treating her to a meal, but his own portion is small. |
他想感动她 | He wants to impress her, |
却要在自己那份上省钱 | but he's trying to economi on his own food. |
没准他不饿 | Maybe he's not hungry. |
不 一小盘前菜 他盘子都快舔光了 | No, small plate, starter. He's practically licked it clean. |
她才快吃完蛋白水果蛋糕 | She's nearly finished her pavlova. |
如果是她请客 他可以放开了吃 | If she'd treated him, he'd have had as much as he wanted. |
他又饿又落魄 看他袖扣和鞋就知道 | He's hungry and not well-off, you can tell by his cuffs and shoes. |
为什么是妈? 只有当妈的才会送他 | Only a mother would give him |
那种圣诞礼物 | a Christmas prent like that. |
也许是姨妈或大姐 不过亲妈更可能 | It could be an aunt or older sister, but mother's more likely. |
他曾是渔民 | He was a fisherman, |
手上的伤疤显然是鱼钩弄的 | the scarring on his hands is distinctive, fish hooks. |
伤疤很旧 所以失业很久了 | They're old, suggesting long-term unemployment. |
这里没什么工业 | Not much industry here, |
他只能找寡妇老妈求援 寡妇? | so he's turned to his widowed mother for help. Widowed? |
对 她脖子上挂着一枚男士婚戒 | She's got a man's wedding ring on a chain around her neck, |
显然是先夫遗物 | clearly her late husband's |
她戴也嫌太大了 她衣着体面 | and too big for her finger. She's well-dresd, |
可珠宝很廉价 | but her jewellery is cheap. |
能买高级珠宝却留着这些 说明她多愁善感 | She could afford better, but she's kept it, ntimental. |
狗呢? 她腿上有些细毛 膝盖以上却没有 | The dog? There are tiny hairs on her leg but none above the knees, |
说明是小狗 多半是梗犬 | suggesting it's a small dog, probably a terrier. |
叫威士忌的西高地梗犬 | It is a West Highland Terrier called Whisky. |
"你怎么知道 夏洛克?" | "How do you know that?" |
她和我们同一班火车来的 | She was on the same train as us and |
我听到她唤狗了 这不是作弊 是机警 | I heard her call its name. That's listening. |
我会利用感官 不像某些人 | I u my ns, unlike some people, |
所以你看 我好得很 | so you e, I am fine. |
真的 不能再好了 所以让我清净点吧 | In fact, I've never been better, so just leave me alone! |
呃 行啊 | Yeah, OK. |
行 | OK. |
你何必听我话呢 我只是你的朋友罢了 | Why would you listen to me? I'm just your friend. |
我没有朋友 | I don't have friends. |
确实没有 | No. |
真不知道为什么 | I wonder why. |
哎呀塞尔丹先生 你又来了 | Oh, Mr Selden, you've done it again! |
我的皮带总不听使唤 | I keep catching it with my belt. |
老天啊 | Oh, God! |
所以呢 | So? |
哦 你这个坏蛋 | Oh, you're a bad man. |
太过分了 | That's so mean! |
再来点酒吗 医生? | Um, more wine, doctor? |
你想灌醉我吗 医生? | Are you trying to get me drunk, doctor? |
还真没想过 | The thought never occurred. |
因为刚才我还觉得你在搭讪我呢 | Becau a while ago I thought you were chatting me up. |
哦 我说错什么了? | oh! Where did I go wrong? |
你开始打听我病人的事 | When you started asking about my patients. |
我是亨利的老朋友 | Well, I am one of Henry's oldest friends. |
对 他还是我的病人 我不能谈他 | Yeah, and he's one of my patients, so I can't talk about him. |
不过他给我讲过所有的老朋友 | Although he has told me about all his oldest friends. |
你是哪个? 新交的? | Which one are you? A new one? |
好吧 谈谈他父亲? 他总不是你的病人吧 | OK, what about his father? He wasn't one of your patients. |
他不是个阴谋论疯子...阴谋论者吗? | Wasn't he some sort of heorist? |
错了的才是疯子 那他错了吗? | You're only a nutter if you're wrong. Hm, and was he wrong? |
我觉得是 | I should think so. |
可他执迷于巴斯克维尔 对吗? | But he got fixated on Baskerville, didn't he? |
一心窥探里面的事 | With what they were doing in there. |
亨利不会犯了同样的病 开始幻想猎犬吗? | Couldn't Henry have gone the same way, started imagining a hound? |
何以见得我会跟你谈这个呢? | Why do you think I'll talk about this? |
因为我觉得你也担心他 | Becau I think you're worried about him |
而且我也是医生 | and becau I'm a doctor too. |
因为我另一个朋友 也许也有同样的问题 | And becau I have another friend |
啊 华生医生 嗨 | Ah, Dr Watson! Hi. |
你好 | Hello. |
案子查的怎样? 呃 你好 | How's the investigation going? Er, hello. |
什么查案? | What, investigation? |
你不知道? 没看那个博客? | Didn't you know? Don't you read the blog? |
夏洛克·福尔摩斯 | Sherlock Holmes. |
是... 夏洛克什么? | Sherlock who? |
私家侦探 这是他的私人助理 | Private detective. This is his PA. |
私人助理? 嗯 同居助理 | PA? Well, live-in PA. |
好呀 同居...? | Perfect! Live-in..? |
这是摩梯末医生 亨利的心理医师 | This is Dr Mortimer, Henry's therapist. |
你好 我是鲍勃·弗兰克兰 | Oh, hello. Bob Frankland. |
听着 告诉夏洛克我在盯着斯台普吞 | Listen, tell Sherlock I've been keeping an eye on Stapleton. |
想聊聊随时来找我 好吗? 嗯 | Any time he wants a little chat. All right? Hm. |
怎么不请他喝一杯? 他多喜欢你啊 | Why don't you buy him a drink? I think he likes you. |
早安 今天感觉如何? | Morning! Oh, how are you feeling? |
我... | I... |
我睡的不好 太可惜了 | I didn't sleep very well. Oh, that's a shame. |
我来冲咖啡好吗? 你看 房子渗水了 | Shall I make us some coffee? Oh, look, you've got damp! |
听着 昨晚... | Listen, |
你为什么要说什么也没看见? | Why did you say you hadn't en anything? |
我看见猎犬只出现了一分钟 | I mean, I only saw the hound for a minute, |
可是... 猎犬? | Hound? |
什么? 为什么是猎犬 | What? Why do you call it a hound? |
怎么叫猎犬? | Why a hound? |
为什么 怎么了? | Why? What do you mean? |
不觉得奇怪吗? | It's odd, isn't it? |
奇特的老式用词 | It's a strange choice of words, archaic. |
所以我才接下案子 | That's why I took the ca. |
"福尔摩斯先生 我看见巨大猎犬的脚印" | "Mr Holmes, they were the footprints of a gigantic hound." |
为什么用"猎犬"? | Why say "hound"? |
不知道 我从没... | I don't know, I' |
咖啡我还是免了 | Actually, I'd better skip the coffee. |
摩斯密码有头绪吗? | Did you get anywhere with that Mor code? |
没有 | Nah. |
U M Q R A对吧? UMQRA | U, M, Q, R, A, wasn't it? Umqra. |
没有 | Nothing. |
忘了吧 没那事 根本不是线索 | Look, forget it. I thought I was onto something, I wasn't. |
真的? 嗯 | Sure? Yeah. |
跟露易丝·摩梯末有进展吗? | How about Loui Mortimer, did you get anywhere with her? |
没有 | No. |
真不妙 那案子的信息有吗? | Too bad. But did you get any information? |
你还说起笑话了? | You're being funny now? |
套套近乎嘛 打破这种冷冰冰的关系 | Thought it might break the ice, a bit. |
搞笑不适合你 还是冰着吧 | Funny doesn't suit you. Let's stick to ice. |
约翰 没关系 | It's fine. |
等等 昨晚的事是因为我 | Wait, something happened to me last night, |
体验到了从没有过的感觉 | something I've not experienced before. |
是啊你说了 恐惧 | Yes, you said. Fear, |
夏洛克·福尔摩斯害怕了 | Sherlock Holmes got scared, you said. |
不止这些 约翰 还有怀疑 | It was more than that, John. It was doubt. |
我怀疑自己 | I felt doubt. |
我一直都信任自己的感官 | I've always been able to trust my ns, |
眼见则为实 直到昨晚 | the evidence of my own eyes, until last night. |
你不会真相信看见了怪兽吧? | You can't actually believe that you saw some kind of monster? |
对 我不能信 | No, I can't believe that. |
可我真看见了 所以问题是 | But I did e it,so the question is, |
怎么会 怎么会? | how? How? |
对 | Yes. |
嗯 妙极了 | Yeah, right, good. |
这么说你有线索了 祝你好运吧 | So you've got something to go on, then. Good luck with that. |
听着 约翰 我说的那些是真心的 | Listen, what I said before, John, I meant it. |
我没有朋友 | I don't have friends. |
只有唯一一个 | I've just got one. |
好呀 | Right. |
约翰 | John. |
约翰 你出类拔萃 你绝妙无双 | John! You are amazing! You are fantastic! |
好好 差不多得了啊 | Yes, all right, you don't have to overdo it. |
也许你本身并不能发光 | You may not be the most luminous of people, |
但作为光的传导者 你举世无双 | but as a conductor of light, you are unbeatable. |
谢啦...什么? | Cheers(!) What? |
有些人本身没有天才 | Some people who aren't genius |
却有激发天才的力量 | have an ability to stimulate it in others. |
你刚才在道歉呢 | You were saying sorry. |
别变味了啊 我做了什么这么激发天才? | Don't spoil it. So what have I done that's so bloody stimulating? |
嗯? | Yeah? |
如果这不是词 是单个字母呢? | What if it's not a word, what if it is individual letters? |
你觉得是首字母缩写? | You think it's an acronym? |
毫无头绪 不过... | Absolutely no idea, |
你跑来干什么? | What the hell are you doing here?! |
见到你我也很高兴 | Oh, nice to e you too(!) |
我说我在度假 你信吗? | I'm on holiday, would you believe? |
才不信呢 | No, I wouldn't. |
你好 约翰 格雷格 | Hello, John. Greg. |
听说你也在附近 忙什么呢? | I heard you were in the area. What are you up to? |
追查电视上那条地狱犬吗? | Are you after this Hound of Hell, like on the telly? |
我在等你解释 探长 | I'm waiting for an explanation, Inspector, |
你来干什么? | why are you here? |
告诉你了 度假 | I've told you, I'm on holiday. |
瞧你晒的跟坚果似的 | You're brown as a nut. |
显然刚度假回来 | You're clearly just back from your holidays. |
我就想再度一个 | I fancied another one. |
哦 是麦克罗夫特 对不对? | Oh, this is Mycroft, isn't it? |
喂... 当然是 | Now, Of cour it is. |
一听到巴斯克维尔 | One mention of Baskerville |
他就派我的训导员来卧底了 还用假名 | and he nds down my handler to spy on me, incognito. |
自称格雷格了对吧? | Is that why you're calling yourlf "Greg"? |
那是他的教名 | That's his name. |
是吗? 对 劳驾您去问问就知道 | Is it? Yes. If you'd ever bothered to find out. |
听着 我不是你的训导员 | Look, I'm not your handler. |
我也不是什么都听你哥的话 | And I just don't do what your brother tells me. |
说实话 我们还真用得上你 | Actually, you could be just the man we want. |
怎么? | Why? |
我可没闲着 夏洛克 | Well, I've not been idle, Sherlock. |
我找到了些东西 这里 | I think I might have found something. Here. |
不知道有没有关联 | I didn't know if it was relevant. |
似乎有点关联了 | Starting to look like it might be. |
素食餐厅可用了不少肉啊 | That is an awful lot of meat for a vegetarian restaurant. |
妙极了 | Excellent. |
亲切又可怕的苏格兰场探长 | A nice, scary inspector from Scotland Yard, |
打几个电话 绝对有用 | who can put in a few calls, might come in very handy. |
老板 | Shop. |
这是什么? | What's this? |
咖啡 我泡的咖啡 你从不泡咖啡 | Coffee. I made coffee. You never make coffee. |
我刚泡了 你不想喝? | Don't you want it? |
你不用一直道歉的 | You don't have to keep apologising. |
谢谢 | Thanks. |
我不要糖的 | Hm, I don't take sugar. |
这些记录能追溯到近两个月前 | The records go back nearly two months. |
不错 味道好极了 | That's nice. It's good. |
你就是在那时想到这主意的 | Is that when you had the idea, |
电视节目播出以后? | after the TV show went out? |
是我 是我 | It's me. It was me. |
对不起 盖里 我身不由己 | I'm sorry, Gary. I couldn't help it. |
在卡尔的婚礼上吃了个熏肉三明治 | I had a bacon sandwich at Cal's wedding |
事情就一件接一件的发生了 | and one thing led to another. |
真可信啊 | Nice try. |
我们只是稍微添油加醋 好吗? | Look, we were just trying to give things a bit of a boost, you know? |
一条大狗逃到了沼地里 天赐良机 | Let a great big dog run wild up on the moor, it was heaven-nt. |
就像是我们自己的尼斯湖水怪 | It was like us having our own Loch Ness monster. |
你们把它关在哪? | And where do you keep it? |
不远的地方有一个矿井 | There's an old mine shaft. It's not too far. |
他在那本来好好的 本来? | He was all right there. Was? |
我们管不住它了 太凶残了 | We couldn't control the bloody thing. It was vicious. |
于是一个月前 | And then, a month ago, |
比利把他带去兽医那里... | Billy took him to the vet and, |
他死了? | He's dead? |
被安乐死了 | Put down. |
对 实在没办法 | Yeah. No choice. |
一切都结束了 | So it's over. |
你知道 就是个玩笑 | It was just a joke, you know. |
嗯 真幽默 | Yeah, hilarious(!) |
你们快把一个人逼疯了 | You've nearly driven a man out of his mind. |
知道吧 其实他暗自高兴你来了 | You know he's actually plead you're here? Secretly plead. |
是吗? | Is he? |
那就好 | That's nice. |
估计他喜欢熟面孔重聚在一起 | I suppo he likes having all the same faces back together. |
满足了他的... | Appeals |
亚斯伯格症? (较高功能自闭症) | Asperger's? |
所以你相信那只狗处理掉了 | So, you believe them about having the dog destroyed? |
为什么不 | No reason not to. |
顺利的话 没什么坏影响 | Well, hopefully there's no harm done. |
也不知该怎么起诉他们 | I'm not quite sure what I'd charge them with, anyway. |
我会和当地警局谈谈 | I'll have a word with the local force. |
很好 就这样吧 回头见 | Right, that's that, then. Catch you later. |
这里真不错 伦敦的浊气都排干净了 | I'm enjoying this. It's nice to get London out of your lungs. |
沼地上大家看到的就是他们的狗? | So that was their dog that people saw out on the moor? |
似乎是 | Looks like it. |
不过你看到的不是 那不是普通的狗 | But that wasn't what you saw, that wasn't just an ordinary dog. |
对 巨大无比 | No. It was immen. |
杀气腾腾的红眼睛闪着光 约翰 | It had burning red eyes, and it was glowing, John, |
通体发光 | its whole body was glowing. |
我想出了个道理 | I've got a theory, |
但要回到巴斯克维尔去验证一下 | but I need to get back into Baskerville to test it. |
怎么去? 证件的把戏不能再用了 | How? Can't pull off the ID trick again. |
也许不需要 | Might not have to. |
喂 亲爱的哥哥 你好吗? | Hello, brother, dear. How ARE you? |
下午好 先生 能关掉引擎吗? | Afternoon, sir.Can you turn the engine off? |
谢谢 | Thank you. |
我需要马上见白瑞摩少校 | I need to e Major Barrymore as soon as we get inside. |
好的 | Right. |
所以你去找猎犬 好 | Which means you'll have to start the arch for the hound. OK. |
去实验室找 | In the labs. |
先去斯台普吞那间 | Stapleton's first. |
可能会有危险 | It could be dangerous. |
哦 我可乐意了 | Oh, you know I'd love to. |
我巴不得让你自由出入呢 | I'd love to give you unlimite access to this place. |
为什么不呢? | Why not? |
这要求很简单 上校 | It's a simple enough request, Major. |
我从来没听说过如此荒唐的事 | I've never heard of anything so bizarre. |
我只需要24小时 | You're to give me 24 hours,it's what I negotiated, |
一秒也不多给 | not a cond more. |
我必须执行这个命令 但我不一定要喜欢 | I may have to comply with this order, but I don't have to like it. |
真不知道你到底想找什么 | I don't know what the hell you expect to find here, anyway. |
也许是真相 关于什么的? | Perhaps the truth. About what? |
我明白了 | Oh, I e. |
看你大衣就该明白 | The big coat should have told me. |
你也是那种阴谋论者吧? | You're one of the conspiracy lot, aren't you? |
好呀 去把他们找出来呀 | Well, then, go ahead, ek them out, |
怪物 死光射线 外星人 | the monsters, the death rays,the aliens. |
这里有吗? | Have you got any of tho? |
我就随口一问 | Oh, just wondering. |
就一对儿 60年代在这里坠毁的 | A couple.Crash landed here in the '60s. |
我们叫他们阿伯特与科斯特洛(美国喜剧搭档) | We call them Abbott and Costello. |
祝你好运 福尔摩斯先生 | Good luck, Mr Holmes. |
噢 不要 上帝啊 | Aargh! Oh, God! |
(禁止入内 否则当心感冒) | |
上帝啊 | Oh, God! |
别这样 | Oh, come on. |
有人吗 | Hello? |
别这样 快点 快点 | No, come on. Come on. |
得了 别开玩笑了 | No... Don't be ridiculous. |
快接起来 | Pick up. |
该死 | Oh, damn it. |
好吧 | (Right.) |
它在这儿 和我在一起 | (It's here. It's in here with me.) |
你在哪? | 'Where are you?' |
救我出去 夏洛克 你得救我出去 | (Get me out, Sherlock, you've got to get me out. |
大实验室 我们见到的第一个 | (The big lab,the first lab that we saw.) |
约翰... 约翰? | ' John?' |
快点 夏洛克 求你了 | (Now, Sherlock! Plea!) |
好的 我会来找你 继续说话 | 'All right, I'll find you. Keep talking.' |
我不能 它能听见我 | (I can't, it'll hear me.) |
继续说话 你看见什么? | 'Keep talking. What are you eing? |
约翰? | 'John?' |
我在这儿 | (Yes, I'm here.) |
你看见什么? | 'What can you e?' |
我不知道 可是我听得到它 | (I don't know. I don't know, but I can hear it now.) |
你能听到吗? | (Did you hear that?) |
镇定 你看的到它吗? | 'Stay calm, stay calm. Can you e it? |
你能看见吗? | 'Can you e it?' |
不 我看不见 | (No, I can't.) |
我看见了 | I can e it. |
我看见了 | I can e it. |
它在这里 | (It's here.) |
你还好吗 约翰? | Are you all right? John? |
上帝啊 是猎犬 | Jesus Christ! It was the hound! |
夏洛克 它刚才在这里 我发誓它一定... | Sherlock, it was here, I swear it, Sherlock, it must, |
你看见了吗? 一定看见了 | Did-did you e it? You must have! |
好了 现在没事了 | It's all right, it's OK now. |
没有 问题大了 | it's not. it's not ok! |
我见到了 我错了 | I saw it, I was wrong! |
好吧 别急着下结论 什么? | Hm, well, let's not jump to conclusions. What? |
你看到什么? | What did you e? |
我说了 我看到猎犬了 | I told you, I saw the hound? |
巨大 红眼睛? 对 | Huge, red eyes? Yes. |
通体发光? 是的 | Glowing? Yeah. |
不是 什么? | No. What? |
通体发光是我编的 | I made up the bit about glowing. |
你看到了我告诉你的东西 | You saw what you expected to e becau I told you. |
你被下药了 我们都被下药了 | You have been drugged.we have all been drugged. |
下药? | Drugged? |
你能走路吗? 当然可以 | Can you walk? Of cour I can walk. |
走吧 是时候抓这只鬼了 去年nba总冠军 | Come on, then. It's time to lay this ghost. |
回来了哈 这回又想到什么了? | Oh, back again?What's on your mind this time? |
谋杀 斯台普吞博士 | Murder, Dr Stapleton. |
深思熟虑的 冷血谋杀 | Refined, cold-blooded murder. |
蓝铃花的下场你来告诉小科斯蒂 | Will you tell little Kirsty what happened to Bluebell, |
还是我来? | or shall I? |
好吧 你想要什么? | OK. What do you want? |
可以借你的显微镜吗? | Can I borrow your microscope? |
你真的没事吗? 瞧你脸色煞白 | Are you sure you're OK? You look very peaky. |
没事 我很好 | No, I'm all right. |
想知道的话 那是水母里的绿色荧光蛋白基因 | It was the GFP gene from a jellyfish, in ca you're interested. |
什么? | What? |
兔子用的 好吧 | In the rabbits. Oh, right, yeah. |
维多利亚多管发光水母 如果你们真想知道 | Aequorea victoria, if you really want to know. |
为什么? 为什么不呢? | Why? Why not? |
我们这里不问这个问题 还没有成功 | We don't ask questions like that here. It isn't done. |
其实是搞混了 | It was a mix-up, anyway. |
我女儿抱回了一只实验室样本 | My daughter ended up with one of the lab specimens, |
所以可怜的蓝铃花只能死了 | so poor Bluebell had to go. |
你可真有同情心 我知道 | Your compassion is overwhelming! I know. |
我有时也恨自己 | I hate mylf sometimes. |
那好 你可以相信我 我是个医生 | So, come on, then, you can trust me, I'm a doctor, |
你们还有什么藏在这里? | what el have you got hidden away up here? |
拜托你们想象一下 | Listen, if you can imagine it, |
别的地方肯定也有人在干这个 当然有 | someone is probably doing it somewhere. Of cour they are. |
克隆? 当然 你还记得多利羊吧? | Cloning? Yes,of cour. Dolly the Sheep, remember? |
克隆人? 怎么不行? | Human cloning? Why not? |
或者其它动物? 不是羊 | And what about animals? Not sheep. |
大的动物 | Big animals. |
大小完全不是问题 | Size isn't a problem. Not at all. |
唯一限制就是道德和法律 | The only limits are ethics and the law |
二者都那么灵活 | and both tho things can be very flexible. |
但是巴斯克维尔没有 没有 | But not here, not at Baskerville. It's not there! |
上帝 什么都没有 没道理呀 | Jesus! Nothing there! It doesn't make any n! |
你到底想找什么? | What were you expecting to find? |
当然是药 一定有一种药 | A drug, of cour.It has to be a drug. |
致幻剂或引起精神错乱的药 | An hallucinogenic or a deliriant of some kind. |
糖里面并没有痕迹 | There's no trace of anything in the sugar. |
糖? 对 糖 | Sugar? Sugar, yes. |
很简单的排除法 | A simple process of elimination. |
我见到猎犬 就像我想象中的一样 | I saw the hound, saw it as my imagination expected me to e it. |
一个基因改造的怪兽 | A genetically engineered monster. |
我知道不能相信自己的眼睛 | I knew I couldn't believe my eyes, |
所以有7种可能性 | so there were ven possible reasons, |
其中最有可能的就是麻醉药 | the most possible being narcotics. |
亨利·奈特 他也看到了 但你没看到 约翰 | Henry Knight, he saw it too, but you didn't, John. You didn't e it. |
我们到格林盆后 吃喝的都一样 | We have eaten and drunk the same things since we got to Grimpen, |
除了一件事 | apart from one thing. |
你的咖啡里不加糖 我知道 所以? | You don't take sugar in your coffee. I e, so? |
我从亨利厨房里拿了糖 | I took it from Henry's kitchen,his sugar. |
但它完全正常 | It's perfectly all right. |
也许不是被下药了 不 一定有下药 | But maybe it's not a drug. No, it has to be a drug. |
我们从哪吸收的药物 从哪? | How did it get into our systems?How? |
一定有什么事 (猎犬) | There has to be |
一定有什么 | |
隐藏在深处的事情 | Something buried deep. |
出去 什么? | Get out. What? |
出去 我得进入我的思维宫殿 | Get out, I need to go to my mind palace. |
你的什么? | Your what? |
他一段时间之内不会说话 我们还是走吧 | He's not going to be doing much talking for a while,we may as well go. |
他的什么? 他的"思维宫殿" | His what? Oh, his "mind palace". |
是一种记忆方法 精神世界的地图 | It's a memory technique, a sort of mental map. |
给一个场所画块地图 不需要真有空间 | You plot a map with a location, it doesn't have to be a real place. |
然后把记忆储存在里面 | You deposit memories there. |
理论上 你不会忘掉任何事 | Theoretically, you never forget anything. |
只需按图找回去 | All you do is find your way back to it. |
随便想象什么场所 | So this imaginary location could be anything, |
比如房子 或一条街? | a hou or a street? |
对 | Yeah. |
但他说宫殿 是个宫殿? | But he said "palace", he said it was a palace? |
是啊 挺配他的是吗? | Yeah, well, he would, wouldn't he? |
"猎犬" (猫王歌曲) | |
(H.O.U.N.D) | |
上帝啊 | Oh my god. |
上帝啊 上帝啊 对不起 真对不起 | Oh my god,oh my god,I'm sorry,I'm so sorry. |
约翰? 嗯我在听 | John? Yeah, I'm on it. |
猎犬计划 我肯定在哪读过 存在记忆里 | Project HOUND. I must have read about it, stored it away. |
印第安纳自由镇 中情局属地的实验 | An experiment in a CIA facility in Liberty, Indiana. |
H-O-U-N-D | |
恐怕只能进入到这里了 | That's as far as my access goes, I'm afraid. |
肯定有高等级的密码吧 | There must be an override,a password? |
大概有 可那得是白瑞摩少校的 | I imagine so, but that'd be Major Barrymore's. |
密码 密码 密码 | Password, password. Password. |
他想出密码的时候坐在这里 | He sat here when he thought it up. |
描述一下他? 你见过他 | Describe him to me? You've en him. |
描述他 | But describe him. |
严苛得要命 老古板 | He's a bloody martinet,a throw-back, |
会被派去苏伊士的类型 | the sort they'd have nt into Suez. |
非常好 守旧 传统主义者 | Good, excellent, old-fashioned. Traditionalist. |
不会用孩子的名字作密码 | Not the sort to u his children's name as a password. |
他热爱工作 为此自豪 | He loves his job, proud of it |
所以和工作有关 他视线朝哪? | and this is work-related. So what's at eye level? |
书 | Books. |
简氏防务周刊 合订本 汉尼拔 | Jane's Defence Weekly, bound copies.Hannibal. |
威灵顿(19世纪英国将军及首相) | Wellington. |
隆美尔(二战德国将领) | Rommel. |
丘吉尔的英语国家史略 | Churchill's History of the English-Speaking Peoples, |
全4册 | all four volumes. |
丘吉尔 他特别喜欢丘吉尔 | Churchill, he's fond of Churchill. |
唐宁街岁月 一二三四五本 | Copy of The Downing Street Years,one to five. |
不同的撒切尔夫人传 | Separate biographies of Thatcher. |
80年代的中期吧 父子照 | Mid-1980s, at a guess. Father and son. |
老白瑞摩戴着军功章 杰出服务勋章 | Barrymore Senior, medals, Distinguished Service Order. |
看日期应该是福克兰岛老兵 | That date, I'd say Falklands veteran. |
好吧 撒切尔比丘吉尔更可能 | Right, Thatcher's a more likely bet than Churchill. |
这就是密码? | That's the password? |
不 白瑞摩上校这样的人 只会用教名 | No! With a man like Major Barrymore, only first name terms would do. |
猎犬 | hound |
上帝啊 | Jesus |
猎犬计划 | Project HOUND. |
一种新迷幻药 让使用者极易受暗示 | A new deliriant drug which rendered its urs incredibly suggestible. |
他们想用它作为杀伤性武器 | They wanted to u it as an anti-personnel weapon, |
用恐惧和刺激 | to totally disorientate the enemy |
彻底迷惑敌人 | using fear and stimulus. |
可1986年他们把计划停止并藏了起来 | But they shut it down and hid it away in 1986. |
因为它对实验者的影响 | Becau of what it did to the subjects they tested it on. |
还有实验者对其他人的 | And what they did to others. |
长期被迫摄入让人发疯 | Prolonged exposure drove them insane. |
攻击性几乎无法控制 | Made them almost uncontrollably aggressive. |
这么说 有人又开始用它了 继续试验? | So, someone's been doing it again? Carrying on the experiments? |
也许是想改良它 在过去20年 | Attempting to refine it, perhaps.For the last 20 years. |
是谁? | Who? |
这些名字你听过吗? | Tho names mean anything to you? |
不 都没有听过 | No, not a thing. |
5名重要科学家 | Five principal scientists. |
20年前 | 20 years ago. |
也许我们的朋友站在后面? | Maybe our friend's somewhere in the back of the picture? |
年纪足以在1986年参与实验? | Someone old enough to be there at the time of the experiments in 1986? |
也许用美语说"手机" 因为在美国待过 | Maybe somebody who says "cell phone"becau of time spent in America? |
你有印象吗 约翰? | You remember, John? Hm-mm. |
留着我的手机(美语)号码 | Here's my, uh, cell number. |
他给我们手机号 有事好找他 | He gave us his number,in ca we needed him. |
上帝啊 鲍勃·弗兰克兰 | Oh, my god, Bob Frankland. |
但鲍勃不参加... 他是病毒学家 | But Bob doesn't He's a virologist. |
这是化学战争 | This is chemical warfare. |
他的研究就是从这里开始的 | That's where he started, though. |
他从没放弃过 | He's never lost the certainty, |
一直执着坚持这药能用 | the obssion that that drug really could work. |
还好他给了我们号码 约他开个小会吧 | Nice of him to give us his number.Let's arrange a little meeting. |
喂? | Hello? |
你是谁? 你们必须找到亨利 | Who's this? You've got to find Henry. |
是露易丝·摩梯末 | It's Loui Mortimer. |
露易丝 什么事? | Loui, what's wrong? |
亨利记起了什么 然后... | Henry was, was remembering. |
他开始... | |
他带着枪 他拿枪出去要... | He's got a gun, he went for the gun and |
什么? | What? |
他出去了 可你们必须制止他 | He's gone. But you've got to stop him, |
我不知道他想做什么 | I don't know what he might do. |
你在哪儿? | Where, where are you? |
他的家 我还好 还好 | His hou. I'm OK. I'm OK. |
在那里呆着 我们派人过去 好吗? | Right, stay there.We'll get someone to you, OK? |
亨利? 他攻击了她 | Henry? He's attacked her. |
跑了? 嗯 | Gone? Hm. |
他只会去一个地方 事情的原点 | There's only one place he'll go, back to where it started. |
雷斯垂德? 马上去德沃谷 带上把枪 | Lestrade? Get to the Hollow. Dewer's Hollow, now! And bring a gun. |
对不起 | I'm sorry. |
对不起 爸爸 | I'm so sorry, Dad. |
不 亨利! 不 退后 多肉怎么种植 | No, Henry, no, no! Get back! |
离我远点 没事的 亨利 放松 | Get away from me! Easy, Henry, easy. Just relax. |
我知道我是什么 我知道我想做什么 | I know what I am,I know what I tried to do. |
快把枪放下 没事的 | Just put the gun down, it's OK. |
不 我知道我是什么 | No, no! I know what I am! |
我相信你知道 亨利 | Yes, I'm sure you do, Henry. |
有人全部解释给你听了 不是吗? | It's all been explained to you, hasn't it? |
小心地解释了 什么? | Explained very carefully. What? |
有人要堵住你的嘴 | Someone needed to keep you quiet, |
把你留在童年 | needed to keep you as a child, |
重复你们俩的噩梦 | to reasrt the dream you both clung on to, |
因为你已经开始记起了 | becau you had started to remember. |
回忆 亨利 | Remember now, Henry, |
你得想起你小时候在这里发生了什么 | you've got to remember what happened here when you were a little boy. |
我以为它杀了我爸爸 | I thought it had got my dad. |
那猎犬 我以为...上帝啊 | The hound. Oh, Jesus! |
我不知道 我再也不知道了 | I I don't know any more!I don't! |
不 亨利 | No, Henry! |
看在上帝份上 你想想 自由和印这两个词 | Henry, for God's sake! Henry, remember. "Liberty In." Two words. |
20年前受惊小男孩看到的词 | Two words a frightened little boy saw here 20 years ago. |
你得把片段凑在一起 | You'd started to piece things together. |
想起那晚在这里发生了什么 | Remember what happened here that night. |
不是动物 对吧 亨利? | It wasn't an animal, was it, Henry? |
不是怪兽? | Not a monster. |
是一个男人 | A man. |
你无力承受 你只是个小孩 | You couldn't cope.You were just a child. |
可你开始想起真相了 得制止你 | Then you started to remember, so you had to be stopped. |
把你逼疯 | Driven out of your mind |
就没人会相信你的话了 | so that no-one would believe a word that you said. |
夏洛克 | Sherlock! |
没事的 | It's OK. |
没事 伙计 | It's OK, mate. |
但我们见到了 昨晚见到了猎犬... | But we saw it, the hound,last night. We did, |
没有 但有条狗 亨利 | No, but there was a dog, Henry, |
留下足迹 惊吓目击者 | leaving footprints,scaring witness, |
但是和普通狗没两样 | but nothing more than an ordinary dog. |
我们都看到了 是被下药的大脑让我们看见的 | We both saw it, saw it as our drugged minds wanted us to e it. |
恐惧和刺激 这就是原理 | Fear and stimulus,that's how it works. |
可是从来就没有怪物 | But there never was any monster. |
夏洛克? | Sherlock? |
不 不 亨利 夏洛克 | No! No, no, no, no!Henry, Sherlock! |
不要 不要 | No, no! No, no, no, noooo! |
亨利 | Henry. |
夏洛克 你看到了吗? | Sherlock, are you eing this? |
好吧 他可没被下药 夏洛克 那是什么? | Right, he is not drugged, Sherlock,so what's that? |
不要 那是什么? | Oh, oh, no!What is it?! |
好吧 它还在 | All right, it's still here. |
只是条狗 亨利 就是条普通狗 | But it's just a dog, Henry. It's nothing more than an ordinary dog. |
上帝呀 | My god! |
上帝呀 | Oh, Christ! |
不 不 | < No. No! |
不是你 不是你 | It's not you, not you! |
是雾 什么? | The fog. What? |
药物就是雾 在雾气里 | It's the fog,the drug, it's in the fog! |
气溶性扩散 记录上有记载 | Aerosol dispersant, that's what it said in the records. |
猎犬行动 是雾 | Project HOUND, it's the fog! |
生化雷区 | A chemical minefield. |
看在上帝份上 杀了它 杀了它 | For God's sake, kill it! Kill it! |
快看 亨利 | Look at it, Henry. |
不要 快看 | No, no, no. Come on, look at it! |
你这个混蛋 | You bastard. |
你这个混蛋 | bastard! |
20年 让我20年的生命都失去意义 | 20 years! 20 years of my life, making no n! |
好了 都结束了 | It's all over now,come on. |
怎么不直接杀了我? | Why didn't you just kill me? |
因为死人的遗言仍有人信 他不能把你一杀了之 | Becau dead men get listened to, he needed to do more than kill you. |
他必须诋毁你说的关于父亲的每一句话 | He had to discredit every word you ever said about your father. |
方法就在他的脚下 | And he had the means right at his feet. |
生化雷区 地上有承压垫 | A chemical minefield,pressure pads in the ground, |
每次你回来 就给你下药 | 阿昌族dosing you up every time that you came back here. |
杀人武器和犯罪现场合为一体 | Murder weapon and scene of the crime all at once. |
哈哈 瞧这案子 亨利 多谢你了 | Ha ha, oh, this ca, Henry.Thank you. |
实在太棒了 | It's been brilliant! |
夏洛克 什么? | Sherlock. What? |
注意时机 | Timing. |
这样不好? 没关系的 | Not good? No, no, it's OK. |
没关系 因为这代表着... | It's fine. Becau |
代表我爸爸是对的 | this means that my dad was right. |
他发现了什么 不是吗? | He'd found something out, hadn't he? |
这就是你杀他的原因 他是对的 | 汉口江滩公园And that's why you killed him, becau he was right, |
他发现了你正在做实验 | and he'd found you right in the middle of an experiment! |
弗兰克兰 | Frankland! |
弗兰克兰 继续跑 | Frankland! Keep running. |
继续跑 | Come on, keep up! |
没有用的 弗兰克兰 | It's no u, Frankland. |
谢谢 比尔 | Thanks, Bill. |
所以他们没把狗安乐死? 显然 | So they didn't have it put down then, the dog? Obviously. |
估计他们终究狠不下心 | I suppo they just couldn't bring themlves to do it. |
我明白了 | I e. |
你不明白 | No, you don't. |
对 我不明白 | No, I don't. |
重感情? 重感情 | Sentiment? Sentiment. |
喂 我在实验室里到底怎么了? | Listen, what happened to me in the lab? |
你想加点调味汁吗? | Do you want some sauce with that? |
我没去山谷 怎么也能听到那些声响? | I hadn't been to the Hollow.How come I heard tho things there? |
恐惧和刺激 记得吗? | Fear and stimulus, you said? |
你肯定在其他地方中招的 没准是实验室? | You must have been dod with it elwhere. In the lab, maybe? |
看到那些古老的管道 淅沥沥漏水 | You saw tho pipes, pretty ancient, leaky as a sieve. |
那可是煤气管道 | And they were carrying the gas, |
所以...番茄酱还是棕酱? 等等 | so... Um, ketchup was it, or brown? Hang on. |
你以为它在糖里 | You thought it was in the sugar. |
你曾相信它在糖里 | You were convinced it was in the sugar. |
我得走了 有辆火车半小时之内发车 | I'd better get going,there's a train leaving in half an hour, |
如果你想... | so if |
老天 是你 | Oh, God! It was you. |
你把我锁进那破实验室 | You locked me in that bloody lab. |
我没办法 这是个实验 | I had to, it was an experiment. |
实验? | An experiment?! Ssh. |
我怕了 夏洛克 差点吓死了 | I was terrified, scared to death! |
我以为药在糖里 所以在你咖啡里放了糖 | I thought the drug was in the sugar,so I put some in your coffee. |
然后和白瑞摩少校安排了实验 | Then I arranged everything with Major Barrymore. |
完全科学 绝对实验室环境 | Totally scientific,laboratory conditions, literally. |
它和我在一起 | (It's in here with me.) |
好的 继续说话 我来找你 | All right, keep talking, I'll find you. |
继续说话 不行 它能听到 | Keep talking. (I can't, it'll hear me.) |
告诉我你看到了什么 | Tell me what you're eing. |
我不知道 但我可以听到 | I don't know, but I can hear it now. |
我知道它对高能大脑的作用 | I knew what effect it had had on a superior mind, |
所以得找个普通头脑试试 | so I needed to try it on an average one. |
你知道我的意思 | You know what I mean. |
但它不在糖里 确实不在 | But it wasn't in the sugar. No, well, |
我不知道你吸进了煤气啊 | I wasn't to know you'd already been expod to the gas. |
所以你弄错了 没有 | So you got it wrong. No. Hmm. |
你错了 不在糖里 你弄错了 | You were wrong. It wasn't in the sugar, you got it wrong. |
一点点 | A bit. |
下不为例 | It won't happen again. |
会有后遗症吗? | Any long-term effects? |
爱国题材的作文 不会的 排出就没事了 我们都是 | None at all. You'll be fine once you've excreted it. We all will. |
我觉得好像已经排出了 | I think I might have taken care of that already. |
你去哪儿? 马上就回来 | Where are you going? I won't be a minute. |
找某人谈一条狗的事 | Got to e a man about a dog. |
好吧 让他走 | All right, let him go. |
本文发布于:2023-05-16 05:39:15,感谢您对本站的认可!
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