I told…about简单造句
1.I told her about him climbing up the drainpipe.我把他爬排水管的事告诉了她。一声兄弟
2.I told her about a woven Guatemalan bracelet a friend had given me for this occasion.
cg图片3.I told her about my situation.
4.I told her about my dream.我告诉她我的梦。
5.I told her about us.我把我们的事情告诉了她。
6.I told her about my family and school life.我告诉她关于我的家庭和学校生活的情况。
7.I told her about my schooling and growing up.我告诉她我的教育和生活经历。
8.I told her about Hanna's death and her last wishes.我告诉了她有关汉娜的死和她临终的遗愿。
9.Then I told her about the scene with my father.于是我把我和父亲之间发生的事告诉了她。
10.I told her about going to the Nature Center with you.我告诉她和你去“自然中心的事了。
老人老办法11.I told her about finding the wallet and showed her the letter.我告诉她关于拾到钱夹的事并给她看了信。
12.When I told her about it on the way home,she laughed out loud.当我告诉了她在回家的路上,她笑出声来。
13.Met him pike hos she called it tillI told her about the transmigration.我告诉她什么叫作“轮回”之前,她管它叫“遇见了他尖头胶皮管。
14.Finally I told her about my afair with Mary Ann,to try and scare her away.我最终跟她讲了我和玛丽安的事情,想用这事把她吓跑。
15.I told her about bad rvice,and also told her I will not come back again.我告诉她关于不良的服务,还告诉她,我不会再来。