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Copyright 2001 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. device provides an estimation of the maximum temperature a specimen might attain during exposure
to natural or artificial light.
3.2Center Wavelength, n—The specified wavelength for bandpass filters; the wavelength midway between the
half power points (e.g., 340 nm ± 2).
3.3Color Change, n—As ud in fade-weathering testing, a change in color of any kind (whether a change in
hue, saturation, or lightness).自制馒头
3.4Half Power Bandpass, n—The interval between wavelengths at which transmittance is 50 of peak. (It should
not exceed 20 nm for a narrow bandpass filter.)
3.5Irradiance, Controlled, n—The maintenance by clod loop feedback of a prelected irradiance throughout
a designated exposure interval.
3.6Irradiance, Spectral, n—The radiant energy within a specified wavelength interval that falls on a unit area of
expod surface (w/m-2/nm).
3.7Irradiance, Total, n—Radiant energy integrated over all wavelengths falling on a unit area of exposure at a
point in time expresd in watts per square meter (W/m2).
3.8Irradiation, n—See radiant exposure.
3.9Long-Arc Xenon, n—A xenon arc in which the length of the arc between electrodes is greater than the
diameter of the envelope enclosing the arc.
3.10Peak Wavelength, n—The wavelength of peak transmission (e.g., 340 nm).
3.11Radiant Exposure, n—The time integral of irradiance expresd in joules per square meter (J/m2).
3.12Radiant Exposure, Spectral, n—The integration of spectral irradiance with respect to time.
3.13Reference Plastic, n—A clear polystyrene plastic standard lected for exposure as a check on a test
apparatus and operating conditions.
3.14Sample, Laboratory, n—A portion of material taken to reprent the lot sample, or the original material, and
ud in the laboratory as a source of test specimens.
3.15Specimen, n—A specific portion of a material or a laboratory sample on which a test is performed or that is
lected for that purpo.
3.16Spectral Power Distribution, n—The relative power emitted by a source as a function of wavelength.
4.Significance and U
4.1This test method is designed to accelerate extreme environmental conditions encountered outside a vehicle
due to sunlight, heat, and moisture (in the form of humidity, condensation or rain) for the purpo of predicting the performance of automotive materials.
5.1 A more complete description of the apparatus listed below may be found in ASTM G 26, Standard Practice
for Operating Light-Exposure Apparatus (Xenon Arc Type) With and Without Water for Exposure of Nonmetallic Materials.
5.2The apparatus employed utilizes a water-cooled xenon arc lamp as the source of radiation and should be one薯条的制作方法
of the following:
5.2.1T YPE AH—A controlled irradiance apparatus in which the radiant energy source is vertically located at the
central axis of a specimen rack. The specimen rack shall rotate at 1 rpm ± 0.1 and shall be of the three-tiered, inclined type having a center gment of 648 mm ± 6 (25.5 in ± 0.25) outside diameter centered on the xenon arc lamp. The top and bottom gments shall be 511 mm ± 6 (20 in ± 0.25) outside diameter, positioned 28 deg ± 2 from the vertical. Each gment shall accommodate 152 mm (6 in) specimen holders.
The apparatus shall provide for automatic control of temperature, relative humidity, and irradiance at 340mm1.
5.2.2T YPE BH—A controlled irradiance apparatus in which the radiant energy source is vertically located at the
central axis of one of the following two racks: specimen rack shall rotate at 1 rpm ± 0.1 and shall be of the three-tiered, inclined type having a center
gment of 965 m ± 6 (38 in ± 0.25) outside diameter centered on the xenon arc lamp. The top and bottom gments shall be 842 mm ± 6 (33.16 in ± 0.25) outside diameter, positioned 22 deg ± 2 from the vertical.
Each tier shall accomodate 152 mm (6 in) specimen holders. The apparatus shall provide for automatic control of temperature, relative humidity and irradiance at 340 nm1. All specimen exposure openings may be ud.莨菪片的功效与作用 specimen rack shall rotate at 1 rpm ± 0.1 and shall be of the two-tiered, inclined type, 965.2 mm ± 6
(38 in ± 0.25) outside diameter in the center. The top and bottom gments shall be 872.5 mm ±6我的成长宣言
(34.35± 0.25) outside diameter positioned 11 deg ± 2 from the vertical. The rack shall be positioned so
that the exposure area is centered on the xenon lamp. Each tier shall accommodate 254 mm (10 in) long specimen holders. The apparatus shall provide for automatic control of temperature, relative humidity and irradiance at 340 nm1. When using this two-tiered specimen rack, the test specimens shall not be placed in positions 1 and 8 Figure 1.
5.2.3The xenon arc employed shall be of the “long-arc” water-cooled type. It shall employ cylindrical inner and
outer optical filters to direct the flow of cooling water and to provide a lected spectral power distribution. 5.2.4Distilled or deionized water shall be recirculated past the burner at a flow rate sufficient to remove excess
heat. Passing water through a cartridge demineralizer installed in the recirculation line just ahead of the lamp minimizes contamination of the quartz envelope of the burner. A heat exchange unit shall be ud to cool the recirculated lamp water.
6.Apparatus Setup
6.1To insure repeatability of tests, maintain and calibrate the apparatus to manufacturer's specifications and as
described in Appendix A and B. Appendix A contains additional maintenance instructions and replacement schedules, and Appendix B describes the u of a reference plastic to determine if the xenon arc apparatus is operating properly.
6.1.1The input voltage must be between 215 – 250 V.
6.1.2Water for humidification and lamp cooling must be purified so that it is free of silica and has no more than
20ppm total dissolved solids.
6.1.3Install the specimen spray and the rack spray units.
1.The CI35 Xenon Arc Weather-Ometer or equivalent with factory installed air heater meets the requirements of Type AH. The CI65 Xenon
Arc Weather-Ometer or equivalent with factory installed air heater meets the requirements of Type BH. The apparatus are available from Atlas Electric Devices Company, 4114 North Ravenswood Avenue, Chicago, IL 60613.
6.1.4Fit the xenon arc burner with a quartz inner filter and a “Type S” borosilicate outer filter.
跨年诗句6.1.5Set the operation switches/controls as follows:
Black panel/ambient air Black panel
Wattage adjustment Automatic
Irradiation/timed Irradiation
Countdown meter Set to required kJ value
Lamp ignition O n
Lamp cooling water O n
Fixed air valve Off
Humidifier O n
Water heater O n
Air heater O n
Specimen spray O n
Rack spray O n
血细胞包括Under the circuit breakers/mode switch cover, t the following:
If the proper humidity cannot be achieved, t the air heater switch to dark-on cycle.
Set the thumb wheel controls as follows:
This is a suggested tting to obtain the specified humidity level. Becau of ambient conditions in the room containing the apparatus, it may be necessary to adjust this tting.
Install a #180 cam, which provides 120 min of light and 60 min of dark in the following cycle: 40 min of light followed by 20 min of light and front specimen spray, followed by 60 min of light, followed by 60 min of dark with back rack spray and repeating.
Operate the apparatus to maintain the following tolerances. If the actual operating conditions do not agree with the machine ttings after the equipment has stabilized, discontinue the test and correct the cau of the disagreement before continuing. Note: To maintain dry bulb tolerance, blower speed adjustment may be required. tolerances do not apply during the spray portion of the cycle.
Adjust the temperature of the lamp cooling water to provide sufficient cooling but prevent condensation from forming on the lamp asmbly. Suggest 60 °C for cooling water and 70 °C for high temperature cut out.
Air heater on cycle Light-on cycle
Rack spray light cycle Off Test chamber/high temperature adjust.
75 °C
Dark Cycle Light Cycle
Automatic/irradiance - - -
0.55 W/m 2 @ 340 nm
Black panel temperature 38°C 70 °C Wet bulb depression 0.00 °C 12 °C Conditioning water
40 °C
45 °C
Dark Cycle Light Cycle
Automatic irradiance - - - ± 0.01 W/m 2
Black panel ± 2°C ± 2°C Dry bulb
38°C ± 247°C ± 2Relative humidity 95% ± 550% ± 5Conditioning water ± 4 °C
± 4 °C
Radiant exposure
See applicable specification.