ASTM G155-05a(General)

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Standard Practice for
Operating Xenon Arc Light Apparatus for Exposure of Non-Metallic Materials1
This standard is issued under thefixed designation G155;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or,in the ca of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parenthes indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon(e)indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1.1This practice covers the basic principles and operating procedures for using xenon arc light and water apparatus intended to reproduce the weathering effects that occur when materials are expod to sunlight(either direct or through window glass)and moisture as rain or dew in actual u.This practice is limited to the procedures for obtaining,measuring, and controlling conditions of exposure.A number of exposure procedures are listed in an appendix;however,this practice does not specify the exposure conditions best suited for the material to be tested.
N OTE1—Practice G151describes performance criteria for all exposure devices that u laboratory light sources.This practice replaces Practice G26,which describes very specific designs for devices ud for xenon-arc exposures.The apparatus described in Practice G26iscovered by this practice.
1.2Test specimens are expod tofiltered xenon arc light under controlled environmental conditions.Different types of xenon arc light sources and differentfilter combinations are described.
1.3Specimen preparation and evaluation of the results are covered in ASTM methods or specifications for specific materials.General guidance is given in Practice G151and ISO 4892-1.More specific information about methods for deter-mining the change in properties after exposure and reporting the results is described in Practice D5870.
1.4The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard.
最新美容1.5This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns,if any,associated with its u.It is the responsibility of the ur of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to u.
1.5.1Should any ozone be generated from the operation of the lamp(s),it shall be carried away from the test specimens and operating personnel by an exhaust system.
1.6This practice is technically similar to the following ISO documents:ISO4892-2,ISO11341,ISO105B02,ISO105 B04,ISO105B05,and ISO105B06.
2.Referenced Documents
2.1ASTM Standards:2
D3980Practice for Interlaboratory Testing of Paint and Related Materials
D5870Practice for Calculating Property Retention Index of Plastics
E691Practice for Conducting an Interlaboratory Study to Determine the Precision of a Test Method
G26Practice for Operating Light-Exposure Apparatus (Xenon-Arc Type)With and Without Water for Exposure of Nonmetallic Materials
G113Terminology Relating to Natural and Artificial Weathering Tests for Nonmetallic Materials
G151Practice for Exposing Nonmetallic Materials in Ac-celerated Test Devices That U Laboratory Light Sources 2.2CIE Standards:
CIE-Publ.No.85:Recommendations for the Integrated Irradiance and the Spectral Distribution of Simulated Solar Radiation for Testing Purpos3
2.3International Standards Organization Standards:
ISO1134,Paint and Varnishes—Artificial Weathering Ex-posure to Artificial Radiation to Filtered Xenon Arc Radiation4
ISO105B02,Textiles—Tests for Colorfastness—Part B02 Colorfastness to Artificial Light:Xenon Arc Fading Lamp Test4
ISO105B04,Textiles—Tests for Colorfastness—Part B04 Colorfastness to Artificial Weathering:Xenon Arc Fading Lamp Test4
ISO105B05,Textiles—Tests for Colorfastness—Part B05
1This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee G03on Weathering and Durability and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee G03.03on Simulated and Controlled Exposure Tests.
Current edition approved Oct.1,2005.Published November2005.Originally approved in1997.Last previous edition approved in2005as G155–05.
2For referenced ASTM standards,visit the ASTM website,,or contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM Standards volume information,refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on the ASTM website.
3Available from American National Standards Institute,11W.42d St.,13th Floor,New York,NY10036).
4Available from American National Standards Institute(ANSI),25W.43rd St., 4th Floor,New York,NY10036.
Copyright©ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959,United States.
Detection and Asssment of Photochromism 4
ISO 105B06,Textiles—Tests for Colorfastness—Part B06Colorfastness to Artificial Light at High Temperatures:Xenon Arc Fading Lamp Test 4
ISO 4892-1,Plastics—Methods of Exposure to Laboratory Light Sources,Part 1,General Guidance 4
ISO 4892-2,Plastics—Methods of Exposure to Laboratory Light Sources,Part 2,Xenon-Arc Sources 4
2.4Society of Automotive Engineers’Standards:
SAE J1885,Accelerated Exposure of Automotive Interior Trim Components Using a Controlled Irradiance Water Cooled Xenon Arc Apparatus 5
SAE J1960,Accelerated Exposure of Automotive Exterior Materials Using a Controlled Irradiance Water Cooled Xenon Arc Apparatus 5
SAE J2412,Accelerated Exposure of Automotive Interior Trim Components Using a Controlled Irradiance Xenon-Arc Apparatus 5
SAE J2527Accelerated Exposure of Automotive Exterior Materials Using a Controlled Irradiance Xenon-Arc Ap-paratus 53.Terminology
3.1Definitions—The definitions given in Terminology G 113are applicable to this practice.
3.2Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
3.2.1As ud in this practice,the term sunlight is identical to the terms daylight and solar irradiance,global as they are defined in Terminology G 113.
4.Summary of Practice
4.1Specimens are expod to repetitive cycles of light and moisture under controlled environmental conditions.
4.1.1Moisture is usually produced by spraying the test specimen with demineralized/deionized water or by condensa-tion of water vapor onto the specimen.
4.2The exposure condition may be varied by lection of:4.2.1Lamp filter(s),
4.2.2The lamp’s irradiance level,4.2.3The type of moisture exposure,
4.2.4The timing of the light and moisture exposure,4.2.5The temperature of light exposure,
4.2.6The temperature of moisture exposure,and 4.2.7The timing of a light/dark cycle.
4.3Comparison of results obtained from specimens expod in the same model of apparatus should not be made unless reproducibility has been established among devices for the material to be tested.
4.4Comparison of results obtained from specimens expod in different models of apparatus should not be made unless correlation has been established among devices for the material to be tested.
5.Significance and U
5.1The u of this apparatus is intended to induce property changes associated with the end u conditions,including the
effects of sunlight,moisture,and heat.The exposures may include a means to introduce moisture to the test specimen.Exposures are not intended to simulate the deterioration caud by localized weather phenomena,such as atmospheric pollu-tion,biological attack,and saltwater exposure.Alternatively,the exposure may simulate the effects of sunlight through window glass.Typically,the exposures would include mois-ture in the form of humidity.
梦见坐电梯上楼N OTE 2—Caution:Refer to Practice G 151for full cautionary guidance applicable to all laboratory weathering devices.
5.2Variation in results may be expected when operating conditions are varied within the accepted limits of this practice.Therefore,no reference shall be made to results from the u of this practice unless accompanied by a report detailing the specific operating conditions in conformance with the Report Section.
5.2.1It is recommended that a similar material of known performance (a control)be expod simultaneously with the test specimen to provide a standard for comparative purpos.It is recommended that at least three replicates of each material evaluated be expod in each test to allow for statistical evaluation of results.
6.1Laboratory Light Source —The light source shall be one or more quartz jacketed xenon arc lamps which emit radiation from below 270nm in the ultraviolet through the visible spectrum and into the infrared.In order for xenon arcs to simulate terrestrial daylight,filters must be ud to remove short wavelength UV radiation.Filters to reduce irradiance at wavelengths shorter than 310nm must be ud to simulate daylight filtered through window glass.In addition,filters to remove infrared radiation may be ud to prevent unrealistic heating of test specimens that can cau thermal degradation not experienced during outdoor exposures.
6.1.1The following factors can affect the spectral power distribution of filtered xenon arc light sources as ud in the apparatus: in the composition and thickness of filters can have large effects on the amount of short wavelength UV radiation transmitted. of filters can result in changes in filter transmission.The aging properties of filters can be influenced by the composition.Aging of filters can result in a significant reduction in the short wavelength UV emission of a xenon burner. of deposits or other residue on filters can effect filter transmission. of the xenon burner itlf can result in changes in lamp output.Changes in lamp output may also be caud by accumulation of dirt or other residue in or on the burner envelope.
6.1.2Follow the device manufacturer’s instructions for recommended maintenance.
Available from Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE),400Commonwealth Dr.,Warrendale,PA
6.1.3Spectral Irradiance of Xenon Arc with Daylight Filters —Filters are ud to filter xenon arc lamp emissions in a simulation of terrestrial sunlight.The spectral power distri-bution of xenon arcs with new or pre-aged filters 6,7shall comply with the requirements specified in Table 1.
6.1.4Spectral Irradiance of Xenon Arc With Window Glass Filters —Filters are ud to filter xenon arc lamp emissions in a simulation of sunlight filtered through window glass.8Table 2shows the relative spectral power distribution limits for xenon arcs filtered with window glass filters.The spectral
power distribution of xenon arcs with new or pre-aged filters shall comply with the requirements specified in Table 2.
6.1.5Spectral Irradiance of Xenon Arc With Extended UV Filters —Filter that transmit more short wavelength UV are sometimes ud to accelerate test result.Although this type of filter has been specified in some tests,they transmit significant
男人摸女人的胸radiant energy below 300nm (the typical cut-on wavelength for terrestrial sunlight)and may result in aging process not occurring outdoors.The spectral irradiance for a xenon arc with extended UV filters shall comply with the requirements of Table 3.
6.1.6The actual irradiance at the tester’s specimen plane is a function of the number of xenon burners ud,the power applied to each,and the distance between the test specimens and the xenon burner.If appropriate,report the irradiance and the bandpass in which it was measured.
6.2Test Chamber —The design of the test chamber may vary,but it should be constructed from corrosion resistant material and,in addition to the radiant source,may provide for means of controlling temperature and relative humidity.When required,provision shall be made for the spraying of water on the test specimen,for the formation of condensate on the expod face of the specimen
or for the immersion of the test specimen in water.
6.2.1The radiation source(s)shall be located with respect to the specimens such that the irradiance at the specimen face complies with the requirements in Practice G 151.
Ketola,W.,Skogland,T.,Fischer,R.,“Effects of Filter and Burner Aging on the Spectral Power Distribution of Xenon Arc Lamps,”Durability Testing of Non-Metallic Materials,ASTM STP 1294,Robert Herling,Editor,ASTM,Philadelphia,1995.7
Searle,N.D.,Giecke,P.,Kinmonth,R.,and Hirt,R.C.,“Ultraviolet Spectral Distributions and Aging Characteristics of Xenon Arcs and Filters,”Applied Optics ,V ol.No.8,1964,pp.923–927.8
Ketola,W.,Robbins,J.S.,“UV Transmission of Single Strength Window Glass,”Accelerated and Outdoor Durability Testing of Organic Materials,ASTM STP 1202,Warren D.Ketola and Douglas Grossman,Editors,ASTM,Philadelphia,1993.
TABLE 1Relative Ultraviolet Spectral Power Distribution Specification for Xenon Arc with Daylight Filters A ,B
Spectral Bandpass Wavelength l in nm Minimum Percent C
Benchmark Solar Radiation Percent D ,E ,F
Maximum Percent C l <290
0.15290#l #320  2.6  5.87.9320<l #36028.340.040.0360<l #400
Data in Table 1are the irradiance in the given bandpass expresd as a percentage of the total irradiance from 290to 400nm.The manufacturer is responsible for determining conformance to Table 1.Annex A1states how to determine relative spectral irradiance.B
The data in Table 1are bad on the rectangular integration of 112spectral power distributions for wa
ter and air cooled xenon-arcs with daylight filters of various lots and ages.The spectral power distribution data is for filters and xenon-burners within the aging recommendations of the device manufacturer.The minimum and maximum data are at least the three sigma limits from the mean for all measurements.C
The minimum and maximum columns will not necessarily sum to 100%becau they reprent the minimum and maximum for the data ud.For any individual spectral power distribution,the calculated percentage for the band-pass in Table 1will sum to 100%.For any individual xenon-lamp with daylight filters,the calculated percentage in each bandpass must fall within the minimum and maximum limits of Table 1.Test results can be expected to differ between exposures using xenon arc devices in which the spectral power distributions differ by as much as that allowed by the tolerances.Contact the manufacturer of the xenon-arc devices for specific spectral power distribution data for the xenon-arc and filters ud.D
The benchmark solar radiation data is defined in ASTM G 177and is for atmospheric conditions and altitude chon to maximize the fraction of short wavelength solar UV.This data is provided for comparison purpos only.E
Previous versions of this standard ud solar radiation data from Table 4of CIE Publication Number 85.See Appendix X4for more information comparing the solar radiation data ud in this standard with that for CIE 85Table 4.F
For the benchmark solar spectrum,the UV irradiance (290to 400nm)is 9.8%and the visible irradiance (400to 800nm)is 90.2%expresd as a percentage of the total irradiance from 290to 800nm.The percentages of UV and visible irradiances on samples expod in xenon arc devices may vary due to the number and reflectance properties of specimens being expod.
TABLE 2Relative Ultraviolet Spectral Power Distribution Specification for Xenon-Arc with Window Glass Filters A ,B
Spectral Bandpass Wavelength l in nm Minimum Percent C
Window Glass Filtered Solar Radiation Percent D ,E ,F
Maximum Percent C l <300
0.00.29300#l #3200.1#0.5  2.8320<l #36023.834.235.5360<l #400
Data in Table 2are the irradiance in the given bandpass expresd as a percentage of the total irradiance from 300to 400nm.The manufacturer is responsible for determining conformance to Table 2.Annex A1states how to determine relative spectral irradiance.B
The data in Table 2are bad on the rectangular integration of 36spectral power distributions for water cooled and air cooled xenon-arcs with window glass filters of various lots and ages.The spectral power distribution data is for filters and xenon-burners within the aging recommendations of the device manufacturer.The minimum and maximum data are at least the three sigma limits from the mean for all measurements.C
The minimum and maximum columns will not necessarily sum to 100%becau they reprent the minimum and maximum for the data ud.For any individual spectral power distribution,the calculated percentage for the band-pass in Table 2will sum to 100%.For any individual xenon-lam
p with window glass filters,the calculated percentage in each bandpass must fall within the minimum and maximum limits of Table 2.Test results can be expected to differ between exposures using xenon arc devices in which the spectral power distribu-tions differ by as much as that allowed by the tolerances.Contact the manufacturer of the xenon-arc devices for specific spectral power distribution data for the xenon-arc and filters ud.D
The window glass filtered solar data is for a solar spectrum with atmospheric conditions and altitude chon to maximize the fraction of short wavelength solar UV (defined in ASTM G 177)that has been filtered by window glass.The glass transmission is the average for a ries of single strength window glass tested as part of a rearch study for ASTM Subcommittee G3.02.8While this data is provided for comparison purpos only,it is desirable for a xenon-arc with window glass filters to provide a spectrum that is a clo match to this window glass filtered solar spectrum.E
Previous versions of this standard ud window glass filtered solar radiation data bad on Table 4of CIE Publication Number 85.See Appendix X4for more information comparing the solar radiation data ud in the standard with that for CIE 85Table 4.F
For the benchmark window glass filtered solar spectrum,the UV irradiance (300to 400nm)is 8.2%and
the visible irradiance (400to 800nm)is 91.8%expresd as a percentage of the total irradiance from 300to 800nm.The percentages of UV and visible irradiances on samples expod in xenon arc devices with window glass filters may vary due to the number and reflectance properties of specimens being expod,and the UV transmission of the window glass filters
6.3Instrument Calibration —To ensure standardization and accuracy,the instruments associated with the exposure appa-ratus (that is,timers,thermometers,wet bulb nsors,dry bulb nsors,humidity nsors,UV nsors,radiometers)require periodic calibration to ensure repeatability of test results.Whenever possible,calibration should be traceable to national or international standards.Calibration schedule and procedure should be in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.6.4Radiometer —The u of a radiometer to monitor and control the amount of radiant energy received at the specimen is recommended.If a radiometer is ud,it shall comply with the requirements in Practice ASTM G 151.
6.5Thermometer —Either insulated or un-insulated black or white panel thermometers may be ud.Thermometers shall conform to the descriptions found in Practice G 151.The type of thermometer ud,the method of mounting on specimen holder,and the exposure temperature shall be stated in the test report.
6.5.1The thermometer shall be mounted on the specimen rack so that its surface is in the same relative position and subjected to the same influences as the test specimens.
6.5.2Some specifications may require chamber air tempera-ture control.Positioning and calibration of chamber air tem-perature nsors shall be in accordance with the descriptions found in Practice G 151.
6.6Moisture —The test specimens may be expod to mois-ture in the form of water spray,condensation,immersion,or high humidity.
6.6.1Water Spray —The test chamber may be equipped with a means to introduce intermittent water spray onto the front or the back of the test specimens,under specified conditions.The spray shall be uniformly distributed over the specimens.The spray system shall be made from corrosion resistant materials that do not contaminate the water employed. of Water for Sprays and Immersion —Spray water must have a conductivity below 5µS/cm,contain less than 1-ppm solids,and leave no obrvable stains or deposits on the specimens.Very low levels of silica in spray water can cau significant deposits on the surface of test specimens.Care should be taken to keep silica levels below 0.1ppm.In addition to distillation,a combination of deionization and rever osmosis can effectively produce water of the required quality.The pH of the water ud should be reported.See Practice G 151for detailed water quality instructions. —A spray system designed to cool the specimen by spraying the back surface of the specimen or specimen substrate may be required when the exposure pro-gram specifies periods of condensation.
6.6.2Relative Humidity —The test chamber may be equipped with a means to measure and control the relative humidity.Such instruments shall be shielded from the lamp radiation.
6.6.3Water Immersion —The test chamber may be equipped with a means to immer specimens in water under specified conditions.The immersion system shall be made from corro-sion resistant materials that do not contaminate the water employed.
6.7Specimen Holders —Holders for test specimens shall be made from corrosion resistant materials that will not affect the test results.Corrosion resistant alloys of aluminum or stainless steel have been found acceptable.Brass,steel,or copper shall not be ud in the vicinity of the test specimens.
6.7.1The specimen holders are typically,but not necessar-ily,mounted on a revolving cylindrical rack that is rotated around the lamp system at a speed dependent on the type of equipment and that is centered both horizontally and vertically with respect to the exposure area.
6.7.2Specimen holders may be in the form of an open frame,leaving the back of the specimen expod,or they may provide the specimen with a solid backing.Any backing ud may affect test results and shall be agreed upon in advance between the interested parties.
6.7.3Specimen holders may rotate on their own axis.When the holders are ud,they may be filled with specimens placed back to back.Rotation of the holder on its axis alternately expos each specimen to direct radiation from the xenon burner.
6.8Apparatus to Asss Changes in Properties —U the apparatus required by the ASTM or other standard that describes determination of the property or properties being monitored.
7.Test Specimen
7.1Refer to Practice G 151.
TABLE 3Relative Ultraviolet Spectral Power Distribution Specification for Xenon Arc with Extended UV Filters A ,B
Spectral Bandpass Wavelength l in nm Minimum Percent C
Benchmark Solar Radiation Percent D ,E ,F
Maximum Percent C
250#l <2900.10.7290#l #320  5.0  5.811.0320<l #36032.340.037.0360
<l #400
Data in Table 3are the irradiance in the given bandpass expresd as a percentage of the total irradiance from 250to 400nm.The manufacturer is responsible for determining conformance to Table 3.Annex A1states how to determine relative spectral irradiance.B
The data in Table 3are bad on the rectangular integration of 81spectral power distributions for water cooled and air cooled xenon-arcs with extended UV filters of various lots and ages.The spectral power distribution data is for filters and xenon-burners within the aging recommendations of the device manufacturer.The minimum and maximum data are at least the three sigma limits from the mean for all measurements.C
绘声绘色的近义词The minimum and maximum columns will not necessarily sum to 100%becau they reprent the minimum and maximum for the data ud.For any individual spectral power distribution,the calculated percentage for the band-pass in Table 3will sum to 100%.For any individual xenon-arc lamp with extended UV filters,the calculated percentage in each bandpass must fall within the minimum and maximum limits of Table 3.Test results can be expected to differ between exposures using xenon arc devices in which the spectral power distribu-tions differ by as much as that allowed by the tolerances.Contact the manufacturer of the xenon-arc devices for specific spectral power distribution data for the xenon-arc and filters ud.D
The benchmark solar radiation data is defined in ASTM G 177and is for atmospheric conditions and altitude chon to maximize the fraction of short wavelenght solar UV.This data is provided for comparison purpos only.E
Previous versions of this standard ud solar radiation data from Table 4of CIE Publication Number 85.See Appendix X4for more information comparing the solar radiation data ud in the standard with that for CIE 85Table 4.F
For the benchmark solar spectrum,the UV irradiance (290to 400nm)is 9.8%and the visible irradiance (400to 800nm)is 90.2%expresd as a percentage of the total irradiance from 290to 800nm.The percentages of UV and visible irradiances on samples expod in xenon arc devices may vary due to the number and reflectance properties of specimens being
8.Test Conditions
8.1Any exposure conditions may be ud as long as the exact conditions are detailed in the report.Appendix X1lists some reprentative exposure conditions.The are not neces-sarily preferred and no recommendation is implied.The conditions are provided for reference only.
9.1Identify each test specimen by suitable indelible mark-ing,but not on areas to be ud in testing.
9.2Determine which property of the test specimens will be evaluated.Prior to exposing the specimens,quantify the appropriate properties in accordance with recognized interna-tional standards.If required(for example,destructive testing), u unexpodfile specimens to quantify the property.See Practice D5870for detailed guidance.
射雕英雄传读后感9.3Mounting of Test Specimens—Attach the specimens to the specimen holders in the equipment in such a manner that the specimens are not subject to any applied stress.To assure uniform exposure conditions,fill all of the spaces,using blank panels of corrosion resistant material if necessary.
N OTE3—Evaluation of color and appearance changes of expod materials must be made bad on comparisons to unexpod specimens of the same material which have been stored in the dark.
Masking or shielding the face of test specimens with an opaque cover for the purpo of showing the effects of exposure on one panel is not recommended. Misleading results may be obtained by this method,since the masked portion of the specimen is still expod to temperature and humidity that in many cas will affect results.
9.4Exposure to Test Conditions—Program the lected test conditions to operate continuously throughout the required number of repetitive cycles.Maintain the conditions throughout the exposure.Interruptions to rvice the apparatus and to inspect specimens shall be minimized.
9.5Specimen Repositioning—Periodic repositioning of the specimens during exposure is not necessary if the irradiance at the positions farthest from the center of the specimen area is at least90%of that measured at the center of the exposure area. Irradiance uniformity shall be determined in accordance with Practice G151.
9.5.1If irradiance at positions farthest from the center of the exposure area is between70and90%of that measured at the center,one of the following three techniques shall be ud for specimen placement. reposition specimens during the expo-sure period to ensure that each receives a
n equal amount of radiant exposure.The repositioning schedule shall be agreed upon by all interested parties. specimens only in the exposure area where the irradiance is at least90%of the maximum irradiance. compensate for test variability,randomly position replicate specimens within the exposure area that meets the irradiance uniformity requirements as defined in ction9.5.1.
9.6Inspection—If it is necessary to remove a test specimen for periodic inspection,take care not to handle or disturb the test surface.After inspection,the test specimen shall be returned to the test chamber with its test surface in the same orientation as previously tested.
9.7Apparatus Maintenance—The test apparatus requires periodic maintenance to maintain uniform exposure conditions. Perform required maintenance and calibration in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.
9.8Expo the test specimens for the specified period of exposure.See Practice G151for further guidance.
9.9At the end of the exposure,quantify the appropriate properties in accordance with recognized international stan-dards and report the results in conformance with Practice G151.
N OTE4—Periods of exposure and evaluation of test results are ad-dresd in Practice G151.
10.1The test report shall conform to Practice G151.
11.Precision and Bias
11.1.1The repeatability and reproducibility of results ob-tained in exposures conducted according to this practice will vary with the materials being tested,the material property being measured,and the specific test conditions and cycles that are ud.In round-robin studies conducted by Subcommittee G03.03,the60°gloss values of replicate PVC tape specimens expod in different laboratories using identical test devices and exposure cycles showed significant variability.The vari-ability shown in the round-robin studies restricts the u of “absolute specifications”such as requiring a specific property level after a specific exposure period.
11.1.2If a standard or specification for general u requires
a definite property level after a specific time or radiant exposure in an exposure test conducted according to this practice,the specified property level shall be bad on results obtained in a round-robin that takes into consideration the variability due to the exposure and the test method ud to measure the property of interest.The round-robin shall be conducted according to Practice E691or Practice D3980and shall include a statistically reprentative sample of all labo-ratories or organizations who would normally conduct the exposure and property measurement.
11.1.3If a standard or specification for u between two or three parties requires a definite property level after a specific time or radiant exposure in an exposure test conducted accord-ing to this practice,the specified property level shall be bad on statistical analysis of results from at least two parate, independent exposures in each laboratory.The design of the experiment ud to determine the specification shall take into consideration the variability due to the exposure and the test method ud to measure the property of interest.
11.1.4The round-robin studies cited in11.1.1demonstrated that the gloss values for a ries of materials could be ranked with a high level of reproducibility between laboratories.When reproducibili
ty in results from an exposure test conducted according to this practice have not been established through round-robin testing,performance requirements for materials shall be specified in terms of comparison(ranked)to a control material.The control specimens shall be expod simulta-neously with the test specimen(s)in the same device.The specific control material ud shall be agreed upon by

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