Frankenstein (Excerpt)|《弗兰肯斯坦》(节选)
It was a dreary night in November when my work was finally finished. I looked down at the lifeless creature that lay on the table before me and knew I was ready to give him life. The candle that lit my laboratory was nearly burned out, but it gave me enough light to touch the creature with my instruments. That touch created the spark that brought him to life!
Slowly, the dull yellow eyes of the creature opened. A hard, raspy2 breath lifted his huge chest at the same time that his gigantic arms and legs began to jerk with convulsive movements.
I stared hard at this creature I had spent two years forming. Once, I had considered this a beautiful piece of work—the result of my life’s dream, but now it filled me with horror and disgust!
眼睛英文怎么读 His yellow skin was stretched over bones and muscles, barely covering them. His long, black hair flowed down over the shriveled3 skin on his grotesque4 face and thick neck, and his pearly white teeth contrasted with the straight, black lips surrounding them.
回锅肉的做法最正宗的做法 What had I done?... I couldn’t bear looking at the horrible creature another minute, and I rushed out of the laboratory and down to my apartment.
Throwing mylf on my bed, still with my clothes on, I hoped that sleep would era5 from my brain the ugly picture I had just en.
Sleep finally came, but it brought wild dreams of death and Elizabeth and my mother. When I suddenly awoke in a panic, my teeth were chattering, and my arms and legs were convulsing6.
The dim light of the moon shone through the window into my bedroom. As my eyes flew open, the moonlight revealed the huge figure of the monster as he lifted up the curtains around my bed. He stared down at me with a horrible grin7 that forced wrinkles in his cheeks and stretched his ugly, black lips.阔腿裤搭配什么鞋
His jaws moved and he muttered some sounds that had no meaning. As he reached out to touch me, I jumped from my bed and rushed out the door of my apartment.
I fled down the stairs and into the courtyard. I hid there, weak, horrified, and bitterly disillusioned, for the rest of that dismal, rainy night.
III. Face to Face with the Monster
“How can I appeal to you, Victor Frankenstein? How can I convince you that I, too, have suffered? I have been mirable and alone, hated and scorned by all humans, adults and children, all becau of you.”
“And I hate and scorn mylf for having created you!”
“Then you have a duty to hear what I have to say. Then if you still want to kill me, and if y
ou can, then do it. Just remember it was you who created me.”
I don’t know if it was curiosity or fear or even pity that made me agree to listen to him. But whatever the reason, I decided I would. I turned to him and nodded my head.
痤疮的症状和图片 The monster’s
When you first brought me to life, I was as helpless as a newborn baby, except that I could e, smell, hear, feel, and taste. The nsations frightened me, so I came to your room, as a child would come to a father. But you ran away and left me, and I didn’t know what to do.
I felt cold, so I covered mylf with your cloak8 and went out into the night. By the time I reached a forest outside the city, I was very tired and lay down on the damp ground near a brook. I slept for veral hours and awoke hungry and thirsty. I drank some water from the brook and ate a few berries I had found on the ground.
I spent a month in that forest and watched the sun and moon changing in the sky. I got to
know the pleasant sounds that birds made as they flew over my head. I tried making tho sounds mylf, but I couldn’t.
And I began to explore outside the forest, I discovered a fire, I enjoyed the feeling of warmth and light it gave me, so I thrust9 my hand into the glowing coals. I quickly pulled it back with a cry of pain, puzzled why something that felt good could also give pain.
After veral hours of walking, I came to a village. I entered one of the hous, only to horrify everyone there. Children ran from me screaming and women fainted. The screams alerted everyone in the village and people began coming at me from all sides throwing rocks, and shouting horrible threats. I fled from the village and ran across the open fields until I had lost my pursuers.
Many hours later, I came upon a wooden shed that was attached to a neat cottage. I didn’t dare enter the cottage, but I did crawl into the shed. I was grateful to have a place to sleep, one which would also give me protection from the snow and from attacks by people! I decided to make the shed my home.
As the days pasd, I learned that three people named De Lacey lived in the cottage: a young woman called Agatha, her brother Felix, and their old, blind father.