RBA Report and score RBA报告和分数
Scoring is not bad solely on the number of Non-Conformances.The number of conformance and total number of questions are also included.Then the point deduction comes at the end of the scoring process. Below is the detailed scoring algorithm:
W eighting of Findings:
RBA Report and score RBA报告和分数
1. Priority Nonconformance = -20 points
2. Major Nonconformance = -4 points (system component is missing / ineffective)
3. Minor Nonconformance = -1point (system component needs adjustment)
4. Risk of Nonconformance = 0point (system component is very weak or substantiating evidence not obtained/ available)
–in the new system, it is considered as conformance
5. Conformance = 1 points (system component is complete and effective)
银行辞职报告6. Not Reviewed = 1 points (assumes question not reviewed becau it was previously found to be in
conformance, for closure audit or priority closure audit only)
●"Not Applicable" questions are not included in the scoring
RBA Report and score RBA报告和分数
公函的范文1. Priority(优先级不符合)= -20分(扣20分)
霸气的战队名2. Major(重大级不符合)= -4分(扣4分,体系组件缺失/无效)
3. Minor(轻微级不符合)= -1分(扣1分,体系组件件需要调整)
防地震图片空调拆解4. Risk of nonconformance(不符合风险)= 0分(体系组件是非常弱,或未获得/提供更详实的证据)
5. Conformance(符合)= 1分(得1分,体系组件是完全的和有效的)
6. Not Reviewed(未审核)= 1分(得1分,假设问题未被审查,因为它以前被发现是一致的,仅适用
于closure audit或者priority的closure audit)
The scoring algorithm is:女性漏尿怎么治
Score=200*(conformance AC)/(applicable AC)-(20*priority non-conformance AC-4*major non-conformance AC-minor non-conformance AC)
Overall Audit Score is bad on the following scoring rules:
Green:Weighted Conformance score>180
Y ellow: Weighted Conformance Percentage of>160and<180
Red:Weighted Conformance score of<160