№ | Topics and their contents | hours |
1. | Introduction. Engineering geology as a scientific discipline. Subject and tasks of engineering geology. Interconnection of engineering geology with other sciences. Main parts of engineering geology. Engineering geological conditions. History of development of engineering geological knowledge. | 五行相生 2 |
2. | 内分泌失调长痘痘SOIL SCIENCE Topic 1. Subject of soil science. Geological-petrographic factors determining properties of rocks. Subject and tasks of soil science. Term “soil” in engineering geology. Main properties of soils studied by soil science. Main geological petrographic factors determining properties of rocks. Substance contents. Structural connections. Structure of mineral skeleton and threshold space. | 2 |
3. | Topic 2. Engineering geological classifications of soils. Aim and main principles of engineering geological classification of soils. Classification of rocks by F.P. Savarensky, I.V.Popov, P.M.Panukov. Classification, qualitative and estimative characteristics of rocks. | 1 |
4. | Topic 3. Granulometric contents of mountainous rocks. Fractions of granulometric character of friable rocks. Granulometric analysis: types and designations. Applications for results of granulometric analysis of rocks. Summarizing diagram and triangles of Ferre. Effective diameter and coefficient of heterogeneity. Engineering geological classification of rocks by their granulometric contents. | 1 |
5. | Topic 4. Physical properties of rocks. Main physical properties of rocks, studied by soil science. Required and volume weight. Porosity. Humidity. Methods of laboratory measuring. | 2 |
6. | Topic 5. Water properties of mountainous rocks. Basic water properties of rocks studied by engineering geology. Water resistance. Water-bearing potential. Water-return properties. Capillary properties. Sagging of woodlands. Swelling. Plasticity (limits of plasticity, number of plasticity). Shrinkage. Methods of their determining. | 2 |
7. | Topic 6. Mechanical properties of rocks. Main mechanical properties of friable and glutinous rocks. Methods of their determining. Subject of soil mechanics. Strain, plastic, residual and refraction deformations of rocks. Compressive properties of rocks and methods of their determining. Coefficient of consolidation. Module of compression. Consolidation of clay soils. Resistance for shifting of rocks. Cohesion and angle of internal friction. Coefficient of shifting. Angle of natural deflection of friable soils. | 2 |
8 | Topic 7. Engineering geological characteristics of massifs of rocks. Massifs of rocks. Engineering geology of massifs of rocks. Factors determining behaviour of massifs of rocks. Cleavage of rocks, its genesis and methods of evaluation. | 2 |
9 | Topic 8. Technical melioration of soils. Tasks and fundamentals of technical melioration of soils. Rocks as an object of technical melioration. Drainage of rocks. Mechanical consolidation. Physical mechanical methods. | 2 |
Engineering geodynamics | ||
10 | Topic 9. Engineering geological classification of current geological and engineering geological process and phenomena. Subject and main tasks of engineering geodynamics. Main laws of geological process and phenomena. Engineering geological process. Engineering geological classification of process and phenomena by P.M. Panukov and G.S. Zolotaryov. | 1 | 成群结队的近义词
11 | Topic 10. Current tectonic movements. Engineering geological analysis of modern tectonics. Principles of anti-ismic construction. Seismology, its main tasks. Earthquakes. Main characteristic features of earthquakes (hypocenter, ismic waves). Intensiveness of earthquakes. Tsunami. Main tasks arising from studying modern tectonic movements of the Earth’s crust. Methods of evaluation of tectonics movements. Forecast of earthquakes and ismic zoning of territories. Fundamentals principles of anti-ismic construction. Provoked ismicity. | 3 |
12 | Topic 11. Engineering geological study of weathering process. Role of weathering process for other process of destruction of massifs of rocks. Main trends in studying weathering process. Constituents of weathering. Main problems of engineering geological studying of weathering. Diagrams of subdivision of weathering crust. Signs of weathering of rocks (quantitative and qualitative). Role of weathering for construction practice. Main measures for fighting with weathering of rocks. | 1 |
13 | Topic 12. Eolian process and phenomena. Engineering geological evaluation and protection methods. | 1 |
14 | Topic 13. Swamping of territories. Swamp. Swamped territories. Flooding of territories. Relevance of swamps and swamped territories to certain geomorphological and hydrogeological conditions. Engineering geological rearch in the field of spreading of swamps and extension of swamped territories. | 青铜葵花的作者1 |
15 | Topic 14. Formation of a coasts and lake shores. Engineering geological evaluation of abrasion process. Main process and factors in formation of shores. Transformation of shores of water rerves. Engineering geological study of process of formation and abrasion of a, lake and water rerves shores. Classification of modern shores. Methods of calculation of shores transformation intensiveness. Main measures of fighting with abrasion and protection of shore territories. | 1 |
猪16. | Topic 15. Erosive and mud process. Plain and linear erosion. Steep bank formation: factors, stages and preventive measures. River-bed erosion. Anti-erosion preventive measures. Mud flows: conditions of formation, types, evaluation and forecast for mud flows. Tasks of engineering geological study of mud process. Main protective measures. | 2 |
17 | Topic 16. Gravitation sloping process. Formation and steadiness of slopes. Classification of modern gravitational process. Practical tasks of engineering geological studies. Landslides, shifts, landslips, falls and avalanches, disintegration of boulders, fragment-boulders and stone-snow avalanches. Protective measures from falls and landslides. Kurums and solifluction forms. Shifting process: elements of shifts, their classification: shifts of displacement, sliding, shifts-flows, shifts of complex types. Types of slopes, their formation and steadiness. Classification of slopes. Stages in development. Forecast for sloping process and evaluation of slope steadiness. Measures for stabilization of slopes and protection of territories from shifts and process connected with them. | 3 |
18 | Topic 17. Karst process and suffosia. Conditions necessary for development of karst. Carbonate, sulphate and salt karst, and hydrodynamic law of karst development. Technogenic factors of karst development. Evaluation of speed of karst process. Engineering geological studies of karst. Protective measures for karst process. Suffosia, chemical and mechanical. Engineering geological studies and protective measures. | 1 |
19 | Topic 18. Phenomena of sagging in woodlands. Woodlands as geological formations and object of engineering geological studies. Genesis, mechanism and evaluation of sagging of woodlands. Tasks of complex engineering geological rearch in the areas of extension of sagging woodlands. Peculiarities of construction design for woodlands. | 1 |
20 | Topic 19. Engineering geological phenomena in buildings foundations and foundation pits. Rocks and phenomena in foundations of buildings. Groups of rocks as to their reliability as foundations for buildings. Deformation of foundation rocks. Engineering geological studies of building foundations. Water flows and shifting sands in foundation pits. Engineering geological studies of shifting sands phenomena. Preventive measures for shifting sands. | 1 |
Regional Engineering Geology | ||
21 | 沂南论坛卧龙网Topic 20. General issues of regional engineering geology. Engineering geological conditions of territories. Regional and zoning factors of engineering geological conditions. Theory of formations in engineering geology. Engineering geological subdivision of territories by their types. Engineering geological subdivision of territories into regions. | 3 |
22 | Topic 21. Engineering geological subdivision of territory of Ukraine into regions. Characteristics of engineering geological regions and areas. | 3 |
23 | Topic 22. Engineering geological evaluation of environmental conditions of Ukraine. Engineering geological characteristics of relief. Physico-geological process and phenomena on the territory of Ukraine: mud process, erosion, karst, shifts, transformation of shores of water rerves. Soils located in the areas of engineering influence on the territory of Ukraine. | 4 |
24 | Topic 23. Engineering geological rearch. Current status and prospective developments of engineering geology in Ukraine. 炽热的近义词Main tasks and types of engineering geological rearch: shooting, drilling, investigation works, geophysical rearch, obrvation works. Methods of soils rearch. Current status and prospective developments of engineering geology in Ukraine. | 2 |
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