由Carnegie's José Dinneny领导的团队最新研究重点根的局部环境的物理性质如何控制根分枝并通过哪种发育途径这些信号活动。他们的研究成果发表在《PNAS》期刊上,描述了一种异常过程称为hydropatterning,允许植物优化根分枝以吸水。
Dinneny 与他的团队开发一种在根周围水和空气的分布高度控制的环境中生长根系的方法。通过分析新分枝形成的位置,研究人员发现植物倾向于放置这些根分枝到极为贴近有水存在的地方,而微小的根毛出现在易接触到空气的区域。
他们的工作显示相同的单根对侧是空气或水源获得的最佳位置当环境多变时。与诺丁汉大学同事Malcolm Bennett 和Sacha Mooney 合作,微x射线断层扫描用于建立土壤中根生长的3D模型,显示出在这些自然环境中发生的相似过程。
Plant roots u a patterning mechanism to position lateral root branches toward available water
Yun Bao,Pooja Aggarwal,Neil E. Robbins II,Craig J. Sturrock,Mark C. Thompson,Han Qi Tan,Cliff Tham,Lina Duan,Pedro L. Rodriguez,Teva Vernoux,Sacha J. Mooney,Malcolm J. Bennett and José R. Dinneny
The architecture of the branched root system of plants is a major determinant of vigor. Water availability is known to impact root physiology and growth; however, the spatial scale at which this stimulus influences root architecture is poorly understood. Here we reveal that differences in the availability of water across the circumferential axis of the root create spatial cues that determine the position of lateral root branches. We show that
roots of veral plant species can distinguish between a wet surface and air environments and that this also impacts the patterning of root hairs, anthocyanins, and aerenchyma in a phenomenon we describe as hydropatterning. This environmental respon is distinct from a touch respon and requires available water to induce lateral roots along a contacted surface. X-ray microscale computed tomography and 3D reconstruction of soil-grown root systems demonstrate that such respons also occur under physiologically relevant conditions. Using early-stage lateral root markers, we show that hydropatterning acts before the initiation stage and likely determines the circumferential position at which lateral root founder cells are specified. Hydropatterning is independent of endogenous abscisic acid signaling, distinguishing it from a classic water-stress respon. Higher water availability induces the biosynthesis and transport of the lateral root-inductive signal auxin through local regulation of TRYPTOPHAN AMINOTRANSFERASE OF ARABIDOPSIS 1 and PIN-FORMED 3, both of which are necessary for normal hydropatterning. Our work suggests that water availability is nd and interpreted at the suborgan level and locally patterns a wide variety of developmental process in the root.