1.80 percent of U.S. business are overcharged on their phone bills while telecom companies reap profits from accidental billing errors
1、D 2、B 3、D
4、it's a surcharge and pay the bill without thinking about it
5、Ignorance ;complacency
2.The evolution of investments decision mode in China’s telecommunications
1、D 2、B 3、A 4、C 5、C
3.:Edison and American Electro-Technology (II)
1、B 2、B 3、B 4、A 5、C
4.Edison and American Electro-Technology (I)
1、D 2、A 3、D 4、D 5、C
5. A National Undertaking-Sports
1. the way they were brought up
2. professional physical educators/the coaches,systematic training
3. honor and reputation to the college
4. admission fee and loot from TV and radio-telecast and ads
5. professionalism
2、freestyle, Greco-Roman, judo
3、the art of falling without injury
4、Hard work, discipline, grace
7.Hacker or Mike?
1、C 2、D 3、D 4、D
5、he is doing what everyone expects of him/he is not a professional player
8.The God in Youth: Michael Jordan
1、C 2、C 3、D 4、B 5、D
9.The Official Mascots of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games
1.forest, fire, earth and sky
2.prosperity, harvest
3.the lush forest and the harmonious relationship between man and nature
4.Dunhuang murals
5.Tibetan Antelope
10.Introduction to Mechanical Engineering
2.high speed of operation to obtain high rates of production, improved accuracy to obtain quality and economy in the product, and minimized operating costs
3.large power plants and complete nuclear power stations
4.Jet aircraft, nuclear reactors
5.they all value scientific methods other than traditional or intuitive ones
11.Introduction to Mechanical Design
1. the motion and structural aspects and the provisions for retention and enclosure
2. it involves a lot of considerations, modifications, and also participations from all the p
eople concerned
3. C
4. C
5. D
2. attain maximum effectiveness at the lowest possible cost
3.its elasticity and locking characteristics
4.lf-tapping and drive screws
13.Engineering Drawing
1.A 2.B
3. avoid time-consuming and costly hand lettering
十大名牌童装4. B 5.C
14.Introduction to Mechanism
1. the characteristics of the motions of the links
2. A 3.B
4. visualization of spatial mechanism is rather difficult and requires more powerful techniques
5. lf-aligning bearings
15.English Cathedrals - (W~Y)
1.B 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.C
16.Muums in England (A~B)
17.Castles in England and Wales
18.Medieval Architecture
1. educate as well as decorate
2. barrel vaults, round arches, thick piers, and few windows
3.lacked of/abandoned classical line and proportion
4.the pointed arch
5.take advantage of peoples’ existing devotion to a particular place
19.Eating Disorders: Facts about Eating Disorders and the Search for Solutions
20.The Cellular Basis of Immunity
5. the asmbly process which generates enormous diversity of receptors
21.HIV and Its Transmission
22.Stopping Smoking: ASH's 15 Tips—Action on Smoking and Health
2.relief of withdrawal from nicotine
4.be ud with caution
5.nicotine changes the appetite and body's energy u
23.Weight Control: The Power of Healthy Choices
24.Chemistry and Matter
DCCD 5.space and mass
25.Introduction to Organic Chemistry
26.Processing of Energy and Natural Resources
27.Physical Chemistry
28.Structure and Application of Surfactants
1. amphiphilic structure
2. hydrophilic group
3. lection of specific homologue mixture,not uniform substances
4. foam stabilizers
5. chemical stability
29.Dealing with Computer Virus
30.Working Off-line in IE
31.The Computer and the Poet
2. only humans are capable of reasoning and it is humans' reasoning that really counts
3. the initiative of humans in dealing with computerized world
4. it is matched by the desire and ability to find out what they mean and whore they would lead
5. man often fails to distinguish between the intermediate operations of electronic intelligence and the ultimate responsibilities of human decision
32.The New Internet
33.Your Laptop Care Guide
34.Pablo Picasso
35.A Deadly Sin—Creativity for All
4. art beings with craft, and that there is no art until craft has been mastered
5.art is rare and sacred, and that there ought to be a wall of fire around it
36.Modern Art Movements