Six dollars,plea. 麻烦六块钱
Six? I just had it for one night. It's three. 六块?我才租了一个晚上 是三块钱
Eight o'clock's the cutoff. And,oh,it's 8:02. 八点钟结算,现在八点两分了
You know,in a weird way, you have too much power. 不知道为什么 你的权力好像太大了
芝麻酱怎么吃You have to help me becau I only have three. 你得帮帮我,我只有三块钱
I can help with that. 我可以帮忙
Oh,my God. Richard? 我的天,理查?
Your lip went bald. 你的胡子刮掉了
Thanks. 谢谢
You look great! 你气色很好
Right. 是啊
No,you do. 不,真的,你…
What? 什么?
You got panties stuck to your leg. 你的内裤黏在腿上了
I was just grabbing some things out of the dryer,and static cling. 我刚才从烘干机里 拿出衣服,这是静电
Or maybe God knew I'd be running into you and saw an opportunity. 也许老天爷知道我会碰到你 觉得这是个机会
It's good to e you. 见到你真高兴
大专面试自我介绍It's good to e you too. 我也是
The One Where Monica and Rich are Just Friends 本集播出: “摩妮卡与查理成为朋友”
See that guy? He's in "Classics" 看到那傢伙没有? 他现在看的是经典巨片
.. but as soon as we leave, he's going straight to the porn. 不过等我们一走 他就马上去逛色情片
He'll go to the counter with Citizen Kane,Vertigo and Clockwork Orgy. 到时候他会租“大国民” “迷魂记”和“发条橘子”
This is nice. 这样真好
-I miss this. -Me too. 我好怀念这种时光 我也是
You want to get a hamburger or something? 想一起吃个汉堡什么的吗?
I don't know if that's a good idea. 我不知道这样好不好
Just friends. I won't grope you. I promi. 只是朋友嘛 我保证不会毛手毛脚平衡计分法
I think it's too soon. 我觉得太快了
No,it's not too soon. I had lunch at 11. 不会太快,我十一点吃的午餐
Yeah,baby! 好啊
-What are you making? -Chocolate milk. Want some? 你在做什么? 巧克力牛奶,想喝吗?
No,thanks. I'm 29. 不,谢了,我已经29岁了
Oh,my God! I gotta go to work! 我的天,我得上班了
What time will you get off tonight? 你今晚几点下班?
It could be really late. 可能会很晚
Not again! 拜托,怎么又这样?
I know. I'm sorry. I'll make a deal with you,okay? 我知道,对不起 我们打个商量好吗?
Every night that you're asleep before I 只要你在我回家以前睡着…
... I will wake you up in a way that has proved popular in the past. 我就用你以前 很喜欢
Well,if you need to stay late, I want to be supportive of that. 如果你要加班 我很愿意支持你
Look at you. Since when do you rollerblade? 看,你什么时候开始溜冰了?
Since tomorrow. 明天
校园暴力手抄报I met a cute guy in the park. 我在公园遇到一个帅哥
And he jogs and blades and swims and so we made a deal. 他是慢跑、溜冰和 游泳高手,我们说好了
He's gonna teach me how to do jock stuff. 他要教我各种运动
-And what are you gonna do for him? -I'm gonna let him. 那你要如何回报他? 我会让他达到目的
Cool. 很好
Good morning. 早安
Somebody got in late last night. 有人昨晚很晚才回来哦鼎山公园
Yeah,well,I ran into Richard. 这个嘛,我碰到理查了
When did this happen? 什么时候的事?
Around 8:02. 大概八点两分
We talked for a while,and then we went out for an innocent burger. 我们聊了一会儿 然后一起吃了个单纯的汉堡
电热油汀取暖器优缺点There's no such thing as an "innocent burger." 没有所谓“单纯的汉堡”
-Gonna e him again? -Tomorrow night. 你还会跟他见面吗? 明天晚上
Monica,what are you doing? 摩妮卡,你这是在干什么?渠道开发
She spent six months getting 她花了六个月才忘记他…
...and now she's celebrating that by going on a date with him. 现在她庆祝的方式 就是跟他约会
It's not a date,okay? 这不是约会,好吗?
I'm teaching him how to make a lasagna for a potluck dinner. 我要教他做千层面 他要在家里请客
You might want to make extra,becau you'll be hungry after the x. 最好多做一点 做爱之后会很饿
We're not gonna have x. 我们不会上床
Nothing's changed here. He still doesn't want children,and I still do. 一切如旧,他还是不要孩子 我还是想要孩子
So we're just gonna be friends. 所以我们只能当朋友
Naked friends. 赤裸裸的朋友
-Do you have any ice? -Check the freezer. 你有冰吗? 打开冷冻库看看
If there's none in there, we're probably out. 如果没有,那大概就是用完了
Are you just getting home? It's late. 你刚下班吗?很晚了
I know. I had the greatest day,though. 我知道,不过今天实在太棒了
I went to a meeting with reps from Calvin Klein. 我和卡文克莱的销售代表开会
I liked a line of lingerie,so my boss ordered a ton of it. And you? 我看中一款性感内衣 我老板就订了一吨,你呢?
I discovered I'm able to count all my teeth using just my tongue. 我发现我可以 光用舌头数完所有牙齿
Why do you have a copy of The Shining in your freezer? 你把一本“鬼店” 放在冷冻库干嘛?
I was reading it last night and I got 我昨晚越看越害怕,就…
But you're safe from it if it's in the freezer? 把书放进冷冻库 你就安全了吗?
Well,safer. 至少安全一点
I never start 我每次看书的时候…
...without making sure we got room in the freezer. 都先确定冰库里有地方放…
How often do you read it? 你常常看这本书吗?
Haven't you ever read a book over and over again? 你从不把一本书一看再看吗?
I read Little Women more than once. “小妇人”我看了好几次
It's a classic. What's so great about The Shining? 那是经典作品 “鬼店”哪里好看?
The question should be,what is not so great about The Shining? 你应该问 “鬼店”有哪里不好看
And the answer would be, "nothing." All right? 答案是“没有”,知道吗?