Topic 1、婚前体检 premarital physical examination
Topic 2、常规孕检 routine pregnancy check
Topic 3、儿科常见病 common pediatric dias
Topic 4、儿科注射 pediatric injection
Topic 1
新房装修步骤乳汁不足 lack of lactation 引导分泌物 vaginal discharge 宫颈糜烂 erosion of cervix 宫颈息肉 cervical polyp宫颈肥大 hypertrophy of cervix 宫颈粘膜炎 endocervicitis 剖腹产cesarean ction接触性出血 contact bleeding下腹部肿块abdominal mass 常规盆腔检查 pelvic exam 乳房自检 breast lf-exam 宫颈裂伤 cervical laceration 妊娠 pregnancy 脱垂感 nsation of prolap 外生殖器检查 external genital exam 临床乳腺检查clinical breast exam
篮球飞人漫画 测量指标:
体温 temperature 身高 height 血压 blood pressure 脉搏 pul 体重weight 心跳 heart beat
肚脐 navel 腰waist 屁股 buttock 臀部 hip 锁骨 collar bone 脊柱 backbone 肩胛骨 shoulder blade 腹部 abdomen 肩shoulder颅骨 skull 肋骨 rib 肩关节 shoulder joint 胸骨 breastbone
It is very necessary to have a CT scan. Do you feel unwell in your ()?Maybe you can measure your ()first. Plea describe your trouble in detail to me. When did this pain begin? Are you always in the blues? You should pay special attention.
Topic 2
检查CT 身体检查CT examination 产后检查physical examination 心理检查 psychological e
初中历史题xamination 胃肠检查 gastrointestinal examination
Well,what was the amount of menstrual flow? When was the your last period? Is your menstruaaion regular? Well, any other discomforts? How about your appetite? I suggest you having a pregnancy test. The result of the pregnancy test is positive. You are pregnant .Congratulations! Where is the pain? I am afraid it is a sign of miscarriage. You should stay in bed except for eating or going to the toilet. I will give some medicine by injection and orally, You should call the emergency immediately whenever the bleeding becomes more vere than usual. Come back in a week for a check up.
Topic 3
一阵bout 小儿科 pediatric department 妇产科 obstetrics and gynecology department 眼科 ophthalmology department 耳鼻喉科 ENT department 皮肤科 skin department 创伤科 tra
umatology department 麻醉科 anesthesiology department 牙科 dental
department 泌尿科 urology department 矫形外科 orthopedic surgery department 病理科 pathology department新生儿惊厥 neonatal convulsions 高热惊厥 febrile convulsions 新生儿肺炎 pneumonia of the newborn 早产儿 premature infant 拉肚子 suffer from diarrhea 昏厥 faint 肚子痛 stomachache 新生儿肝炎 neonatal hepatitis 新生儿败血症 neonatal pticemia 背痛 backache 呕吐 vomit 胸痛 chest pain 耳朵痛 earache
He had a long bout of illness last year. What ems to be the trouble with your child? Can you tell me what he had for supper?Has he vomited? Is there any other symptom? Which part? Now you have to take your child to get his tools tested. I will write out a slip for you to take to the library. Wait for a while and pick up the report, and then bring it back to me. Follow the doctor’s advice. I do advi you to remind your child of avoiding oily food for the next few days.
Topic 4
营养丰富的食物 谷类 cereal 奶类 milk & diary products 肉类 meat 贝类 shellfish 干果类 nuts 蛋类 egg products 根茎类 root vegetables 鱼虾 fish and prawn 豆类 beans and peas 瓜果类 fruits
It is time for me to give you IV fluids . IV fluids can prevent bacteria from entering your body and causing an infection. This IV fluids must be given slowly so as not to get his heart overloaded. What’s happened? You will be well soon after the injection. What should my child pay attention to after injection. Do not eat spicy and greasy food. They are rich in vitamins and minerals. Thank you for your advice. You would better take your child to department of cardiac surgery. You should eat more cereal.
Topic 1、pricing 划价
Topic 2、charging and taking medicine 收费和取药
Topic 3、dealing with questions
Topic 4、medicine bulk purcha
Topic 1
药方、处方prescription 给。。。定价 price 国产 domestic 制造商 manufacturer
Can you have it priced for me? They are just some respiratory tract drugs. I will check it for you.
标准的近义词Topic 2 毛的女儿为什么都姓李
激活activate 收费处cashier 门诊手术室outpatient operating room挂号处registration门诊治疗室outpatient treatment room门诊注射输液室injection and transfusion room 普通采血室ordinary blood drawing room
The money has been transferred from your account. Do you have a Health Insurance Crad?Then swipe your card here,pls. And input your password. Can I make the payment here?
Topic 3
中药Chine herb 西药 western medicine 处方药 prescription drug 胶囊 capsule 非处方药 over the counter 外用药 preventative medicine 口服液 oral liquid 板蓝根 radix isati 制药的 pharmaceutical 折扣 discount 存货 stock 包装 packing 回扣 rebate 北京协和医院 peking union medical college hospital 北京同仁医院 Beijing tongren hospital 北京中日友好医院 C
hina-Japan friendship hospital