Improving hospital patient flow: a systematic review 期刊名称: Business Process Management Journal
作者: Raffaella Gualandi,Cristina Malla,Daniela Tartaglini
年份: 2019年
期号: 第ahead-of-print期
关键词: Hospital patient flow;Clinical outcomes;Patient experience;Process
摘要:Purpo Improving hospital patient flow has become a policy priority, to effectively balance the increasing demands of an unknown and variable volume of patients with limited available hospital resources. A systematic literature review was conducted in order to identify actions, actors involved and enablers in improving
hospital patient flow. The paper aims to discuss this issue.
东方明Design/methodology/approach Searches were conducted in Scopus, Web of
Science, MEDLINE and The Cochrane Library for quantitative and qualitative
怎么做麻辣香锅empirical primary studies with patients (adults) receiving inpatient acute hospital
care. The study protocol was bad on PRISMA-P guidance. A critical appraisal of included studies was performed by using the Quality Improvement Minimum嬎蛋
下字的笔顺Quality Criteria Set. Findings In total, 38 key papers were identified. A