雷锋名言Synthesis and characterisation of polyurethanes derived from waste black liquor lignin 期刊名称: Journal of Adhesion Science & Technology
作者: Chahar, S.,Dastidar, M. G.,Choudhary, V.,Sharma, D. K.
年份: 2004年
期号: 第2期
绞肉机哪个牌子好关键词: black liquor; polyurethane; adhesive; shear strength儿童学英语>水泥品牌前十名>蓊蓊郁郁的拼音
请示汇报制度摘要:Waste black liquor lignin, obtained from bagas from the small-scale paper industry, can be utilized for the synthesis of polyurethanes (PUs). Several polyurethane samples were prepared from laboratory black liquor (LBL) by reacting varying amounts of lignin ranging from 5 to 70% (w/v) in poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) (having molecular weights of 200, 600, 1000, 1500 and 4000) with tolylene 2,4-diisocyanate (TDI). The effects of lignin concentration and molecular weight of PEG on mechanical and thermal properties of PUs obtained were investigated. The polyurethanes synthesid were charac
念如娇terized for different properties such as shear strength, adhesion and thermal stability. The shear strength of PU joints with aluminum was found to decrea with increa in both lignin concentration and molecular weight of PEG. Maximum shear strength, i...