
更新时间:2023-05-14 19:22:29 阅读: 评论:0

最近读了⼀个⽂章,并做了⼀个汇报在学校的Journal club,如下:
Trophoblast cells play an esntial role in the interactions between the fetus and mother.
Mou trophoblast stem (TS) cells have been derived and ud as the best in vitro model for molecular and functional analysis of mou trophoblast lineages, but attempts to derive human TS c
ells have so far been unsuccessful.
Here we show that activation of Wingless/Integrated (Wnt) and EGF and inhibition of TGF-β, histone deacetyla (HDAC), and Rho-associated protein kina (ROCK) enable long-term culture of human villous cytotrophoblast (CT) cells.
这⾥我们展⽰了如果激活 Wnt 和EGF信号通路,同时抑制TGF-β,HDAC和ROCH通路就有可能长期培养⼈的绒⽑滋养层细胞。
The resulting cell lines have the capacity to give ri to the three major trophoblast lineages, which show transcriptomes similar to tho of the corresponding primary trophoblast cells.
【什么是Primary cells:原代细胞,是从活的组织⾥提取然后⽤于体外培养的细胞,这些细胞经历很少的分裂,所以能很⼤程度上代表原组织的功能。】
Importantly, equivalent cell lines can be derived from human blastocysts. Our data strongly suggest that the CT- and blastocyst-derived cell lines are human TS cells, which will provide a powerful tool to study human trophoblast development and function.
The placenta is a multifunctional organ esntial for fetal development and survival.
Trophoblast cells are specialized cells in the placenta that mediate the interactions between the fetus and mother at the fetomaternal interface.
In the human placenta, there are three major trophoblast subpopulations: the cytotrophoblast (CT), extravillous cytotrophoblast (EVT), and syncytiotrophoblast (ST) (Bischof and Irminger-Finger, 2005; James et al., 2012).
CT cells are an undifferentiated and proliferative population that can give ri to EVT and ST cells.
CT cells aggregate into cell columns at the tips of villi, where they differentiate into EVT cells.
EVT cells can be subdivided bad on their anatomical locations (Cierna et al., 2016).
Tho that invade the decidualized endometrium are called interstitial EVT cells.
Tho that invade and remodel the spiral arteries are known as endovascular EVTs.
Other subtypes likely exist becau EVT cells have also been found in uterine glands, veins, and lymphatics (Mor et al., 2010; Windsperger et al., 2017).
Multinucleated ST cells are formed by fusion of CT cells and produce large quantities of placental hormones and other factors
to maintain pregnancy.
ST cells are directly in contact with maternal blood and mediate the exchange of gas and nutrients.
All of the trophoblast lineages ari from the trophectoderm (TE) cells of the blastocyst, and their coordinated proliferation and differentiation is esntial for a successful pregnancy.
Impaired trophoblast development and function are thought to lead to various pregnancy complications, including miscarriage, preeclampsia, and intrauterine growth restriction (Moffett and Loke, 2006; Norwitz, 2006).
Mou trophoblast stem (TS) cells, which were first derived from blastocysts and the extraembryonic ectoderm (ExE) of postimplantation embryos (Tanaka et al., 1998), are the best in vitro model for molecular and functional analysis of mou trophoblast cells.
In the prence of fibroblast growth factor 4 (FGF4) and transforming growth factor b1 (TGF-b1)/Activin, mou TS cells lf-renew indefinitely without losing their ability to differentiate into all trophoblast lineages.
A number of transcription factors, including Cdx2, Eomes, Elf5, Esrrb, and Gata3, have been identified as esntial for maintaining the undifferentiated state of mou TS cells (Latos and Hemberger, 2016).
Although it has been assumed that TE cells of human blastocysts and CT cells of early human placentas contain a stem cell population, attempts to derive human TS cells from the cells have so far been unsuccessful (Kunath et al., 2014; Soncin et al., 2015).
In this study, we analyzed the transcriptomes of primary trophoblast cells to infer how CT cells are maintained in their undifferentiated state in vivo.
Using this knowledge, we optimized the culture conditions and derived human TS cells from CT cells and blastocysts.
Our culture system will provide a powerful tool to study human trophoblast development and function.大动干戈
1. Transcriptome Analysis of Primary Trophoblast Cells
We isolated CT, EVT, and ST cells from first-trimester placentas (Figures S1A–S1C) and performed RNA quencing (RNA-q) (Table S1).
我们分离第⼀阶段的胚胎得到了CT,EVT和ST细胞,然后执⾏了RNA-q。【CT:ITGA6; EVT:HLA-G;ST:SDC1】
We identified 377, 228, and 289 genes that were predominantly expresd in CT, EVT, and ST cells, respectively (fragments
per kiloba per million [FPKM] > 10 in the cell type with the highest expression, fold change > 4, adjusted p < 0.01) (Figure 1A).
路由器和猫怎么连接我们鉴定出来在CT,EVT和ST细胞中显著表达的基因数量分别是,377,228和289个。【该细胞型⾥FPKM>10⾼表达的基因,倍数变化>4, FDR<0.01】
We confirmed that widely ud lineage markers such as ITGA6 and TP63 (CT), ITGA5 and HLA-G (EVT), and CGB and CSH1 (ST) (Bischof and Irminger-Finger, 2005, Reis-Filho et al., 2003) were included in the gene lists.
We then conducted functional annotation of the gene lists using ConnsusPathDB (Herwig et al., 2
016; Figure 1A).
Intriguingly, genes related to the Wingless/Integrated (Wnt) and epidermal growth factor (EGF) signal transduction pathways (“regulation of FZD by ubiquitination” and “EGFR1”) were overreprented in the CT highest (CThighest) gene list.
Wnt and EGF signaling are required for proliferation of various epithelial stem cells, including skin stem cells and intestinal
stem cells (Fatehullah et al., 2016, Hsu et al., 2014).
Consistently, the top-ranked pathway for the CT highest genes was “hair follicle development,” which included some genes important for the maintenance of hair follicle stem cells (TP63, FGFR2, and CTNNB1 [encoding β-catenin]).
这就是我作文300字⼀致地,CT⾼表达的基因富集的通路中,排在最前⾯的是“⽑囊发育”,这个通路⾥包括⼀些对于维持⽑囊⼲细胞关键的基因((TP63, FGFR2, and CTNNB1 [encoding β-catenin])
The data imply that CT cells might be maintained under conditions similar to tho of the other epithelial stem cells.
2. Establishment of Proliferative Human CT Cells in Culture 建⽴体外培养增殖的⼈CT细胞
Bad on the results described above, we tried to culture CT cells in a medium containing CHIR99021 (a Wnt activator) and EGF, but the cells did not adhere to the culture plate and died within veral days.
We then tested veral inhibitors and growth factors (Figure 1B) that are known to enhance in vitro proliferation of various epithelial stem cells (Fatehullah et al., 2016).
In the prence of all of the inhibitors and growth factors, highly proliferative cell lines were derived from CT cells (condition大惊失色的反义词
1 in Figure 1B and Figure S1D).
Among the inhibitors and growth factors, Y27632 (a Rho-associated protein kina [ROCK] inhibitor) was found to be esntial for cell attachment and was added to all culture media in subquent experiments.
CHIR99021 was indispensable for cell proliferation, and its abnce led to differentiation of CT cells into HLA-G-positive EVT-like cells (Figure S1E).
EGF, A83-01 and SB431542 (TGF-b inhibitors) and valproic acid (VPA) (a histone deacetyla [HDAC] inhibitor) significantly enhanced proliferation of CT cells (Figure 1B).
Eventually, we found that CHIR99021, EGF, TGF-b inhibitors, VPA, and Y27632 together were sufficient for long-term culture of CT cells (Figure 1C).
最终,我们发现CHIR99021, EGF, TGF-b inhibitors, VPA和Y27632⼀起能够有效的让CT细胞在体外培养。
We were able to derive proliferative CT cells from as few as 1,000 CT cells (five cell lines from five independent experiments) but failed to derive TS cells from single CT cells (n = 200).
CHIR99021, EGF, TGF-b inhibitors, and VPA were all important for the long-term maintenance of proliferative CT cells (Figure
CHIR99021, EGF, TGF-b inhibitors, and VPA这些因⼦对于CT细胞长期保持增殖很关键。
VPA could be replaced by trichostatin A (TSA) or suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid (SAHA) (Figure S1G).
Although either A83-01 or SB431542 could support the derivation of proliferative CT cells (Figure S1H), we retained both inhibitors in consideration of their different specificities (Vogt et al., 2011).
尽管A83-01 或者SB431542可以⽀持诱导和增殖CT细胞,我们保留了它们两个抑制剂,考虑到了它们的⼀些特异性。
The culture conditions tested in this study are summarized in Table S2.
特别地英文培养的条件在Table S2⾥列出来了。
We successfully derived proliferative CT cell lines from all first- trimester placental samples tested (n = 8) (Table S3).
In contrast, we were unable to derive such cells from term placentas (placentas obtained after elective caesarean ction, n = 5) under the same conditions.

本文发布于:2023-05-14 19:22:29,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:细胞   滋养层   增殖
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