implementing Directive2005/32/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to ecodesign requirements for standby and off mode electric power consumption of electrical and
electronic houhold and office equipment
(Text with EEA relevance)
Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,
Having regard to Directive2005/32/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of6July2005establishing a framework for the tting of ecodesign requirements for energy-using products and amending Council Directive92/42/EEC and Directives96/57/EC and2000/55/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council(1),and in particular Article15(1)thereof,
After consulting the Ecodesign Consultation Forum,
(1)Under Directive2005/32/EC ecodesign requirements
shall be t by the Commission for energy-using
products reprenting significant volumes of sales and
trade,having significant environmental impact and
prenting significant potential for improvement in
terms of their environmental impact without entailing
excessive costs.
(2)Article16(2)cond indent of Directive2005/32/EC
provides that in accordance with the procedure referred
to in Article19(3)and the criteria t out in
Article15(2),and after consulting the Consultation
Forum,the Commission shall as appropriate introduce
a parate implementing measure reducing standby
loss for a group of products.
(3)The Commission has carried out a preparatory study
which analyd the technical,environmental and
economic aspects of standby mode and off-mode
loss.The study has been developed together with stake
holders and interested parties from the EU and third
countries,and the results have been made publicly
available.(4)It has been stated in the preparatory study that standby
functionalities and off-mode loss occur for the majority
of electrical and electronic houhold and office
equipment products sold in the Community,while the
annual electricity consumption related to standby func
tionalities and off-mode loss in the Community has
been estimated to be47TWh in2005,corresponding
to19Mt CO2emissions.Without taking specific
measures,the consumption is predicted to increa to
49TWh in2020.It has been concluded that the elec
tricity consumption of standby functionalities and off-
mode loss can be significantly reduced.
(5)Improvements of electricity consumption of standby
functionalities and off-mode loss should be achieved
by applying existing non-proprietary cost-effective tech
nologies,which lead to a reduction of the combined
expens for purchasing and operating equipment.
(6)Ecodesign requirements for the power consumption of
standby mode and off mode of electrical and electronic
houhold and office equipment should be t with a
view to harmonising ecodesign requirements on
standby mode and off mode throughout the
Community and contributing to the functioning of the
internal market and to improvement of the environmen
tal performance of the products affected.
(7)The ecodesign requirements should not have negative
impact on the functionality of the product and should
not affect negatively health,safety and environment.In
particular,the benefits of reducing the electricity
consumption during the u pha should over-
compensate potential additional environmental impacts
四字成语新年during the production pha of equipment having
standby functionalities and/or off-mode loss.
(8)The application of this Regulation should be limited to
products corresponding to houhold and office
equipment intended for u in the domestic environment,
which,for information technology equipment,corre
sponds to class B equipment as t out in EN
55022:2006.The scope should be defined such that
equipment that is not yet available on the market,but
have similar functionalities to tho products explicitly
named in this Regulation,are designed to fulfil the
requirements.When appropriate,an amendment to this
Regulation can complement the list of products.
(1)OJ L191,22.7.2005,p.29.
(9)Operating modes not covered by this Regulation,such as
the ACPI S3mode of computers,should be considered in
product-specific implementing measures pursuant to
(10)As a general rule,requirements on standby and off mode
t out in product-specific implementing measures
pursuant to Directive2005/32/EC should not be less
ambitious than tho t out in this Regulation.
(11)In order to prevent unnecessary loss of energy,
products should ideally enter into a‘0-Watt’
consumption state when providing no function.The
technical feasibility and appropriateness should be
considered on a product-by-product basis in the
relevant implementing measure pursuant to Directive
(12)The two-staged entry into force of the ecodesign
requirements should provide an appropriate time-frame
for manufacturers to redesign products as far as standby
functionalities and off-mode loss are concerned.The
timing of the stages should be t in such a way that
negative impacts related to functionalities of equipment
on the market are avoided,and cost impacts for manu
facturers,in particular SMEs,are taken into account,
while ensuring timely achievement of policy objectives.
Measurements of the power consumption should be
performed taking into account the generally recognid
state of the art;manufacturers may apply harmonid
standards in accordance with Article9of Directive
(13)This Regulation should increa the market penetration
of technologies yielding improved energy efficiency for
standby functionalities and off-mode loss,leading to
estimated energy savings of35TWh in2020,
compared to a business-as-usual scenario.
(14)Pursuant to Article8(2)of Directive2005/32/EC,this
Regulation should specify that the applicable conformity
asssment procedures are the internal design control t
out in Annex IV and the management system t out in
Annex V to Directive2005/32/EC.
(15)In order to facilitate compliance checks,manufacturers
should be requested to provide information in the
technical documentation referred to in Annexes IV and
V to Directive2005/32/EC on the operating conditions
subject to the definitions of standby/off mode,and the
corresponding power consumption levels.
(16)Benchmarks for currently available technologies with low
standby and off mode power consumption should be
identified.This helps to ensure wide availability and
easy access to information,in particular for SMEs and
very small firms,which further facilitates the integration
of best-design technologies for reducing the energy
consumption of standby and off mode.
(17)The measures provided for in this Regulation are in
accordance with the opinion of the Committee estab
lished by Article19(1)of Directive2005/32/EC,
Subject matter and scope
大班区角观察记录This Regulation establishes ecodesign requirements related to standby and off mode electric power consumption.This Regulation applies to electrical and electronic houhold and office equipment.
For the purpos of this Regulation,the definitions t out in Directive2005/32/EC shall apply.The following definitions shall also apply:
1.‘electrical and electronic houhold and office equipment’
(hereafter referred to as‘equipment’),means any energy-using product which:
(a)is made commercially available as a single functional unit
and is intended for the end-ur;
(b)falls under the list of energy-using products of Annex I;
(c)is dependent on energy input from the mains power
source in order to work as intended;and
(d)is designed for u with a nominal voltage rating of
250V or below,
also when marketed for non-houhold or non-office u;
2.‘standby mode(s)’means a condition where the equipment is
connected to the mains power source,depends on energy input from the mains power source to work as intended and provides only the following functions,which may persist for an indefinite time:
—reactivation function,or reactivation function and only an indication of enabled reactivation function,and/or
—information or status display;
3.‘reactivation function’means a function facilitating the acti
vation of other modes,including active mode,by remote switch,including remote control,internal nsor,timer to
a condition providing additional functions,including the
main function;
4.‘information or status display’means a continuous function
providing information or indicating the status of the equipment on a display,including clocks;
5.‘active mode(s)’means a condition in which the equipment is
connected to the mains power source and at least one of the main function(s)providing the intended rvice of the equipment has been activated;
6.‘off mode’means a condition in which the equipment is
connected to the mains power source and is not providing any function;the following shall also be considered as off mode:
(a)conditions providing only an indication of off-mode
(b)conditions providing only functionalities intended to
ensure electromagnetic compatibility pursuant to
Directive2004/108/EC of the European Parliament and
of the Council(1);
7.‘information technology equipment’means any equipment
which has a primary function of either entry,storage, display,retrieval,transmission,processing,switching,or control,of data and of telecommunication messages or a combination of the functions and may be equipped with one or more terminal ports typically operated for information transfer;
8.‘domestic environment’means an environment where the
u of broadcast radio and television receivers may be
expected within a distance of10m of the apparatus concerned.
Ecodesign requirements
The ecodesign requirements related to standby and off mode electric power consumption are t out in Annex II.
Conformity asssment
The procedure for asssing conformity referred to in Article8(2)of Directive2005/32/EC shall be the internal design control system t out in Annex IV to Directive 2005/32/EC or the management system t out in Annex V to Directive2005/32/EC.
Verification procedure for market surveillance purpos Surveillance checks shall be carried out in accordance with the verification procedure t out in Annex III.
The indicative benchmarks for the best-performing products and technology currently available on the market are identified in Annex IV.
No later than6years after the entry into force of this Regulation the Commission shall review it in the light of technological progress and prent the result of this review to the Consultation Forum.
Entry into force
This Regulation shall enter into force on the20th day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.
Point1of Annex II shall apply as from one year after the date referred to in the first paragraph.
Point2of Annex II shall apply as from four years after the date referred to in the first paragraph.
(1)OJ L390,31.12.2004,p.24.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States. Done at Brusls,17December2008.
For the Commission
Member of the Commission
List of energy-using products covered by this Regulation
1.Houhold appliances
Washing machines
Clothes dryers
Dish washing machines
Electric ovens
Electric hot plates
Microwave ovens
Grinders,coffee machines and equipment for opening or aling containers or packages
Electric knives
Other appliances for cooking and other processing of food,cleaning,and maintenance of clothes
Appliances for hair cutting,hair drying,tooth brushing,shaving,massage and other body care appliances
烈日灼心剧情详解2.Information technology equipment intended primarily for u in the domestic environment
3.Consumer equipment
Radio ts
Television ts
Video recorders
Hi-fi recorders
Audio amplifiers
Home theatre systems
Musical instruments
And other equipment for the purpo of recording or reproducing sound or images,including signals or other technologies for the distribution of sound and image other than by telecommunications
4.Toys,leisure and sports equipment
Electric trains or car racing ts
Hand-held video game consoles
Sports equipment with electric or electronic components
Other toys,leisure and sport equipment