A definition of ecology
中国之最 Ecology is the study of the interactions between organisms and their environment.
All that surrounds and affects an organism is its environment.
Fitness is a measure of the ability of an individual to produce viable offspring and contribute to future generations.
Natural lection
The individuals in a species which have the highest fitness will contribute disproport
ionately to the subequent generations.
If fitness differences have a genetic component,then the genetic make-up of the subquent generations will be altered.
This process is known as natural lection or ‘survival of the fittest’.
Any heritable trait possd by an organism which aids survival or reproduction is an adaptation.
Such traits may be physiological,morphological or behavioral. Adaptation is the result of natural lection.
Genotype and phenotype
The genotype is the genetic composition of an individual. The phenotype is the individual organism,a product of the interaction between its genotype and its environment. The ability of the phenotype to vary due to environment influences on its genotype is known as phenotypic human suntan,wind-shaped plants,locust morph(solitary or migratory)).
Variable environment factors which organisms respond to are conditions.
Anything which the organism us up or depleres is a resource for that organism.
The upper and lower extremes of environmental conditions which members of a species can surivive are the species limits of tolerance.
The ecological niche of an organism is the position it fills in its environment comprising the conditions under which it is found,the resources it utilizes and the time it occurs there.
The habitat of an organism is the physical environment it is found in, for example,a temperate broad-leaved woodland. Each habitat provides numerous niches.
Water and temperature
Two features of water make it particularty suitable as a medium for life-forms to inhabit. Water has (i) a high capacity and (ii)maximal density at 4oC .
1》水有高的热容量 2》4°C时水的密度最大
Soil water
The upper limit of the water-holding capacity of a soil is called the field capacity. This is the amount of water which can be held by soil pores against the force of gravity.
The lower limit of water availability is thus determined by the physioligy of the plant species and is known as the permanent wilting point the soil water content at which pla
nts wilt and are unable to recover.
Water avaolability and plant productivity
Precipitation is a key determinant of plant productivity in forests, whilst in arid regions there is an appriximately linear increa in primary productivity with increasing precipitation.
Rates of development and growth
‘physiological time’is a measurement combining temperature and time and applied to ectothermic organisms,which reflects that growth and development of the organisms is dependent on environment temperature as well as time.
Species distribution and temperature
Overall, an organism’s limit to distribution is determined not by lethal temperatures,but by conditions that make it a poor competitor.
Radiant energy and photosynthesis
Only a restricted band of this spectrum is effective for photosynthesis. This is the band of photisynthetically active radiation(PAR)and for green plants lies between 380 and 710 nm.
Changes in the intensity of radition
Plants rarely achieve their full photosynthetic potential , due to water shortage and to variation in the intensity of radition.
A population is a group of organisms of the same species which occupies a given area.
Age and stage structure
The age structure of a population is the number of individuals in each age class expresd as a ratio ,and is usually displayed as an age pyramid diagram.