
更新时间:2023-05-14 06:59:29 阅读: 评论:0

速记缩写(Shorthand abbreviation)
1. spelling words in the language, the commonly ud phras (mostly proper names) and a few common words with simple wording.
(abbreviated Abbreviations) is an important part of the writing tutorial. For beginners to write, it is very important to grasp the methods and skills of abbreviations. Abbreviation is more content, longer according to certain requirements in a short article. Abbreviations should be faithful to the original, does not change the original theme or center thought, does not change the original outline. Can also be said as a longer name abbreviation.
Abbreviations in common u:
AA refers to the value in advance when each share dinner money or his account is the practice of every man.
ABC, A, B, and C are the first three in the Latin alphabet, which refer to general knowledge or simple reason (sometimes ud as titles).
When a AB company plays a play, the same main character is played by two actors, such as the A corner, which is played by the B corner, and this arrangement is called the AB system.
Ac [Alternating, current] alternating current
A/c [Account] account
AD [annno, Domini] ad
Am [ante, merldiem] morning
ASCII [American, National, Standard, Code, for, Information, Interchange] Standard Code for American national information exchange.付惜淘
BA [Bachelor, of, Arts]
BBC [British, Broadeasting, Corporation] Broadcasting British Corporation
BC [Before, Christ] BC
BCom [Bachelor, of, Commerce] Bachelor of Commerce
BD [Bachelor, of, Dirinity] Bachelor of Divinity
BL [bachelor, of, Law] Bachelor of laws
A [beeper] wireless pager. Also called pager.
BSc [Bachelor, of, Science] Bachelor of Science
[circa (about) about, about
C [Centigrade] Celsius (Wen Biao)
CA [Chartered, Accountant] accountant
CAD [computer, aided, design] computer aided design.
CD [compact, disc] lar disc.
CP [Compare] comparison
CPU [central processing unit] the central processor of the computer.
CT [computerized tomography] a X ray computed tomography; X-ray computer tomography X.
DC [Direct Current] direct current古代著名书法家
DCL [Dorctor, of, Civil, Law] Dr. Rome law
DD [Doctor, of, Divinity] divinity doctor
DLitt [Doctor, of, Litorature] Ph.D. in literature
DNA [deoxyribonucleic, acid] deoxyribonucleic acid.
DOS [disk operation system] disk operating system.
DPh, DPhil [Doctor, of, Philosophy] doctor of Philosophy
DSc [Doctor of Science], doctor of Science
DVD [digital, video, disk] digital lar discs.
Eg [exempli, gratia (for, example)], for example
Et SEQ [et quentia (and what follows)] and the following, and so on
F [Fahrenheit] Fahrenheit (Wen Biao)
FAX [facsimile] fax system.
GB [Great, Britain] Great Britain
GMT [Greenwich, Mean, Time] Greenwich mean time
HM [Her/His, Majesty] sire
HP [hor-power] horpower
[health, points] life value
HQ [Headquaters] headquarters
Ie [ID EST (that is)]
Internet international network.
IQ [Intelligence, Quotient] IQ
ISO [International, Organization, for, Standardization]
National Standardization organization.
[kilometres per hour] km / h
KTV [Cara, OK, Television] OK Cara box for performing arts or dining places.
LD [lar, disc] lar discs.
LLB [Bachelor, of, Laws] Bachelor of laws
个人承诺书LLD [Doctor, of, Lows] Juris Doctor
MA [Master, of, Arts] Master of Arts
MB [Bachelor, of, Medicine] medical scholar凌的拼音
MP [Member of Parliament] mp
[Magic Points] magic value我们坐在高高的谷堆旁边
MPH [miles, per, hour] miles per hour
MS [Manuscrip; pl MSS] manuscript; manuscript
MTV [Music Television] music tv,
近代英雄That is, singing with the TV screen in order to achieve better audio-visual effects.

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