The Meaning of Life by Catharine Drew Gilpin Faust June 3, 2008
《生活的意义》凯瑟琳·吉尔平·福斯特(2007年10月就任哈佛第28任校长) 2008年6月3日
In the curious custom of this venerable institution, I find mylf standing before you expected to impart words of lasting wisdom. Here I am in a pulpit, dresd like a Puritan minister –an apparition that would have horrified many of my distinguished forebears and perhaps rededicated some of them to the extirpation of witches. This moment would have propelled Increa and Cotton into a true “Mather lather”. But here I am and there you are and it is the moment of and for Veritas.
You have been undergraduates for four years. I have been president for not quite one. You have known three presidents; I one nior class. Where then lies the voice of experience? Maybe you should be offering the wisdom. Perhaps our roles could be reverd and I could, in Harvard Law School style, do
cold calls for the next hour or so.
We all do em to have made it to this point-more or less in one piece. Though I recently learned that we have not provided you with dinner since May 22. I know we need to wean you from Harvard in a figurative n. I never knew we took it quite so literally.
But let’s return to that notion of cold calls for a moment. Let’s imagine this was a baccalaureate rvice in the form of Q&A, and you were asking the questions. “What is the meaning of life, President Faust? What were the four years at Harvard for? President Faust, you have learned something since you graduated from college exactly 40 years ago?” (Forty years. I’ll say it out loud since every detail of my life-and certainly the year of my Bryn Mawr degree-now ems to be publicl
y available. But plea remember I was young for my class. )动画电影票房前十名
In a way, you have been engaging me in this Q&A for the past year. On just the questions, although you have phrad them a bit more narrowly. And I have been trying to figure out how I might answer and, perhaps more intriguingly, why you were asking.
Let me explain. It actually began when met with the UC just after my appointment was announced in the winter of 2007. Then the questions continued when I had lunch at Kirkland Hou, dinner at Leve
rett, when I met with students in my office hours, even with some recent graduates I encountered abroad. The first thing you asked me about wasn’t curriculum or advising or faculty contact or even student space. In fact, it wasn’t alcohol policy. Instead, you repeatedly asked me: why are so many of us going to Wall Street? Why are we going in such numbers from Harvard to finance, consulting, i-banking?
There are a number of ways to think about this question and how to answer it. There is the Willie Sutton approach. You may know that when he was asked why he robbed banks, he replied, “Becau that’s where the money is.”Professors Claudia Goldin and Larry Kats, whom many of you have encountered in your economics concentration, offer a not dissimilar answer bad on their study of student career choices since the venties. They find it notable that, given the very high pecuniary rewards in finance, many students nonetheless still choo to do something el. Indeed,
37 of you have signed on with Teach for America; one of you will dance tango and work in dance therapy in Argentina; another will be engaged in agricultural development in Kenya; another, with an honors degree in math, will study poetry; another will train as a pilot with the USAF; another will work to combat breast cancer. Numbers of you will go to law school, medical school, and graduate school. But, consistent with the pattern Goldin and Katz have documented, a considerable number of you are lecting finance and consulting. The Crimson’s survey of last year’s class reported that 58 percent of men and 43 percent of women entering the workforce made this choice. This year, even in challenging economics times, the figure is 39 percent.
High salaries, the all but irresistible recruiting juggernaut, the reassurance for many of you that you will be in New York working and living and enjoying life alongside your friends, the promi of interesting work-there are lots of ways to explain the choices. For some of you, it is a commitment for only a year or two in any ca. Others believe they will best be able to do good by first doing well. Yet, you ask me why you are following this path.
电视连续剧大全部I find mylf in some ways less interested in answering your question that in figuring out why you are posing it. If professors Goldin and Katz have it right; if finance is indeed the “rational choice”, why do you keep raising this issue with me? Why does this emingly rational choice strike a number of you as not understandable, as not entirely rational, as in some n less a free choice than a compulsion or necessity? Why does this em to be troubling so many of you?
You are asking me, I think, about the meaning of life, though you have pod your question in code-in terms of the obrvable and measurable phenomenon of nior career choice rather than the abstract, unfathomable and almost embarrassing realm of metaphysics. The Meaning of Life-capital M, capital L-is a cliché- easier to deal with as the ironic title of a Monty Python movie or the subject of a Simpsons episode than as a matter about which one would dare admit to harboring rious concern.
But let’s for a moment abandon our Harvard savior faire, our imperturbability, our preten of invulnerability, and try to find the beginnings of some answers to your question.
I think you are worried becau you want your lives not just to be conventionally successfully, but to be meaningful, and you are not sure how tho two goals fit together. You are not sure if a generous starting salary at a prestigious brand name organization together with the promi of future wealth will feed your soul.
Why are you worried? Partly it is our fault. We have told you from the moment you arrived here that you will be the leaders responsible for the future, that you are the best and the brightest on whom we will all depend, that you will change the world. We have burdened you with no small expectations. And you have already done remarkable things to fulfill them: your dedication to rvice demonstrate
d in your extracurricular engagements, your concern about the future of the planet expresd in your vigorous championing of sustainability, your reinvigoration of American politics through engagement in this year’s presidential contests.
But many of you are now wondering how the commitments fit with a career choice. Is it necessary to decide between remunerative work and meaningful work? If it were be either/or, which would you choo? Is there a way to have both?职业生涯
煎肉片的家常做法You are asking me and yourlves fundamental questions about values, about trying to reconcile pot
entially competing goods, about recognizing that it may not be possible to have it all. You are at a moment of transition that requires making choices. And lecting one option-a job, a career, a graduate program-means not lecting others. Every decision means loss as well as gain-possibilities foregone as well as possibilities embraced. Your question to me is a partly about that-about loss of roads not taken.
Finance, Wall Street, “recruiting” have become the symbol of this dilemma, reprenting a t of issues that is much broader and deeper than just one career path. The are issues that in one way or another will at some point face you all-as you graduate from medical school and choo a specialty –family practice or dermatology, as you decide whether to stay in teaching after your two years with TFA. You are worried becau you want to have both a meaningful life and a successful one; you know you were educated to make a difference not just for yourlf, for your own comfort an多条件求和
d satisfaction, but for the world around you.And now you have to figure out the way to make that possible.
I think there is a cond reason you are worried-related to but not entirely distinct from the first. You want to be happy. You have flocked to cours like “Positive Psychology”-Psych 1504-and “The Science of Happiness” in arch of tips. But how do we find happiness? I can offer one encouraging answer-get older. Turns out that survey data show older people-that is, my age-report themlves happier than do younger ones. But perhaps you don’t want to wait.
I have listened to you talk about the choices ahead of you, I have heard you articulate your worries about the relationship of success and happiness-perhaps, more accurately, how to define success so that it yields and encompass real happiness, not just money