allot | 英[əˈlɒt] | 美[əˈlɑ:t] |
vt. | 拨给; 分配,摊派给; 分派,派给; 指定(款项等)作某种用途; |
| | |
[例句]The ats are allotted to the candidates who have won the most votes
[其他] | 第三人称单数:allots现在分词:allotting过去式:allotted过去分词:allotted |
| |
candidate | 鱼饵配方大全英[ˈkændɪdət] | 美[ˈkændɪˌdet, -dɪt] |
n. | 报考者; 申请求职者; 攻读学位者; 最后命运或结局如何已显然可见者; |
| | |
[例句]The Democratic candidate is still leading in the polls
political | 英 [pəˈlɪtɪkl] | 美 [pəˈlɪtɪkəl] |
adj. | 政治的; 政党的; 对政治有兴趣的; |
| | |
[例句]All other political parties there have been completely banned
equivalent | 英[ɪˈkwɪvələnt] | 美[ɪˈkwɪvələnt] |
adj. | 相等的,相当的,等效的; 等价的,等积的; [化学] 当量的; |
| | |
[例句]The equivalent of two tablespoons of polyunsaturated oils is ample each day
Ps:equity n.公平、公正
bury | 英[ˈberi] | 美[ˈbɛri] |
vt. | 埋葬,葬; 为…举行葬礼; 隐藏,埋藏,遮盖,掩蔽; 专心致志于,埋头于,沉溺于; |
| | |
[例句]They make the charcoal by burying wood in the ground and then slowly burning it.
[其他] | 第三人称单数:buries现在分词:burying过去式:buried过去分词:buried |
| |
private | 英[ˈpraɪvət] | 美[ˈpraɪvɪt] |
adj. | 私有的,私人的; 秘密的; 内心的; 平民的,无官职的,士兵的; |
| | |
n. | 购买二手房注意事项 列兵,士兵,[陆]二等兵; 〈古〉私人,个人; 阴部,生殖器; |
| |
[例句]Bupa runs private hospitals in Britain
tenuous | 英[ˈtenjuəs] | 美[ˈtɛnjuəs] |
adj. | 稀薄的; 贫乏的; 薄的,细的; 精细的; |
| | | |
[例句]The cultural and historical links between the many provinces were en to be very tenuous
rival | 英[ˈraɪvl] | 美['raɪvl] |
n. | 对手; 竞争者; |
| | |
[例句]The world champion finished more than two conds ahead of his nearest rival
[其他] | 第三人称单数:rivals复数:rivals现在分词:rivalling过去式:rivalled过去分词:rivalled |
| |
virtue | 英[ˈvɜ:tʃu:] | 美[ˈvɜ:rtʃu:] |
n. | 美德; 德行; 价值; 长处; |
| | | |
[例句]Virtue is not confined to the Christian world
[其他] | 复数:virtues |
genuine | 英描写人[ˈdʒenjuɪn] | 美[ˈdʒɛnjuɪn] |
adj. | 真正的; 坦率的,真诚的; 血统纯粹的,纯种的; [医学] 真性的; |
| | |
[例句]There was a risk of genuine refugees being returned to Vietnam.
genius | 英[ˈdʒi:niəs] | 美[ˈdʒinjəs] |
n. | 天才; 天赋; 天才人物; (特别的)才能; |
| | | |
[例句]This is the mark of her real genius as a designer
moderator | 英[ˈmɒdəreɪtə(r)] 竹节人的做法 | 美[ˈmɑ:dəreɪtə(r)] |
n. | (讨论、会议等的)主持人; <物>(原子堆中的)减速剂; <英>成绩核对人; (新教的)宗教领袖; |
| | |
[例句]This is not only becau I was moderator.
inten | 英[ɪnˈtens] | 美[ɪnˈtɛns] |
adj. | 热情的,强烈的,紧张的; 热烈的,热情的,认真的; [摄] (底片)明暗度强的; 有强烈感情(或意见、想法)的; |
| | |
[例句]He was sweating from the intenheat
[其他] | 比较级:intenr最高级:intenst |
| |
rubble | 英[ˈrʌbl] | 初级职称申报条件 美[ˈrʌbəl] |
n. | 碎石,瓦砾; 碎砖,瓦砾; 碎岩; 残壁; |
| | |
[例句]Thousands of bodies are still buried under the rubble
Donald Trump has showered Vladimir Putin with prai as he and rival Hillary Clinton took pointed questions from military veterans.
The Republican presidential nominee told the forum the Russian president "has been a leader far more than our president [Obama] has been".
It came on the same day the chief of the Pentagon accud Russia of sowing the eds of global instability.
Mrs Clinton, meanwhile, defended her judgment despite her email scandal.
The White Hou candidates appeared back to back on stage in half-hour gments at the Intrepid Air and Sea Muum in New York on Wednesday night.厘米换算米
Trump and Clinton quizzed - as it happened
Trump defends military x assault tweet
Why Trump strikes a chord with Russians
Are there any Trump links to Putin?
Quizzed by NBC host Matt Lauer on his previous complimentary remarks about Mr Putin, Mr Trump responded: "He does have an 82% approval rating."
"I think when he calls me brilliant I'll take the compliment, ok?" added the businessman.
He said Mr Putin had "great control over his country".
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Media captionHillary Clinton admitted mistakes over her email account
Mr Trump also predicted that if elected in November, "I think that I'll be able to get along with him."
The property magnate recently drew sharp criticism when he urged Russia to dig up the emails that Mrs Clinton deleted from her email rver.
'Unilluminating blather' - US media's initial respon
Gabriel Debenedetti writes on the Politico website that neither candidate did much to advance their cau, with Hillary Clinton spending "a third of the time fending off questions about her emails" while "Donald Trump struggled to explain his cret plan to defeat the Islamic State."