【摘 要】目的:研究环境亮度及瞳孔直径对神经对比敏感度函数( NCSF)的影响,并与对比敏感度函数( CSF)相比较。方法:招募健康男性志愿者10名10眼作为受试者,以右眼为测试眼,利用视觉监视系统设置不同环境亮度并附加眩光,测量自然、3.0 mm和5.0 mm瞳孔时的CSF;利用视觉质量分析仪测量3.0mm和5.0mm瞳孔时的调制传递函数( MTF),根据CSF与MTF的比值求得NCSF。结果:NCSF和CSF随环境亮度降低曲线整体下移,波峰向低频区移动,CSF更偏向低频区。 CSF变化受NCSF和MTF共同作用,瞳孔开大,MTF下降,在明视觉环境和中间视觉环境中,NCSF和CSF上升,主要上升区为中低频区;当亮度较高或存在眩光源时,NCSF和CSF在中低频区上升不明显,在高频区有下降的趋势;在暗视觉环境中,小范围的瞳孔波动对NCSF和CSF没有显著影响。结论:NCSF能够反映视觉神经系统的功能,与MTF共同决定CSF。 CSF曲线形状与NCSF相近,波峰更偏向低频区。环境亮度降低会使NCSF下降, CSF随之下降;瞳孔<br> 开大会使NCSF在中低频区上升,CSF随之上升,而环境较亮或存在眩光源时,NCSF和CSF在高频区都有下降的趋势。%• AIM: To analysis and compare the i
nfluence of surround luminance and pupil diameter on neural contrast nsitivity function ( NCSF ) and contrast nsitivity function ( CSF) .•METHODS: Ten healthy male volunteers ( 10 eyes ) were recruited in this study, and the right eye was tested in this experiment. Different surround luminance levels and glare were t by Vision Monitor System to measure CSF curves of normal pupil, 3. 0mm pupil and 5. 0mm pupil. Modulation transfer function ( MTF ) curves of 3. 0mm pupil and 5. 0mm pupil were measured by Optical Quality Analysis System. NCSF was the ratio of CSF and MTF.• RESULTS: NCSF and CSF curves went downward <br> considerably and the curve waves shifted towards low spatial frequency as the surround luminance decreas. Compared with NCSF, the curve waves of CSF shifted towards lower spatial frequency. The change of CSF was affected by NCSF and MTF. When pupil diameter increas, MTF curve went downward. While the NCSF and CSF curves mounted up at low spatial frequency in the mesopic and photopic visual environment and showed downward trend at high spatial frequency in excessive bright environment or with glare. In the scotopic visual environment, the slight pupil diameter change cannot considerably affect CSF and
NCSF curves.•CONCLUSION:CSF is influenced by MTF and NCSF which reflects the function of the retina-brain neural system. The curve shape of CSF is similar to NCSF, but the curve wave is at lower spatial frequency. NCSF and CSF curves go downward as the surround luminance decreas. As the pupil diameter increas, NCSF and CSF curves mount up at low spatial frequency but show downward trend at high spatial frequency in excessive bright environment or with glare.
【作 者】绿提子赵冠华;曹瑞丹;张磊;严伟明;陈涛;王斌;丁一峰;王美艳;张作明
【作者单位】710032 中国陕西省西安市,第四军医大学航空航天医学系;710032 中国陕西
省西安市,第四军医大学航空航天医学系;710032 中国陕西省西安市,第四军医大学航空航天医学系;710032 中国陕西省西安市,第四军医大学航空航天医学系;710032 中国陕西省西安市,第四军医大学航空航天医学系;710032 中国陕西省西安市,第四军医大学航空航天医学系;710032 中国陕西省西安市,第四军医大学学员一旅五营十七连;710032 中国陕西省西安市,第四军医大学航空航天医学系;710032 中国陕西省西安市,第四军医大学航空航天医学系
【正文语种】中 文
Foundation items:The Military Logistics of Major Scientific Rearch Projects (No.AKJ11J002); the Military Logistics of Scientific Rearch Projects (No.BKJ14C008)
1Department of Clinical Aerospace Medicine, the Fourth Military Medical University, Xi’an 710032, Shaanxi Province, China;2Cadet Brigade, the Fourth Military Medical University, Xi’an 710032, Shaanxi Province, China中国对外贸易>菠萝的作用与功效
家常水煮鱼•METHODS: Ten healthy male volunteers (10 eyes) were recruited in this study, and the r
ight eye was tested in this experiment. Different surround luminance levels and glare were t by Vision Monitor System to measure CSF curves of normal pupil, 3.0mm pupil and 5.0mm pupil. Modulation transfer function (MTF) curves of 3.0mm pupil and 5.0mm pupil were measured by Optical Quality Analysis System. NCSF was the ratio of CSF and MTF.
•RESULTS:NCSF and CSF curves went downward considerably and the curve waves shifted towards low spatial frequency as the surround luminance decreas. Compared with NCSF, the curve waves of CSF shifted towards lower spatial frequency. The change of CSF was affected by NCSF and MTF. When pupil diameter increas, MTF curve went downward. While the NCSF and CSF curves mounted up at low spatial frequency in the mesopic and photopic visual environment and showed downward trend at high spatial frequency in excessive bright environment or with glare. In the scotopic visual environment, the slight pupil diameter change cannot considerably affect CSF and NCSF curves.
•CONCLUSION:CSF is influenced by MTF and NCSF which reflects the function of the retina-brain neural system. The curve shape of CSF is similar to NCSF, but the curve wave is at lower spatial frequency. NCSF and CSF curves go downward as the surround luminance decreas. As the pupil diameter increas, NCSF and CSF curves mount up at low spatial frequency but show downward trend at high spatial frequency in excessive bright environment or with glare.
对比敏感度函数(contrast nsitivity function,CSF)是检查视觉功能的常用方法,反映了人眼在不同空间频率上的对比敏感特征,与视敏度相比,能够更好地反映视觉质量[1]。CSF受光学因素和神经因素共同影响,光学因素指屈光系统将外界物体成像于视网膜上的光学质量,可用调制传递函数(modulation transfer function,MTF)评价;神经因素指视网膜、视神经和大脑中枢构成的视觉神经系统处理图像的能力,可用神经对比敏感度函数(neural contrast nsitivity function,NCSF)评价[2]。NCSF与CSF的关系为: