1、词汇水平测试 词汇水平测试是测试你的接受性词汇量。总共有5个level:l,l,l,University Word List, l。每个level有6道大题目,总共30道大题。你的昵称(三个问卷请填同一个昵称-随意取一个昵称即可) _请将目标单词与其对应的定义进行匹配,如下例所示:end or highest point 6this moves a car 3thing made to be like another 11. copy2. event3. motor4. profit5. pity6. tip2000 level
2、1. plete_first_not public_1. original 2. private 3. royal 4. slow 5. sorry 6. total 空1答案:6空2答案:1空3答案:22. choo by voting_bee like water_make_1. apply 2. elect 3. jump 4. manufacture 5. melt 6. threaten 空1答案:2空2答案:5空3答案:43. keep away from sight_have a bad effect on something_ask_1. blame 2. hi
七字成语大全3、de 3. hit 4. invite 5. pour 6. spoil 空1答案:2空2答案:6空3答案:44. having a high opin
ion of yourlf_something you must pay_loud, deep sound_1. accident 2. choice 3. debt 4. fortune 5. pride 6. roar 空1答案:5空2答案:3空3答案:65. money paid regularly for doing a job_heat_meat_1. basket 2. crop 3. flesh 4. salary 5. te
4、mperature 6. thread 空1答案:4空2答案:5空3答案:36. being born_game_winning_1. birth 2. dust 3. operation 4. row 5. sport 6. victory 空1答案:1空2答案:5空3答案:63000 level7. managing business and affairs_spirit who rves God_group of animals_1. administration 2. angel 3. front 4. herd 5. mate 6. pond 空1答案:1空2答案:2空3答案:4
5、8. part of a country_help to the poor_long ats_1. bench 2. charity 3. fort 4. jar 5. mirror 6. province 空1答案:6空2答案:2空3答案:19. a thin, flat piece cut from something_person who is loved very much_sound reflected back to you_1. coach 2. darling 3. echo 4. interior 5. opera 6. slice 空1答案:6空2答案:2空3答案:31
颈椎枕有用吗燕的形近字6、0. inner surface of your hand_excited feeling_plan_1. marble 2. palm 3. ridge 4. scheme 5. statue 6. thrill 空1答案:2空2答案:6空3答案:411. u pictures or examples
to show the meaning_meet_throw up into the air_1. discharge 2. encounter 3. illustrate 4. knit 5. prevail 6. toss 空1答案:3空2答案:2空3答案:612. happening三国杀貂蝉皮肤>中国国债
狗英文7、 once a year_certain_wild_1. annual 2. blank 3. brilliant 4. concealed 5. definite 6. savage 空1答案:1空2答案:5空3答案:65000 level13. cloth worn in front to protect your clothes_stage of development_state of untidiness or dirtiness_1. alcohol 2. apron 3. lure 4. mess 5. pha 6. plank 空1答案:2空2答案:5空3答案:414. s
8、peech given by a priest in a church_at without a back or arms_musical instrument_1. circus 2. jungle 3. nomination 4. rmon 5. stool 6. trumpet 空1答案:4空2答案:5空3答案:615. t of instruments or machinery_money received by the government_expression of admiration_1. apparatus 2. pliment 3. revenue 4.
9、scrap 5. tile 6. ward 空1答案:1空2答案:3空3答案:216. agreement using property as curity for a debt_narrow shelf_dark place on your body caud by hitting_1. brui 2. exile 3. ledge 4. mortgage 5. shovel 6. switch 空1答案:4空2答案:3空3答案:117. hold tightly in your arms_plan or invent_mix_1. blend 2. devi 3. embr
10、oider 4. hug 5. imply 6. paste 空1答案:4空2答案:2空3答案:118. good for your healths_sweet-smelling_dark or sad_1. desolate 2. fragrant 3. gloomy 4. profound 5. radical 6. wholesome 空1答案:6空2答案:2空3答案:3University Word List19. introduction of a new thing_one event in a ries_wealth_1. affluence 2. axis 3. episo
11、de 4. innovation 5. precision 6. tissue 空1答案:4空2答案:3空3答案:120. swinging from side to side_respect_lack_1. deficiency 2. magnitude 3. oscillation 4. prestige 5. sanction 6. specifition 空1答案:3空2答案:4空3答案:121. shape_speech_theory_1. configuration 2. discour 3. hypothesis 4. interction 5. partisan 6.
12、propensity 空1答案:1空2答案:2空3答案:322. without the writers name_least possible amount_native_1. anonymous 2. indigenous 3. maternal 4. minimum 5. nutrient 6. modification 空1答案:1空2答案:4空3答案:223. of the beginning stage_not moving or changing_final, furthest_1. elementary 2. negative 3. static 4. random 5. re
13、luctant 6. ultimate 空1答案:1空2答案:3空3答案:624. prevent people from doing
something they want to do_add to_nd out by force_1. coincide 2. coordinate 3. expel 4. frustrate 5. supplement 6. transfer 空1答案:4空2答案:5空3答案:310000 level25. work at something without rious intentions_accept without protest_make a
14、 fold on cloth or paper_1. acquiesce 2. contaminate 3. crea 4. dabble 5. rape 6. squint 空1答案:6空2答案:1空3答案:326. give care and food to_speak badly about God_slip or slide_1. blaspheme 2. endor 3. nurture 4. overhaul 5. skid 6. straggle 空1答案:3空2答案:1空3答案:527. full of lf importance_helping, adding s
15、upport_bad-tempered_1. auxiliary 2. candid 3. dubious 4. moro 5. pompous 6. temporal 空1答案:5空2答案:1空3答案:428. small and weak_easily changing_endless_1. anterior 2. concave 3. interminable 4. puny 5. volatile 6. wicker 空1答案:4空2答案:5空3答案:329. worst and most uless parts of anything_natural liquid prent in the mouth_confud mixture_1. dregs 2. flurry 3. hostage 4. jumble 5. saliva 6. truce 空1答案:1空2答案:5空3答案:430. being away from other people_someone killed or injured_noisy and happy celebration_1. auspices 2. casualty 3. froth 4. haunch 5. revelry 6. clusion 空1答案:6空2答案:2空3答案:5