GPM General Purpo Medium 通用介质
hp horpower 马力
HTA High Threat Area 高威胁区
HVLT High V oltage Long-Term 长期高压
HVST High V oltage Short-Term 短时低压
Hz hertz 赫兹
IL Isolating 隔离/绝缘
ILS Instrument Landing System 仪表着陆系统
IMA Individual Mobilization Augmentee个人动员增长
IR Infrared 红外线/红外的
ISO International Standardization Organization 国际标化组织ISSA Interrvice Support Agreement 军种支持协议
JCS Joint Chiefs of Staff参谋长联席会议
JSP Joint Support Plan 联合支援计划
kg/L kilogram per liter 千克/升
kV kilovolt 千伏
kV A kilovoltampere 千伏安
kVp kilovolt peak 千伏峰值
kWh kilowatt hour 千瓦时
lat Latitude 维度
LB Limited Ba 有限的基地
LCN Load Classification Number 荷载等级号码
lin ft linear foot 纵尺,延长英尺
LN Local National 当地国民/当地人
LOC Lines of Communications 通信线路
LORAN Long-Range Aid to Navigation 远距导航
LTA Low Threat Area 低威胁区
LVLT Low V oltage Long-term 长期低压
LVST Low V oltage Short-term 短时低压
MDF Main Defen Force 主要的防御部队
MEP Mission Esntial Power 任务必须的动力
MHE Materials Handling Equipment 物料处理设备
Mi mile 英里
MKT Mobile Kitchen Trailer 移动式厨房拖车
mm millimeter 毫米
mph miles per hour 英里/小时
MRA Minimum Rerve Authorization最低储备金授权
MSL Mean Sea Level 平均海平面
MTF Medical Treatment Facility 医疗设施
NBC Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical 核、生、化
NCO Noncommissioned Officer 士官
NCOIC Noncommissioned Officer in Charge 主管士官/值班军士
NSN National Stock Number 国家库存物资编号
NTA Non-Threat Area 无威胁区
OIC Officer in Charge 主管官员
ONC Operational Navigation Charts 作战领航图
OR Operationally Ready作好战斗准备
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration职业安全与健康管理(局)OSI Office of Special Investigations 特别调查办公室
PDC Primary Distribution Center 基层配送中心/高压配电中心
PMEL Precision Measurement Equipment Laboratory精密测量设备实验室
ppm parts per million 百万分之
RAL Remote Area Lighting 远程大面积照明/远程区域照明
RAPCON Radar Approach Control 雷达进场控制/管制
RCR Runway Condition Reading跑道状况读数
ROK Republic of Korea 韩国
RRR Rapid Runway Repair 跑到快速维修
RSC Runway Surface Condition 道面状况
RSP Render-safe Procedures执行安全程序
SAR Search and Rescue 搜救
SBSS Standard Ba Supply System (美国空军)标准基地供应系统
SCNS Standard Camouflage Net System标准伪装网系统
SDC Secondary Distribution Center二次配电中心,辅助配电中心,低压配电中心SME Squadron Medical Element 中队医疗分队
SNCOIC Senior NCOIC 高级军士
SOA Separate Operating Agency 分开的作战机构
SOF Special Operations Forces特种作战部队
SP Security Police 安全警察
SRC Survival Recovery Center救援中心
STAMP Standard Air Munitions Package标准航空弹药包
STANAG Standard NA TO Agreement标准北约协议
SWA Southwest Asia 西南亚
TACAN Tactical Air Navigation战术空中导航
TDS Total Dissolved Solids总溶解固体
TLV Threshold Limit V alue 临界阈值
TM Technical Manual 技术手册
TO Technical Order 技术规程
TOL Takeoff and Landing 起飞与着陆
UMD Unit Manning Document分队人员职位配制表/分队人员配置表
UTC Unit Type Code设备类型代号
UXO Unexploded Ordnance未爆弹药
V V olt 伏特
V A voltampere 伏安在在
V AC volts alternating current 交流电压
V AL V ehicle Authorization List车辆核定表
V ASI V isual Approach Slope Indicator目视进近坡度指示灯
VDC volts direct current 直流电压
W Watt瓦特
WDR War Damage Repair 战损修复
WOC Wing Operations Center 联队作战中心朱元璋陵墓
WRM War Rerve Materiel战争储备物资
WRSK War Readiness Spares Kit战备备用套件
Air Ba Defen--Tho measures taken to nullify or reduce the effectiveness of enemy attacks on, or sabotage of, air bas to ensure that the nior commander retains the capability to assure aircraft sortie generation.
Air Force Civil Engineer Support Agency (AFCESA)--A field operating agency (FOA) located at Tyndall Air Force Ba, Florida. The Directorate of Contingency Support (HQ AFCESA/CEX) acts as the Air Force program manager for Ba Civil Engineer (BCE) Contingency Respon Planning.
空军土木工程师支援局(AFCESA)- 一个位于佛罗里达州廷德尔空军基地野战工作的机构(FOA)。应急支援局(总部AFCESA/ CEX)作为空军基地民用工程师(BCE)的应急响应计划的项目经理。
人参怎么吃法Area of Operations--An operational area defined by the joint force commander for land and naval forces. Areas of operation do not typically encompass the entire operational area of the joint force commander, but should be large enough for component commanders to accomplish their missions and protect their forces.
War Rerve Materiel (WRM)--Materiel required in addition to primary operating stocks and mobility equipment to attain the operational objectives in the scenarios authorized for sustainability planning in the Defen Planning Guidance. Broad categories are: consumables
associated with sortie generation (to include munitions, aircraft external fuel tanks, racks, adapters, and pylons); vehicles; 463L systems; materiel handling equipment; aircraft engines; bare ba asts; individual clothing and equipment; munitions and subsistence.
除了主要经营股票和流动设备,以实现经营目标,在国防规划指导的可持续发展规划的授权方案要求在战争储备物资(WRM)- 物资。大类:消耗品;出击一代(包括弹药,飞机外部燃料箱,架,适配器,和挂架)的车辆;463L系统;物资装卸设备;飞机发动机;裸基地资产;个人的服装和装备;弹药和生活资料。
AFPAM10-219 V1
Abbreviations and Acronyms
ADR—airfield damage repair
AFFF—aqueous film forming foam
AFIMS—Air Force Incident Management System
AFRC—Air Force Rerve Command
AFS—Air Force specialty
ANG—Air National Guard
ARFF—Aircraft Rescue Fire Fighting
AS—allowance standard
BRAA T—ba recovery after attack
BCE—ba civil engineer
BPA—blanket purcha agreement
CBRNE—chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and high-yield explosive
Operations Directorate (COMAFFOR)
Plans Directorate (COMAFFOR)
American, British, Canadian, Australian Armies Standardization Program
assistant chief of staff
AFIWC Air Force Information Warfare Center
武乡侯AFTTP (I) Air Force tactics, techniques, and procedures (instruction)
AJP Allied joint publication
AOR area of responsibility
ASIC Air and Space Interoperability Council
ATO air tasking order
ATP allied tactical publication
C2 command and control
CAG carrier air group
CCDR combatant commander
CCIR commander’s critical information requ irement 指挥官的紧急信息需求
CEOI communications-electronics operating instructions 电子通信操作说明
CI counterintelligence
CIA Central Intelligence Agency
CJCS Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
CJCSI Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff instruction 参谋长联席会议主席规程
CJCSM Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff manual 参谋长联席会议主席手册
CM countermeasure
CMO civil-military operations
CND computer network defen
CNO computer network operations
COA cour of action
COMAFFOR commander, Air Force forces
COMCAM combat camera