Vegetative compatibility, biosynthesis of GA3 and virulence of Fusarium moniliforme isolates from
bakanae dia of rice
期刊名称: Plant Pathology
作者: Sunder,Satyavir
年份: 2010年
可乐茶叶蛋>大学生h期号: 第6期
适合男人看的书关键词: fungal dias;enfermedades fungosas;riz;plant dias;substance de croissance vegetale;acido giberelico;maladie des plantes;sustancias de超市英文
用典的诗句crecimiento vegetal;patogenicidad;agent pathogene充氮气
摘要:Twenty-eight isolates of Fusarium moniliforme were established from bakanae-infected rice plants of a range of cultivars collected from various localities in Haryana, India. They were characterize
d by vegetative compatibility, virulence pattern on five paddy cultivars, and biosynthesis of gibberellins and were assigned to 10 vegetative compatibility groups (VCGs). Isolates from different VCGs and also within the same VCG varied considerably in virulence and GA 3 production. The 28 isolates were categorized into five gibberellic acid production groups (GPG-I–GPG-V) and five virulence groups (VG-I–VG-V). Vegetative compatibility was independent of pathogenicity and of ability to produce GA 3 . However, GA 3 production was positively correlated ( r = 0.731) with pathogenic behaviour.