Audio Script
足球绕杆技巧Vocabulary Audio 2
Gus Scarr: Captain Hayley, How do we get to the buried map?
Hayley Scarr: We go west for 30 meters, Gus, matey.
Gus Scarr: Captain, we need some rope to pull the treasure.
Hayley Scarr: Go north for 10 meters. It's there. You'll need a spade to dig for the chest. Go south for 40 meters and there is one.
Gus Scarr: 关于雪的词语Captain Hayley, Do you have the key?
Hayley Scarr: It's buried, Gus, matey.
Gus Scarr: How do we get to it?
嵊泗县Hayley Scarr: We go west for 20 meters. Now we have everything. Let's get the treasure chest.
Gus Scarr: Arrr! Where is the treasure buried, Captain?
Hayley Scarr: We go east for 50 meters. There is the treasure.
Play 'Follow the Captain', reviewing directions on a compass
Have two confident students form a line behind you. Tell the students the direction you are going in and have them follow you (e.g. 'go two steps north,' 'walk two steps straight'). Count each step you take aloud.
Next, choo another direction, say where you are going and have students follow you and repeat what you say. Go to the back of the line and have one of the students lead you. Have the other student lead the line.我的补课老师
动物分类Divide the class into groups of three or four, depending on the class size. Have groups take turns playing the game; make sure each student in each group gives a few directions.
庖丁解牛的故事Suggested Homework: Workbook F, Page 14, Activity A