1. Are you basically satisfied with your life ?
2. Have you dropped many of your activities and interests ?
3. Do you feel that your life is empty ?
4. Do you often get bored ?
5. Are you hopeful about the future ?
6. Are you bothered by thoughts you can t get out of your head ?
7. Are you in good spirits most of the time ?
8. Are you afraid that something bad is going to happen to you ?
9. Do you feel happy most of the time ?
10. Do you often feel helpless ?
11. Do you often get restless and fidgety ?
12. Do you prefer to stay at home, rather than going out and doing new things ?
13. Do you frequently worry about the future ?
14. Do you feel you have more problems with memory than most ?
15 Do you think it is wonderful to be alive now ?
16 Do you often feel downhearted and blue ?
17 Do you feel pretty worthless the way you are novv
18 Do you worry a lot about the past ?
步行的英语19 Do you find life very exciting ?
20 Is it hard for you to get started on new projects ?
21 Do you feel full of energy ?
22 Do you feel that your situation is hopeless ?
23 Do you think that most people are better off than you are ?
24 Do you frequently get upt over little things ?
25 Do you frequently feel like crying ?
26 Do you have trouble concentrating ?
27 Do you enjoy getting up in the morning ?
幼儿园早餐食谱28 Do you prefer to avoid social gatherings ?
29 Is it easy for you to make decisions ?
30 Is your mind as clear as it ud to be ?
This is the original scoring for the scale: One point for each of the ansvers. Cutoff: normal-0-9; mild depressives-10-19; vere depressives-20-30.
1. no 6. yes 11. yes 16. yes 21. no 26. yes
2. yes 7. no 12. yes 17. yes 22. yes 27. no
3. yes 8. yes 13. yes 18. yes 23. yes 28. yes
4. yes 9. no 14. yes 19. no 24. yes 29. no
5. no 10. yes 15. no 20. yes 25. yes 30. no
Mood Asssment Scale: Ratings for Females Total ____________
Name/ID _____________________________________ Date ____________
You are being asked to answer questions about a person you know well, becau you are this person’s spou, clo relative or friend, or caregiver. Read each of the following statements and decide if it is an accurate statement about this person.Answer the following questions by circling No or Yes. If you do not know the answer, skip that statement and go on to the next one.
1. Is she basically satisfied with her life? No Yes
2. Has she dropped many of her activities and interests? No Yes
3. Does she feel that her life is empty? No Yes
4. Does she often get bored? No Yes
5. Is she in good spirits most of the time? No Yes
6. Is she afraid that something bad is going to happen to her? No Yes
7. Does she feel happy most of the time? No Yes
8. Does she often feel helpless? No Yes
9. Does she prefer to stay at home, rather than going out and doing No Yes
new things?
10. Does she feel she has more problems with memory than most? No Yes
11.圈养猪 Does she think it is wonderful to be alive now? No Yes
12. Does she feel pretty worthless the way she is now? No Yes
炖兔肉13. Does she feel full of energy? No Yes
14. Does she feel that his situation is hopeless? No Yes
15. Does she think that most people are better off than she is? No Yes