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TL H 5680
LM131A LM131 LM231A LM231 LM331A LM331Precision Voltage-to-Frequency Converters
December 1994
LM131A LM131 LM231A LM231 LM331A LM331Precision Voltage-to-Frequency Converters
General Description
The LM131 LM231 LM331family of voltage-to-frequency converters are ideally suited for u in simple low-cost cir-cuits for analog-to-digital conversion precision frequency-to-voltage conversion long-term integration linear frequen-cy modulation or demodulation and many other functions The output when ud as a voltage-to-frequency converter is a pul train at a frequency precily proportional to the applied input voltage Thus it provides all the inherent ad-vantages of the voltage-to-frequency conversion tech-niques and is easy to apply in all standard voltage-to-fre-quency converter applications Further the LM131A LM231A LM331A attains a new high level of accuracy ver-sus temperature which could only be attained with expen-sive voltage-to-frequency modules Additionally the LM131is ideally suited for u in digital systems at low power sup-ply voltages and can provide low-cost analog-to-digital con-version in microprocessor-controlled systems And the fre-quency from a battery powered voltage-to-frequency con-verter can be easily channeled through a simple photoisola-tor to provide isolation against high common mode levels The LM131 LM231 LM3
31utilizes a new temperature-compensated band-gap reference circuit to provide excel-lent accuracy over the full operating temperature range at power supplies as low as 4 0V The precision timer circuit
has low bias currents without degrading the quick respon necessary for 100kHz voltage-to-frequency conversion And the output is capable of driving 3TTL loads or a high voltage output up to 40V yet is short-circuit-proof against V CC
Y Guaranteed linearity 0 01%max
Improved performance in existing voltage-to-frequency conversion applications
Y Split or single supply operation Y Operates on single 5V supply
Y Pul output compatible with all logic forms
Y Excellent temperature stability g 50ppm  C max Y Low power dissipation 15mW typical at 5V
Wide dynamic range 100dB min at 10kHz full scale frequency
Y Wide range of full scale frequency 1Hz to 100kHz Y
Low cost
Typical Applications
TL H 5680–1
U stable components with low temperature coefficients See Typical Applications ction f OUT e
V IN 2 09V  R S R L  1
R t C t
0 1m F or 1m F See ‘‘Principles of Operation ’’
FIGURE 1 Simple Stand-Alone Voltage-to-Frequency Converter
with g 0 03%Typical Linearity (f e 10Hz to 11kHz)
C 1995National Semiconductor Corporation
RRD-B30M115 Printed in U S A
Absolute Maximum Ratings(Note1)
If Military Aerospace specified devices are required plea contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office Distributors for availability and specifications
LM131A LM131LM231A LM231LM331A LM331 Supply Voltage40V40V40V
Output Short Circuit to Ground Continuous Continuous Continuous Output Short Circuit to V CC Continuous Continuous Continuous
Input Voltage b0 2V to a V S b0 2V to a V S b0 2V to a V S
T MIN T MAX T MIN T MAX T MIN T MAX Operating Ambient Temperature Range b55 C to a125 C
b25 C to a85 C0 C to a70 C Power Dissipation(P D at25 C)
and Thermal Resistance(i jA)
(H Package)P D670mW
i jA150 C W
(N Package)P D1 25W1 25W
i jA100 C W100 C W
(M Package)P D1 25W
i JA85 C W
Lead Temperature(Soldering 10c )
Dual-In-Line Package(Plastic)260 C260 C260 C
Metal Can Package(TO-5)260 C
ESD Susceptibility(Note4)
Metal Can Package(TO-5)2000V
Other Packages500V500V Electrical Characteristics T A e25 C unless otherwi specified(Note2)
Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units VFC Non-Linearity(Note3)4 5V s V S s20V g0 003g0 01%Full-
T MIN s T A s T MAX g0 006g0 02%Full-
Scale VFC Non-Linearity V S e15V f e10Hz to11kHz g0 024g0 14%Full-In Circuit of Figure1Scale Conversion Accuracy Scale Factor(Gain)V IN e b10V R S e14k X
LM131 LM131A LM231 LM231A0 951 001 05kHz V LM331 LM331A0 901 001 10kHz V Temperature Stability of Gain T MIN s T A s T MAX 4 5V s V S s20V
LM131 LM231 LM331g30g150ppm  C LM131A LM231A LM331A g20g50ppm  C Change of Gain with V S4 5V s V S s10V0 010 1% V
10V s V S s40V0 0060 06% V Rated Full-Scale Frequency V IN e b10V10 0kHz Gain Stability vs Time T MIN s T A s T MAX g0 02%Full-(1000Hrs)Scale Overrange(Beyond Full-Scale)Frequency V IN e b11V10% INPUT COMPARATOR
Offt Voltage g3g10mV LM131 LM231 LM331T MIN s T A s T MAX g4g14mV LM131A LM231A LM331A T MIN s T A s T MAX g3g10mV Bias Current b80b300nA Offt Current g8g100nA Common-Mode Range T MIN s T A s T MAX b0 2V CC b2 0V
Electrical Characteristics T A e25 C unless otherwi specified(Note2)(Continued)
Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units
Timer Threshold Voltage Pin50 630 6670 70c V S
Input Bias Current Pin5V S e15V
All Devices0V s V PIN5s9 9V g10g100nA LM131 LM231 LM331V PIN5e10V2001000nA LM131A LM231A LM331A V PIN5e10V200500nA
V SAT PIN5(Ret)I e5mA0 220 5V
Output Current R S e14k X V PIN1e0
LM131 LM131A LM231 LM231A126135144m A LM331 LM331A116136156m A
Change with Voltage0V s V PIN1s10V0 21 0m A
Current Source OFF Leakage
LM131 LM131A0 011 0nA LM231 LM231A LM331 LM331A0 0210 0nA All Devices T A e T MAX2 050 0nA
Operating Range of Current(Typical)(10to500)m A
LM131 LM131A LM231 LM231A1 761 892 02V DC LM331 LM331A1 701 892 08V DC Stability vs Temperature g60ppm  C Stability vs Time 1000Hours g0 1% LOGIC OUTPUT(Pin3)
V SAT I e5mA0 150 50V
I e3 2mA(2TTL Loads) T MIN s T A s T MAX0 100 40V
OFF Leakage g0 051 0m A
LM131 LM131A LM231 V S e5V2 03 04 0mA LM231A V S e40V2 54 06 0mA LM331 LM331A V S e5V1 53 06 0mA
V S e40V2 04 08 0mA Note1 Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur DC and AC electrical specifications do not apply when operating the device beyond its specified operating conditions
Note2 All specifications apply in the circuit of Figure3 with4 0V s V S s40V unless otherwi noted
Note3 Nonlinearity is defined as the deviation of f OUT from V IN c(10kHz b10V DC)when the circuit has been trimmed for zero error at10Hz and at10kHz over the frequency range1Hz to11kHz For the timing capacitor C T u NPO ceramic Teflon  or polystyrene
Note4 Human body model 100pF discharged through a1 5k X resistor
Functional Block Diagram
TL H 5680–2 Pin numbers apply to8-pin packages only See connection diagram for LM231WM pin numbers
Teflon registered trademark of DuPont
Typical Performance Characteristics
(All electrical characteristics apply for the circuit of Figure3 unless otherwi noted ) Nonlinearity Error LM131
Family as Precision V-to-F Converter(Figure3)Nonlinearity Error LM131
Nonlinearity vs Power Supply
Frequency vs Temperature LM131A V REF vs Temperature
Output Frequency vs
100kHz Nonlinearity Error LM131Family(Figure4)Nonlinearity Error LM131
Input Current(Pins6 7)vs
Power Drain vs V SUPPLY Output Saturation Voltage vs
I OUT(Pin3)
Nonlinearity Error Precision
F-to-V Converter(Figure6)
TL H 5680–3 5

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