ABT about 大约
ABV above 以上
中国感恩节ACCT account 由...承担,租船人,租家
ADV advi 通知
ADD address 地址
AFMT after fix main terms主要条款定下之后
AGT agent代理
ARBI arbitration 仲裁
BBB before breaking bulk 开舱卸货前
B/DAYS banking days 银行工作日
BENDS.BE both ends 指装卸两头(港)
BGD bagged 袋装的
BLK bulk 散装(货)
BS/L bills of lading 提单
BSS 1/1 bas 以一个装港一个卸港为基准
BWAD brackish water arrival draft 船到卸港的吃水
CHOPT charterers’ option 租家选择
CHRTS charterers 租船人,租家
CO charterers option 租家选择
英语必修五单词表COMM commission 佣金
C/P charter party 租约
C.Q.D customary quick dispatch 按港口习惯速度尽快装卸
CVS concutive voyage
DFD demurrage/despatch 滞期/速遣
DHD demurrage/free despatch
DOP droppint outward pilot
DRRK derrick 吊杆
DWAT deadweight all told
DWCC deadweight cargo capacity
EIU even if ud 即使使用
ETA expected time of arrival 预抵时间
ETD expected time of departure 预离时间
FHINC Fridays and holidays included
FIO free in & free out 船东不负责装/卸费
FIOST free in,out, stowed(理舱) trimmed(平舱)
FILO free in , liner out 船东不负责装,但负责卸爆鸡胗
FLT full liner term 全班轮条款,即船东负责装/卸费
FLWS follows 下列
FRT freight 运费
FWAD fresh water arrival draft
GROSS TERMS liner terms
IAC including Address Commission(租家佣金)
IACS international association of classification societies 国际船级社
LIFO liner in, free out 船东负责装,但不负责卸
LYCN laycan laytime and cancel time
L/D loading/discharging 装/卸
MIN 至少
MOLOO more or less at owners option 增减由船东选择
NAABSA more or less at charterers option 增减由租家选择
NOR notice of readiness船舶备安通知
NOM nominated 指定的家乡作文
写真大全 OAP over age premium 船的超龄保险
OO owners option 船东选择
OPTN option 选择
OWRS owners 船东
PART CGO part cargo 拼装
P & I CLUB protection and indemnity associations 船东互保协会