Lesson 对数函数的性质47 Too high a price ?
adj. 人口过多的
overworked overdresd
overestimated overcrowded
overcooked 剪纸春字怎么剪over-industrialized
overpopulated overpopulation
China is faced with the problem of overpopulation.
denly / thickly populated regions
sparly / thinly populated regions
overwhelm [əʊvə'welm]
v. 大水淹没某地
The village was overwhelmed by floods.
be overwhelmed with / by grief / despair / excitement ...
In June the town is overwhelmed by tourists.
I feel a little bit overwhelmed by work.
Her beauty completely overwhelmed him.
Government troops have overwhelmed the rebels.
an overwhelming victory
the overwhelming majority
insidious [ɪn'sɪdiəs]
adj. 潜在的,潜伏的,暗中为害的 an insidious dia insidious jealousy
“sid / d” = sit
I wanna hold you till I die, till we both break down and数学阅读小报 cry. I wanna hold you till the fear in me
profound [prə'faʊnd]
adj. 深刻的,深远的,极度的
a profound effect / influence / impact
a profound poem
a profound question
profound sadness
profound irritation
maximum ['mæksɪməm]
adj. 最大的
maximum amount / number
maximum temperature
maximum voltage
to maximize profits
to maximize windows
the maximization of profits
minimum minimum wage
to minimize the civilian casualties
mobile ['məʊbaɪl] ['moʊbl]
adj. 可移动的 mobile home mobile library mobile phone
cell / cellular phone
hostile docile
fertile小儿急疹 fragile
futile infantile
juvenile missile
agile 永远的快乐reptile
snore [snɔ:(r)]
v. 打呼噜,打鼾
snore sneeze
sniff gasp
sigh yawn
blow one’s no
clear one’s海盗船 throat
break wind fart
Pollution is the price we pay for an overpopulated, over industrialized planet.
Environmental pollution is becoming increasingly rious.
Environmental pollution is a rious problem / issue.
Environmental pollution is a global problem / issue.
Environmental pollution is an issue我的寒假英语作文 that cross the national boundaries.
We should pay attention to the issue of environmental pollution.
We should show concern for environmental pollution.
We should attach more importance / significance to the issue of environmental pollution.
We should make efforts to tackle the problem of environmental pollution.
be the price sb. pay for ...
造句:沙尘暴 (dust storm) 是我们为过度砍伐 (tree felling) 付出的代价。 Dust storms are the price we pay for excessive tree felling. 造句:这次事故是他为疏忽 (negligence)付出的代价。
The accident is the price he pays for his negligence.
be a small price to pay for sth.
The loss of money is a small price to pay for the ri in status.
be a high price to pay for sth.
The sacrifice of health is a high price to pay for success.
When you come to think about it, there are only four ways you can deal with rubbish: dump it,
burn it, turn it into something you can u again, attempt to produce less of it.
come to do
Future historians will be in a unique position when they come to record the history of our own
there are ... ways / kinds / sorts / types / categories / class ...
There are three categories of accommodation: economical, standard and deluxe.
fall into ... categories
Shakespeare’s plays fall into three categories: tragedies such as Hamlet, comedies such as The
Merchant of Venice and histories such as Henry Ⅳ. be divided into ... class
Broadly speaking, human beings may be divided into three class: tho who are toiled to death,
tho who are worried to death, and tho who are bored to death.
dispo of rubbish / garbage
rubbish / garbage disposal
recycle it