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Curriculum vitae January 2007
Robert Vale
Postal address: 2 Hauraki Road, Waiheke Island, Auckland 1081
Telephone: 09 372 9188
Academic qualifications, Honours and Awards
1995 PhD University of Nottingham
1973 MA and Diploma in Architecture University of Cambridge
1971 BA University of Cambridge
The zero energy Hockerton Housing Project in the UK, designed by Brenda and Robert Vale, won the ‘Residential’ ction of the UK National Energy Efficiency Awards Dec 2006.
Hockerton Housing Project was awarded the Eurosolar European Prize 2001 in the category "Solar Buildings". Award prented in Berlin 5 December.
Received UK Solar Prize Award(zero energy housing category) for Hockerton Housing Project 2000.
Received, with Brenda Vale, the 1999 PLEA Award (Passive and Low Energy Architecture) for "lifetime achievement" from PLEA International at the annual
PLEA Conference, Brisbane, Australia. October 1999.
1996 Winner of Eurosolar Award for Solar Energy for the Autonomous Hou.
1994 Elected to the Global 500 Roll of Honour of the United Nations in recognition of outstanding practical achievements in the protection and improvement of the environment. The award was prented on World Environment
Day in London by the UN Commissioner for the Environment, Elizabeth Dowdeswell.
1994 Shortlisted for United Nations Habitat Award.
1993 Awarded first Green Building of the Year Award by the Independent on Sunday and the Heating and Ventilating Contractors' Association for the Woodhou Medical  Centre, Sheffield.
Prent position
Postgraduate supervisor, School of Architecture and Planning, University of Auckland
Rearch Leader, Manaaki Whenua Landcare Rearch (half-time).
Appointments held currently
Professorial Rearch Fellow, Victoria University, Wellington,
Honorary Professor, School of Architecture, University of Tasmania,
Honorary Professor, Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology, Sydney. Member of Auckland City Mayoral Taskforce on Urban Design.
Member of judging panel for Auckland City Matiatia Development.
Trustee of NZ Ecolabelling Trust
Trustee of Waiheke Waste Resource Trust
Rearch and Postgraduate supervision (2000 –2007) * = completed
Huang Ning PhD  Sustainable transport for Auckland
Bryan Pooley PhD Conversion of suburban Auckland for sustainability (co –supervisor)
Maciej Cichy PhD Affordable housing (main supervisor)
*David Kettle PhD    A method for determining sustainable three waters infrastructure (main supervisor)
Jeong Noh  PhD Thermal simulation of buildings with atria (co-supervisor)
*Sumita Ghosh PhD A simple method for determining the sustainability of
residential development patterns in urban areas (co-supervisor)
*Paul Jurasovich PhD Sustainability in office buildings (co-supervisor)
人与善交000*Eman Asaad PhD The interaction between housing conditions and health in New
Zealand (co-supervisor)
*Nalanie Mithraratne PhD A model for life-cycle environmental asssment of NZ
types (co-supervisor)
*Yune Tan PhD Energy conrvation in tertiary ctor libraries (co-supervisor)
*Kelvin Walls PhD Drainage aerosols and health (main supervisor)
(In addition I have supervid between 10 and 16 Masters students each year.
Rearch interests
Environmentally sustainable architecture and ttlements. Zero-energy buildings. Sustainable transport and food systems for a post-oil world. Environmental
rating systems for the built environment at building and neighbourhood level.
Publications (2000 – 2006)
2002 Vale B. and Vale R. The New Autonomous Hou Thames and Hudson, London and
New York. 256 pp first paperback edition
2000 Vale B. and Vale R. The New Autonomous Hou Thames and Hudson, London
and New York. 256 pp
Chapters in books:
2004 Vale B. and Vale R. “Principles of green architecture” in Wheeler S. M. and Beatley T. (eds) (2004) The Sustainable Urban Development Reader Routledge, London/New York. pp 188 – 192
2004 Vale B. and Vale R. “Det Autonoma Hut” and “Hockerton Housing Project” in Wallner S. (2004) Stigfinnare: Innovativt Byggande för en Hållbar Utweckling Chalmers, Göteborg. pp 61-69
2003 Vale B and Vale R "Steps Towards a Sustainable Architecture" Chapter 4 in Ballantine A (ed) Architectures: Modernism and After  Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK. 2003 pp not known
2003 Vale B and Vale R "Autonomous Living" in Dearling A and Metzler G (eds) Another Kind of Space Enabler Publications, Dort, UK. 2003. pp 49-55
2002 Vale B and Vale . ‘Autonomous Servicing’ Section 9.3 in Birke land J (ed)  Design for Sustainability; a Sourcebook of Integrated Eco-Logical Solutions Earthscan, London. 2002
2002 Citation in Phaidon Press  The Hou Book Phaidon Press Ltd., London. 2001  (Vale, Brenda and Robert, Autonomous Hou, p 463) This is a book of 500 iconic hous chon from all periods of history, and from the whole world. Each hou has a one-page entry.
2001 VALE, R., SHACKEL, S.3, REARDON, C.3'Housing Project: Hockerton' in Reardon,    C. (ed.) Your Home Technical Manual Canberra, Commonwealth of Australia, Australian Greenhou Office. pp 7.7b 1-6. Also available on CD-ROM and on v.au毛不易坎坷身世
Refereed Journal articles
Ghosh S. and Vale R. (2006) “The potential for solar energy u in a New Zealand residential neighbourhood: A ca study considering the effect on CO2 emissions and the possible benefits of changing roof form” Australasian Journal of Environmental Management Vol. 13 No. 4, pp 216-225
Frame B. and Vale R. (2006) ‘Incre asing uptake of low impact urban design and development: the role of sustainability asssment systems’ Local Environment Vol. 11, No. 3, pp 287 – 306
Ghosh., S, Vale., RJD, Vale., BA (2006) Indications from Sustainability Indicators, Journal of Urban Design, Oxfordshire, UK, Vol.11, Number 2, pp.263-275 .
Ghosh., S, Vale. RJD, Vale., BA (2006) Domestic Energy Sustainability of Different Urban Residential Patterns: A New Zealand Approach, International Journal of Sustainable Development, UK, Volume 9, Issue 1, pp.16 -37.
Vale B. and Vale R. (2005) ‘The all-electric hou: Past and Future’ Int J Sustainable Development Vol. 8, No. 3. pp. 173 to 188
Invited Conference papers
Vale R. (2005) “Interaction between sustainable design and sustainable behaviour” In vited paper in Proceedings of the third forum on the application of ecological and energy-saving architecture technology(in Chine) Nanjing, 16-17 July. pp 16-20
Vale B. and Vale R. (2005) “News from Ngowhere: New Zealand after OIl” Keynote paper at Australian and New Zealand Solar Energy Society Conference, Dunedin, 28 – 30 Nov 2005
2004 VALE R. "Sustainable housing in practice" Keynote paper at the Second Green Architecture Seminar and Architectural Technology Exchange Conference, Beijing, May 24th and 25th
2003 VALE, R. Keynote lectures "2020 Vision – a more sustainable future" and "Sustainable Commercial Buildings"  Building Designers Association Conference, Gold Coast, Queensland. 14-16 August
2002 VALE R. “How to realize ESD” Evergen: Towards a Sustainable Built Environment, 11 June,CSIRO Melbourne Prentation 02 on CD-ROM, 8916 KB
2002 VALE R. “Some ESD Ca Studies” Evergen: Towards a Sustainable Built Environment, 11 June, CSIRO Melbourne Prentation 07 on CD-ROM, 13481 KB
Refereed Conference Papers
Ghosh S. and Vale R. (2006) “Water, Water, Everywhere…Quantifying Possible Domestic Water Demand Savings through the u of Rainwater Collection from Residential Roofs in Auckland, New Zealand” Water Sensitive Urban Design and Urban Drainage Modelling Conference, Melbourne Australia, 3-7 April 2006
Vale R. and Dixon J. (2005) “The battle for hearts and minds –sustainable design and sustainable behaviour” Urbanism Down Under, 18-20 August, Wellington
Vale R. and Vale B. (2005) “Everyone needs good NABERS - the relevance of building environmental rating systems to the urban environment” Urbanism Down Under, 18-20 August, Wellington
Ghosh S. Vale B. and Vale R. (2005) “Knowledge is power: a quantitative asssment method for the environmental impact of different urban development patterns” Urbanism Down Under, 18-20 August, Wellington
Pandey S. Nagels P. and Vale R. (2005) “Low impact systems in neighbourhood developments for st
ormwater management” NZWWA Fourth Annual Pacific Stormwater Conference, 4-6 May, Auckland
Vale R. and Eason C. (2005) “Facilitating nature’s role in urban design; Integrating the built and natural environment” Meaning and Design of Nature for the Urban Built Environment Conference, Lincoln University, 24th to 26th Aug. Hargreave s R., O’Connell M., Jaques R., Vale R., Nebel B. and Lietz K. (2005) “Developing a sustainability framework for New Zealand homes” SB05 Conference, Tokyo
VALE, B. and VALE, R. ‘The craft tradition’. The38th International Conference of Architectural Science Association  ANZAScA, Launceston, Tasmania, 10-12 Nov 2004, pp.350-5.VALE, R. and VALE, B. ‘Teaching and knowledge’. The38th International Conference of Architectural Science Association ANZAScA, Launceston, Tasmania, 10-12 Nov 2004, pp.313-8.
CICHY M.5and VALE R. ‘How far are the principles of sustainability applicable to affordable social housing?’ 19th EAROPH World Planning and Housing Congress and National Housing Conference Melbourne 19-22 September 2004. Poster prentation
VALE B and VALE R "Green Building –Fringe to Mainstream" Keynote Paper to Green Building: Addressing Environmental and Sustainability Issues Through the U of Wood in Building and Desig
n Forest Industries Engineering Association,  Annual Conference, Auckland. 16 – 17 Jun 2003
VALE B and VALE R "The Real Deal –Ca Studies of Environmental Design and Construction" Keynote Paper to Green Building: Addressing Environmental and Sustainability Issues Through the U of Wood in Building and Design Forest Industries Engineering Association, Annual Conference, Auckland. 16 –17 Jun 2003
VALE R. " The Role of Insulation and Thermal Mass in the Design of Zero-Heating Homes" Invited paper at  First Australasian Workshop on Pha Change Materials for Thermal Storage in Buildings and Other Applications PCM 2003, University of Auckland Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, Auckland,12 December 2003
天天吹牛GHOSH, S.5, VALE, B., VALE, R. ‘A Methodology for determining quantitative urban sustainability in residential areas of Auckland, N ew Zealand’. Southern Crossings: Proceedings for the Sixth Australasian Urban History/Planning History Conference, Auckland Feb 13-16, 2002. 285-298
LUTZ-STRULIK H.5and VALE R. ‘Prervation of architectural heritage through Adaptive Reu, and its value for a sustainable environment’. Southern Crossings: Proceedings for the Sixth Australasian Urban History/Planning History Conference, Auckland Feb 13-16, 2002. 405-416
MITHRARATNE, N.5,VALE, B., VALE, R. ‘Life-cycle Analysis of New Zealand Hous’
APRU Conference, Auckland 1-4 Feb. 2001
GHOSH, S.5, VALE, R., VALE, B. ‘Measuring residential sustainability from aerial photographs in residential areas of Auckland, New Zealand’ APRU Conference, Auckland 1-4 Feb. 2001
2001 Vale B. and Vale R. "Thermal performance of superinsulated lightweight residential construction in the Auckland climate" Paper NOV09 in CD-ROM Performance in Product and Practice: Proceedings: CIB World Building Conference Wellington, 2 Apr - 6 Apr. 9 pp.
2001 Vale B., Mithraratne N. and Vale R. "Life-cycle energy and costs analysis of typical New Zealand hous in the Auckland climate" Paper NOV12 in CD-ROM Performance in Product and Practice: Proceedings: CIB World Building Conference Wellington, 2 Apr - 6Apr. 8 pp.
2000 Pritchard M. and Vale R. "How to save yourlf (and possibly the world) on 20 minutes a day" Shaping the Sustainable Millennium: Conference Proceedings Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, 5 - 7 July. paper no BEE101 PDF on CD Rom. 8pp
2000 Vale B. Asaad E. and Vale R. "How people live, not where people live" Shaping the Sustainable
Millennium: Conference Proceedings Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, 5 - 7 July. paper no BEE071 PDF on CD Rom. 10pp
2000. VALE, B. and VALE, R.  "Thermal Mass in Zero-Heating Hous' in Mills D., Bell J., Stoynov L., Yarlagadda P. (eds.) (2000) Renewable Energy Transforming Business: From Fossils to Photons. Solar 2000 Proceedings. 38th Annual Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Solar Energy Society, Griffith University, Brisbane, 29 Nov - 1 Dec., 187-194.
2000. VALE, B. and VALE R. 'Sun, Sex and the Black Death' in Mills D., Bell J., Stoynov L., Yarlagadda P. (eds.) (2000) Renewable Energy Transforming Business: From Fossils to Photons. Solar 2000 Proceedings. 38th Annual Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Solar Energy Society, Griffith University, Brisbane, 29 Nov – 1 Dec., 279-285.
2000 Fay R. Vale R. and Vale B. "Asssing the importance of design decisions on life cycle energy and environmental impact" in Steemers K. and Yannas S. (eds) Architecture, City, Environment Proceedings of PLEA 2000, Cambridge, July 2-5, James and James, London. pp 164-169
2000 Vale B. Mithraratne N. and Vale R. "Superinsulation for the Auckland climate" in Steemers K. and Yannas S. (eds) Architecture, City, Environment Proceedings of PLEA 2000, Cambridge, July 2-
5, James and James, London. pp 150-154
2000 Keynote paper Vale B. and Vale R. "Towards sustainable buildings" in Sahachaisaeree N. (ed) Green Architecture: the sustainable built environment in the new millennium Conference Proceedings, 21-22 April, Bangkok, CDAST, Bangkok. pp 11-34
幸福感量表2000 Keynote paper Vale B. and Vale R. "Zero energy and sustainable buildings" in Sahachaisaeree N. (ed) Green Architecture: the sustainable built environment in the new millennium Conference Proceedings, 21-22 April, Bangkok, CDAST, Bangkok. pp 35-58
Articles for professional and other journals:
2004 VALE, R.'Sustainable Housing in Practice' ARCHI100, No 23, Beijing, Aug.

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