艰苦的一晚吧? Rough night?
我收到你的信息了,怎么了? I got your message. What's the problem?
我把钥匙给丢了 Lost my keys.
在哪找到的? -Where'd you find them?
那边4英尺处 -Four feet that way.
我一定是掉在那了 Must've dropped them.
你怎么样,好久不见了 How you doing? It's been a while.
不错 Fine.
你呢 How are you?
很冷 Cold.
我想和你谈些事情 Man, I...I need to talk to you about something.
一起吃顿午饭吧 -Grab some lunch at Fascetti's?
我还要上班 -I have to get back to work.
我听说你几星期前被炒鱿鱼了? Speaking of which, I heard you got fired a few weeks ago.
这次又是什么原因? What was it this time?
你真想知道? You really want to know?
还是抱着居高临下的态度询问我? Or are you just enjoying the view from your high hor?
知道我怎么想吗 You know what I want?
我不想做你的弟弟 To not have to be the older brother to my older brother.
你在这干什么,Crab? What you doing here, Crab?
很久不见了,lincoln先生 Long time no e, Mr. Linc.
去哪了啊 Where you been?
那9万块钱我会马上还你 -Here and there. -Mmm-hmm. I'm gonna get your 90 grand, all right?
放松,钱已经有人付了 Oh, relax, man, that debt already been paid.
谁付的 -By who?
乐于助人的一人 -Someone who likes to do people favors.
我不知道钱是怎么回事 I don't know what it is you think you're getting,
我直说了 我筹到钱之前还要再缓一下 but let's be clear about something. It's gonna be a few days before I get the money lined up.
别开玩笑了 Let's not kid ourlves.
你不可能还那笔钱 You can't get anywhere near that kind of money.
我们还是谈谈你能为我做什么吧 So let's talk about what you can do for me.
REYNOLDS,; (ON TV) Allies are like family,
We have disagreements,
but we always em to smooth things out by Thanksgiving,
好的,如果你要选择 Okay, if you had to choo,
是副总统Reynolds,还是HR里面的Kathy Vice President Reynolds or Kathy in HR?
我选第3个 -I'll take door number three.
拜托 如果你你必须要选的话 -Come on. If you had to choo.
HR里面的辣妹 That chick in HR.
michael对金发碧眼的女人不感兴趣 Michael never cared much for blondes.
你好 Veronica -V.
你过得怎么样,michael? -How you doing, Michael?
还不错,你呢? Good. I'm good. How are you?
我过得还行 I'm okay.
我在Glazer&Ross干得不坏 You know, I'm over at Glazer and Ross.
97号律师 Lawyer number 97.
收入不错 Benefits are good.
lincoln怎么样? How's Lincoln?
你们没聊过? You guys haven't talked?
几年都没怎么说过话了 No, not for a few years. 手机多开
他几乎像失踪一样 He kind of dropped off the radar.
他还好? How is he?
他就是他,没变 He's Linc.
不管是谁,我都不会杀 I don't care who the guy is. I ain
't killing no one.
我一定听错了 我在给你机会 I must have misd the part where I gave you a choice.
黑皮夹克 HALE: Black leather jacket.
正面两颗纽扣 Two buttons down the front,
每个袖子上有三颗 three on each sleeve.
右边少一颗 ...不 左边 One missing on No, left arm.
褪色的牛仔裤 Jeans. Faded.
右膝盖位置有块污渍 Stain on the left knee.
他对好人做坏事 He does bad things to good people.
想想吧,一发子弹就值9万 Think of this as a $90,000 bullet.
你将不再欠我什么 You start fresh,
我也不用操心去找 有什么人会再值得你付出 and you keep me from finding out if there's someone in your life you will do something for.
我应该帮你叫辆出租车 Oh, I should call you a cab.
你怎么知道上帝是男人 You know how you can tell God is a man?
鞋子 Shoes.
华为找回手机小心点 Easy.
不好意思 I'm sorry.
怎么? What?
要接吗? You gonna answer it?
他会留消息的 He'll leave a message.
他一向如此 He always does.
michael,我是linc Michael, it's Linc.
我需要你帮助 I need your help, bro.
事情糟了,我脱不了身 I'm in something real bad. I can't get out of it.
我需要你帮我理清头绪 I need you to straighten me out. My head is all mesd
这很重要,弟弟 Anyway, it's real important, bro.
你一定要打回来 You gotta call me.
现在就打 You gotta call me now.
我不能这样 I can't do this.
我理解 I know.
我理解 I know.
我帮你叫车 I'll call you a cab.
越狱 第十六集
拍到他了吗? -Did we get him?
我想是的,搭档 -I believe we did, partner.
<;西班牙语> SUCRE: Are you kidding me?
Nando 我们本该踢那小子的屁股 Nando, we should've whooped that guy's ass.
算了吧 你唯一动手打人是有个老头插队 Plea. Only time I en you whoop some ass is when that old man cut in front of you at Arby's.
是啊 人家走不动也看不清 Yeah, and he was like 102 and blind.
还安装了假肢 With a plastic hip.
天哪 Oh, my God.
怎么了 What?
WOMAN,; (ON PA) Dr, Davis, telephone, plea, Dr, Davis, telephone, plea,
他们在4B等你 -Hey, they're waiting for you in 4B.
把他的X光片拿出来 我很快就到 -Oh, pull his film. -I'll be there in a minute.
好的 -Okay.
Al-Jabar空军基地 科威特
Franklin 军士 Sergeant Franklin
你一直都带给我惊喜 you never cea to amaze me.
有什么是你弄不到的吗? ls there anything you can't get here?
好吧,说话算话 All right, a deal's a deal.
监狱守卫任务 Prison guard duty.
远离前线,最安全的任务 Away from the front. Safest place you could be.
我的妻子孩子也会感谢你的 Thank you.And my wife and daughter back home thank you too, sir.
The coal ams are pretty significant.
- 嘿 - 嘿 -Hey. -Hi.
能让我们单独待会吗? Would you give us a minute?
当然 Thanks.
你看新闻了吗 Have you been watchin
g the news?
怎么了? -Why?
关于lincoln的 -It's Lincoln.
我没做 -I didn't do it.
Terrence Steadman -Terrence Steadman.
副总统的弟弟 The Vice President's brother.
你知道他们会怎么处置你吗 Do you have any idea what they're gonna do to you?
我没做 有人陷害我 I didn't do it, man. It was a tup. I didn't do it.
你认识他 You knew him.
- 谁? - steadman -Who? -Steadman.
不认识 No.
- 你在他的公司工作 - 那又怎么样? -You worked for his company. -So what?
你几星期前被解雇了 From which you were fired a few weeks ago.
我只是在仓库搬运箱子 从来没见过他 I loaded containers in the warehou. Never met the guy.
怎么了,michael 你就象那个该死的侦探 What the hell, Mike? You sound like one of the damn detectives.
我问问而已 -I'm just saying.
你认为是我干的 -You think I did it?
我听说你欠别人9万块钱 I heard you owe someone 90 grand.
谁告诉你的 -Who told you that?
常无常没有不透风的墙 -People talk.
我知道steadman很有钱 And I know Steadman had a lot of money.
我是做过坏事 I may be a lot of things,
但我绝不是杀人犯 but I'm not a murderer.
你那晚在停车场做什么? Then what were you doing in that garage last night?
你向警察承认 你在那 You admitted to the police you were there.
实话说,linc Honestly, Linc,
我不知道怎么说 I don't know how it's come to this.
你不能把妈妈的死 And you can't keep blaming Mom for dying
爸爸离去当借口 因为那时我也在 and Dad for leaving, becau I was there, too.
不同的是,我挺了下来 Difference is, I got out.
我拿了妈妈一半的寿险 Mom had life insurance. I took my half,
用来念书 put mylf through school.
你那一半怎么花了,Linc? What did you do with your half, Linc?
事情不是看上去那样的,Michael Everything's not how it looks, Michael.
希望你说的是真的 I hope for your sake that's true.
要表现出愤怒 -Here is where we want the turn to anger.
相信我,这不成问题 -Trust me, that won't be a problem.
记住强调他的犯罪记录, 他是个惯犯 Now remember to stress his record as a repeat offender.
如果要促成死刑,我们需要公众的支持 We need the public behind us if we want the death penalty.
Tencredi州长对此事的态度怎么样? And where are we with Governor Tancredi?
他这个人有野心,他知道怎么做 He has aspirations. He won't be a problem.
最后30秒,副总统阁下 MAN: Thirty conds, Madam Vice President.
报纸上一片谴责 一致要求处死他 VERONlCA: The papers have already crucified him.
警方说他们在案发后马上接到电话 The police say they got a phone call right after the murder
有人说看见Lincoln从停车场跑出来 from someone claiming they saw Lincoln running from the parking garage.
他欠别人9万块 He was into someone for 90 grand.
么? What do you need that kind of money for?
吸毒? 贿赂? Drugs, bribes?
不要一厢情愿,客观点看问题 Forget about what you want to be true. Let's look at this objectively.
- 你也应该客观 - 我是的 -Maybe you should too. -I am.
好吧,我保证过什么也不说 All right, you know what? I promid I wouldn't say anything,
但我看不下去你这么说他 but I'm getting tired of you talking about him
唠叨好像他是社区里某个邻居 like he's some guy from the neighborhood that you ud to know.
- 他是你哥哥 - 我知道 -He's your brother. -I know.
而且我知道他过去帮你脱离父亲 但你应该知道 And I know he helped you out with your dad back in the day,but you should e
他能有今天 全是因为结交的那帮狐朋狗友 the kind of person he is now, the kind of people he keeps friends with.
你想知道他的9万块花在哪了? You want to know what the 90 grand was for?
我想我知道 -I think I do.
你 -You.
什么意思? What do you mean?
你18岁时从妈妈的保险金里得到的 The money you got when you were 18 years old from your mother's life insurance?
帮你拿到学位,找到工作, 买了大公寓的钱 The money that paid for your degree, that got you this job,
你母亲没有人寿保险 Your mother never had life insurance.
孩子上学那钱是Lincoln弄来的 That money came from Lincoln.
- 怎么弄? - 借的 -How? -He borrowed it.
他知道这钱很难还 但他顾不了那么多了 He knew it would be tough to pay back, but that didn't matter,
他认为你理应得到那笔钱 becau he thought you derved it.
他还知道如果说是他的钱 你绝不会接受 He also knew you'd never accept it if you knew it came from him.
Michael, 你有今天全是因为你哥哥 Michael, you are where you are becau of your brother.
你等于在告诉我 他有今天也是因为我 You're telling me he is where he is becau of me?
为什么? Why?
为什么不告诉我钱的事? Why didn't you tell me about the money?
没必要 -No need to. -Oh, Linc.
谁说的? Veronica? Who told you? Veronica?
她怎么看这事? What did she make of all this? About me?
我不知道 -I don't know.
还好她及时抽身 -Glad she got out when she did, huh?
你知道她对你的感觉 You know how she feels about you.
和我们小时候没什么改变 It's been the same way ever since we were kids.
是啊 Yeah.
Lincoln Linc,
我得向你道歉 -I owe you an apology.
道什么歉? -For what?
你打电话那晚 The night you called.
如果我们说话了,也许我能阻止你 If we'd talked,-maybe I could have stopped you. -Hey, hey, hey, hey
不是你的错 This ain't your fault.
谁的错? Then who's is it?
听着 Listen up.
你要忘了这些 You need to forget about this.
向前走 Move on.
努力工作,做想做的人 Work hard. Do what you do.
我不能 I can't do that.
你可以的,而且你会的 Oh, yes, you can. And you
还有些我不明白的... Here's the part I don't understand.
所有的证据都直接指向你 All the evidence is lining up in a path that leads directly to you,
他们说录像上有你 They say they have you on tape.
扣动扳机 Pulling the trigger,
如果你没杀Terrence Steadman If you didn't kill Terrence Steadman,
他们怎么让看起来是你干的? how the hell did someone make it look like you did?
完美 Perfect.
完美是个程度很强的词 MANCHE: Perfect's a strong word, coz.
我有感觉,兄弟 SUCRE: I got strong feelings, bro.
我跟你说,就是她了 I'm telling you, she might be the one.
她是这一区的? -She from the block?
不,住宅区 Pill Hill -Nope. Uptown. Pill Hill.
你以为你能搞定来自PH的女孩? You think you could hold on to a girI from the PH?
我想带她去吃饭 I want to take her out to dinner.
等着瞧,绝对是个高级地方 You'll e. Someplace real nice.
得了,Fernando Come on, Fernando.
你哪来的钱上那种地方? How are you going to afford a place like that?
开抽屉! 开抽屉! -Open the drawer! -Hey, hey, okay!
快快快! -Open the drawer, cono! -Okay, okay!
-Quick! Quick! -All right, okay!
给我! -Now! -Here.
其实一张就够了 Actually, this is all I need.
好 Okay.
谢谢你的帮助 I appreciate your business, man,
I'll have that in here for you about next week.
我从医院给你拿了礼物 I brought you a gift from the hospital.
我从医院给你拿了礼物 I brought you a gift from the hospital.
我简直在过圣诞节 I'm telling you, it is like Christmas.
你...你在北极上班吗? And you work at the North Pole.
如果北极也有枪伤和病人 If the North Pole had gunshot wounds and
说真的,我不知道你干吗在那里工作 Seriously, I don't know how you work there.
什么意思? What do you mean?
我喜欢帮助别人 SARA: I like to help people.
你还喜欢自助 You like helping yourlf.
喜欢帮助你的朋友 And you like helping your friends.
噢上帝 Oh, my God.
能听见么?你还好么? Oh, my God.Can you hear us? Are you okay?
能听见么?你还好么? Can you hear us? Are you okay?
谁帮个忙,谁有电话打911 Help,somebody! Who's got a telephone? Call 911!
左拼音Call 911 ! Help!
帮帮我 Oh, my God! Can
你是医生? Are you a doctor?
能不能帮我们? Can you help him?
做点什么! Well, do something!
稍息 At ea.
您要的威士忌几天后会到,长官 The whiskey that you ordered, sir, will be here in a couple of days.
不是这个,我叫你来是说另一件事 That's fine. I actually brought you here to talk to you about something el.
虐囚的事你报告的? -Prisoner-abu report you filed?
是,长官 -Yes, sir.
我希望知道你究竟想追究多深 I need to know how far you're willing to go with this.
不惜一切,长官 Whatever it takes, sir.