Translate the following into Chine
Part I
1. Terms of payment 装运条件
2. Payment advice 支付通知书
3. Working capital 流动资本
4. Fixed capital 固定资本
5. Hard currency 硬通货
杠铃弯举6. Monetary policy 货币政策
7. Commercial invoice 商业发票
8. Business hour 营业时间
9. Commodity inventory 商品库存
10. Business status 营业状况
11. Wholesale distributor 批发商
12. Quality control 质量控制,质量管理
Part II在思想上
毛尖茶1.The Chine government on Wednesday stresd the importance for the country to step up efforts to develop emerging industries of strategic importance
2.In an address to the 2010 Global City Informatization Forum, China?s Minister of Science and Technology Wan Gang said the priority for information technology rvice wil
l be given to rural areas. “The …digital gap? between urban and rural China needs to be further bridged,” he said.在2010年全球城市信息论坛上,中国科技部部长王刚在演讲中表示:“要优先为农村提供信息技术服务,进一步消除中国城市和农村之间的‘数字鸿沟’。”
3. A new policy allowing overas tourists traveling in a group to get visas upon arrival in East China?s Zhejiang prov ince may greatly boost local tourism, local authorities said on Sunday.
4.“US moves won?t cea trade rows. Though the United States has refrained from conducting fresh currency probes and imposing new anti-dumping duties, this does not signal an end to its trade protectionist measures against China”, experts said on Wednesday.
5.Inclusive growth in India and China made the two countries become the major players in world economy. India and China both succeeded in attaining the attention of the world by promoting inclusive growth in the fields like labor regulations, agricultural technology and infrastructure. The inclusive growth also includes plans like assisting lagging regions of the country and empowering the poor [through proactive policies so that they can take part in the market on equitable terms.
6.The development of E-business had clo links to the development of the Internet as s
uppliers and customers realized the cost and time benefits of online transactions. It became more efficient to do business when online systems were ud throughout an organization?s supply channels. The real challenge of E-business was providing customers with the latest data through every sales channel.
7.In a digital economy, you must be ready for a future of continual change. Change your vision for the future, work cloly with your staff, suppliers, and partners to make changes, and learn to view your organization as the customers view it. The focus of E-business must always be on the customers. You have to u your knowledge of your market to consider how customers expectations will change in the future.
8.The golden rule of E-business is that the customer is king. In the days when your customers shopped on the high street, or purchad by telephone or mail order, their opportunity for direct comparison of price was limited. The Internet allows individual or business customers to make comparisons easily and complete their purchas from their own home or office. Many Websites now exist for the purpo of comparison shopping. You should understand the power lies in the hands of the customer and you must put their needs at the center of your business.
9.The personal computer industry was in a growth stage during the early 1980?s. IBM, A
pple, and Radio Shack were holding strong; but many new competitors ― Compaq Computer, Convergent Technologies ― were flailing away at the market with differing strategies. Some old standbys like Osborne Computer bit the dust. Companies spent millions, $500 million in 1983 alone, on advertising and promotion. And prices began dropping as much as 20% to 40%, as specials and advertid sales became more widespread.
20世纪80年代初,个人电脑产业处于成长期。IBM,苹果及无线广播蓬勃发展,许多新竞争者如康柏电脑、聚合技术等以各种战略努力占领市场。一些裹足不前的老牌企业如Osborne 电脑倒闭了。各家公司在广告和促销方面花费巨资,仅1983年就耗资5亿美元。由于减价销售和广告促销的普及,产品价格开始下降了20%至40%。
10. Are business practices becoming more unethical? There is no easy answer. In America, bribery, price fixing, embezzlement, monopolizing, and other illegal practices cost consumers more than $40 billion a year in higher prices and taxes. A spokesperson for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce says that the extent of bribes, kickbacks, and payoffs is “pervasive”. A recent study of 3,000