A Message to Gar'cia
In all this Cuban bu'siness there is one man stands out on the hori'zon of mem'ory like Mars at pe'rihe'lion.
When war broke out between' Spain and u`ni'ted States, it was very nec'essary to commu'nicate` quickly with the leader of the Insur'gents. Gar'cia was som'ewhere` in the mountain va'stness of Cuba - no one knew where. No mail nor tel'egraph message could reach him. The Pres'ident must cure' his co`op`era'tion, and quickly.
What to do?
Some one said to the Pres'ident,"There"s a fellow by the name of Rowan will find Gar'cia fo
r you, if an'ybod`y can."
Rowan was nt for and giv'en a leetter to be deliv'ered to Gar'cia. How the "fellow by the name of Rowan"took the letter, aled it up in an oil skin pouch, strapped it over his heart, in four days landed by night off the coast of Cuba from an open boat, disappear'ed into the jungle, and in three weeks came out on the other side of the i'sland, having trav'erd a hos'tile` coun'try on foot, and deliv'ered his letter to Gar'cia - are things I have no speci'al desire' now to tell in de'tail`.
The point I wish to make is this: Mca.Kin'ley gave Rowan a letter to be deliv'ered to Gar'cia; Roman took the letter and did not a'sk,"Where is he at?"
By the Eter'nal! There is a man who form should be cast in death'less bronze and the stat'ue` placed in ev'ery college of the land. It is not book-lear'ning young men need, nor instruc'tion about this, and that, but a stiff'ening of the vertebrae which will cau them to be loy'al to a trust, to act promptly, con'centrate` their en'ergies: do the thing - "Carry a message to Gar'cia!"
Gen'eral Gar'cia is dead' now, but there are other Gar'cias. No man, who has endeav'ed to carry out an enterpri where man'y hands were needed, but has been well nigh appal'led at times by the imbecil'ity of he av'erage man - the inabil'ity or un`wil'lingness to con'centrate` on a thing and do it.
Slip'shod` assis'tance, foolish inatten'tion, dowdy indif'ference, and ha'lf-hear'ted work em the rule; and no man succee'ds, un`less' by hook or crook or threat', he forces or bribes other men to assist' him; or may'hap`, God in His good'ness performs' a mir'acle, and nds him an A'ngel of Light for an assis'tant.
You, reader, put this matter to a test: You are sitting now in your office - six clerks are within' call. Summon any one and make this request': "plea look in the en`cy`clo`pe'dia and make a brief mem`oran'dum for me concer'ning the life of Cor'reggi.o`. "the qui'etly say,"Yes,sir," and go do the task?春天作文结尾
On your life, he will not. He will look at you out of a fish'y eye and a'sk one or more of the following ques'tions:
Who was he?
Which en`cy`clo`pe'dia?
Where is the en`cy`clo`pe'dia?
Was I hired for that?
do'n"t you mean Bis'marck`?傅熙来
What"s the matter with Charlie doing it?
Is he dead'?
Is there any hurry?绚丽多彩拼音
欧美女生Sha'n"t I bring you the book and let you look it up your`lf'?
What do you want to know for?
And I will lay you ten to one that after you have the ques'tions, and explain'ed how to find the informa'tion, and why you wait it, the clerk will go off and get one of the other clerks to help him try to find Gar'cia - and then come back and tell you there is no such man. Of cour I may lo my bet, but accor'ding to the Law of av'erage, I will not.
Now if you are wi you will not both'er to explain' to your "assis'tant" that Cor'reggi.o` is in'dex`ed under the C's, not in the K's, but you will smile sweetly and say, "Never mi'nd," and go look it up your`lf'. And this incapac'ity for indepen'dent action, this mor'al stupidity, this infir'mity of the will, this un`wil'lingness to cheerfully catch ho'ld and lift - the are the things that put pure So'cialism so far into the future. If men will not act for themlv'es, what will they do when the ben'efit of their effort is for all?
A first mate with knot'ted club ems nec'essary; and the dread' of getting "the bounce" Sat'urday night ho'lds man'y wor'ker his place. Adverti for a stenog'rapher, and nine out of ten who apply', can nei'ther spell nor pun'ctu.ate` - and do not think it nec'essary to.
Can such a one write a letter to Gar'cia?
"You e that book'kee`per,"said the foreman to me in a large factory.
"Yes, what about him?"
"Well he"s a fine accoun'tant, but if I"d nd him up town on an errand, he might accom'plish the errand all right,and on the other hand, might stop at four saloons' on the way, and when he got to Main Street, would forget' what he had been nt for."
Can such a man be entrust'ed to carry a massage to Gar'cia?
We have recently been hearing much maudlin sympathy express'ed for the "down'trod'den den'izen of the sweat'-shop"and the "homeless wan'derer ar'ching for hon'est employ'ment,"and with it all of'ten go man'y hard words for the men in power.