A World Without Thieves 天下无贼
傻根:Sister, what are you doing here?大姐你怎么也在这?
刘若英:What about you?我还想问你呢?
傻根:I’m going home.我回老家。
By the way, have you ever en a thief? 对了,大姐你见过贼吗?
刘德华:I have en one, I have en one. 我见过,我见过。
傻根:What’s a thief look like? 贼长什么样?
刘若英:Don’t mind him. He’s joking.你别听他胡说,他逗你呢。
Just stay clo to me. 你上车跟着我就行了。
刘德华:What did you meet him? 你什么时候认了这个傻弟弟?
刘若英:You stay away from him. 你给我离他远点。
刘德华:I should teach him a lesson. 我得给他上一课。
The kid has no eyes for thieves. That makes me angry. 这小子目中无贼,气死我了。
傻根:Brother, sister, there is a at here! 大哥大姐,这有座!
刘德华:He has practically adopted us. 真把我们当亲人了。
You sit next to him and I’ll sit across from him. 待会这样,你做他旁边,我做他对面。地苦胆的功效与作用
(放好行李)C’mon, have a sit. 来来来,坐坐坐。
I’m old, my legs aren’t so good.. Make a space for me. 我年岁大了,腿脚不好,让我挤挤。
刘德华(笑,向外一坐):Sorry,this at is taken. Sorry, sorry….已经有人坐了,不好意思。
傻根(站起):Grandpa, sit here! 大爷,坐这吧。
刘若英(阻止):Mind your own business. 少管闲事。
刘德华(起身,抓牢黎叔肩膀):Here, I’ll help you find a spot. 来,我带你去找一个好的。
黎叔:There are none. 找了,没有。
刘德华:Sure there is . 有有。
亏电黎叔:My legs aren’t so good anymore. 我腿脚不好。
(被领到一旁)Where is the at? 座呢?
刘德华:You are a good actor.你演的还挺像。
Listen up, you and I are the same, we are wolves. 我告诉你,我们都是一样的,是狼。
(拍黎叔肩膀)That lamb belongs to me. 那只羊我吃定了。
黎叔:What? I don’t understand. 你说什么,我不明白。
刘德华:Don’t pretend it to me. 别骗我了。(黎叔停止装,站好)
Your performance isn’t bad. 你演的还挺像的。
(模仿瘸子)Like this? 怎么瘸来着?
黎叔:um, drag the leg a bit more. 脚再拖点地。
刘若英:Announcing you had money to all tho people, you probably did invite some thieves.
傻根(指着那黎叔方向):That old man is a thief? 你说那老人是贼?
刘德华:I won’t admit your own stupidity. 说你缺心眼你还不承认。
You think thieves carry signs? 贼会把字刻在脑门上吗?
傻根:You are just like the villagers. 你们怎么跟我老乡似的。
You think people are all bad! 把人想的那么坏。
刘若英(喝着水):You cannot judge a book by its cover. 人心隔肚皮。
“Harbor no malice, but don’t be a fool.” 害人之心不可有,防人之心不可无。
Just be more careful. 你就小心点嘛。
刘德华(拍傻根肩):Look at me. Do I look like a thief? 看着我,我像贼吗?
傻根:You are not a thief. You just look down on me. 你不是贼,就是有点看不起我。
刘德华(一笑,看着刘若英):Look at her…look. 你看她,看。
She ems like a thief? 她像不像贼?
刘若英(喝水,对着刘德华):What are you staring at? 你盯着我干吗?
刘德华(略带讽刺):You look kinder all the time. 我越看你越像好人。
傻根(理直气壮):She is a good person. 大姐就是好人。
Sis,if you were a thief, I’d get my eyes out. 大姐你要是贼,我把眼珠子挖出来!
I mean it! 我说话算数!
刘德华:No one is a thief by you. 你看谁都不像贼。
To you, everyone is a good man. 你看谁都像菩萨。
Tho two eyes on your head are uless. 我看你这俩眼睛长着也没用了。
Sooner or later get them out. 趁早把它抠出来吧。
傻根:In the highlands I stayed behind, every holiday to guard the workshop.
I have no one to talk to, so I just talk to wolves.没人跟我说话, 我跟狼说话。
They don’t scare me, they never hurt me. 我不怕狼,狼也没伤害过我。
I’m now with so many people to talk to, 我现在跟这么多人在一起,
If wolves wouldn’t hurt me, I can’t believe people would.
People can’t be wor than wolves. 人怎么会比狼还坏啊!
Am I right? 我说的对不?
刘若英:What happened? 怎么了?
刘德华:We’re lost , the money is stolen by them. 我们输了,钱被他们偷走了。
刘若英:Really? 真的?
刘德华:They are too cunning, and it is simply impossible to guard against.
刘若英:The old guy with the luggage was a plant. 一定是那个老头打的搓!
黎叔手下:They switched the bag .钱给掉包了。
It’s all fake money. 全部是假的。
黎叔:Really? The boy dares to play this trick with me. 真的吗?臭小子竟敢和我玩这招。
黎叔手下:How to do with them? 我们怎么办?
黎叔:you sit here! 你先坐着! (黎叔走向二人)
黎叔:Not bad!行啊!
Switched a prince for a pauper. 跟我玩狸猫换太子。
I challenged you only becau I respect you ,黎叔看得起你才跟你过招,
but you didn’t play fair . 偷奸耍滑呀你是。
Stop acting, it must have been you. 想什么呢,肯定是你
I can reliably inform you that 我可以很负责任的告诉你
uncle lee is very angry, 黎叔很生气
the conquences will be vere 后果很严重。(黎叔离开)
刘若英(打开纸包):It was switched. 钱被掉包了
You think his guys did it? 会不会是他手下干的
刘德华:Could have been switched long ago 也许早就被人家换了
There must be another master .We've been played 一定还有高人,我们被耍了