| | | |
America | American | American | 美国 |
Brazil | Brazilian | Brazilian | 巴西 |
Britiain | English | 知识渊博 Briton British | |
Canada | Canadian | Canadian 人脸识别原理 | |
China | Chine | Chine | |
Egypt | Egyptian | Egyptian | |
England English | Englishman | English | |
France | French Frenchman | French | |
Germany | German | German | |
Greece | Greek | Greek | |
India | Indian | Indian | |
Ireland | Irish Irishman | Irish | |
Israel | Israeli | Israeli | |
Italy | Italian | Italian | |
大学生恋爱现状 Japan | Japane草书书法 | Japane | |
Netherlands | The Dutch Dutchman | Dutch | |
New Zealand | New Zealander | | |
Portugal | Portugue | Portugue | |
Russia | Russian | Russian | |
Scotland | Scots Scotsman | Scottish | |
Spain | Spanish Spaniard | Spanish | |
Sweden | Swedish | Swedish | |
Switzerland | Swiss | 早安什么意思 Swiss | |
Wales | Welsh Welshman | Welsh | |
| | | |
Australia Australian Australian
Brazil Brazilian Brazilian
Britiain English Briton British
Canada Canadian Canadian
China Chine Chine Chine
Egypt Egyptian Egyptian
England English Englishman English
France French Frenchman French
Germany German German German
Greece Greek Greek Greek
India Indian Indian
Ireland Irish Irishman Irish
Israel Israeli Israeli
Italy Italian Italian Italian
Japan Japane Japane Japane
The Netherlands Dutch Dutchman Dutch
New Zealand New Zealander
Portugal Portugue Portugue Portugue
Russia Russian Russian Russian
Scotland Scots,Scottish Scotsman Scots, Scottish
做饭感受Spain Spanish Spaniard Spanish
Sweden Swedish Swedish Swedish
Switzerland Swiss Swiss
Wales Welsh Welshman Welsh
三、洲 名
North America
South America
四、常 见 缩 写 词
North American
South American
BC, B.C. before Christ 公元前
BS,BSc Bachelor of Science 理科学士
C° Centigrade 摄氏度
cc cubic centimeter
CD compact disk 光盘,激光唱片
cf. confer(=compare) 试比较;参看
cm centimeter 厘米
Co company 公司
c/o care of 由…转交
cp. compare 比较
Dec. December 十二月
dept. , Dept. department 部,司,局,系
Dr , Dr. doctor 博士;医生
e.g. exempli gratia(=for example) 例如
esp. especially 尤其是
et al. et alia(=and others) 以及其他等等
etc. et cetera(=and the rest) 等等
F Fahrenheit 华氏的
Feb. February 二月
Fri. Friday 星期五
ft Foot,feet 英尺
g,gm,gm. gram 克
GMT Greenwich Mean Time 格林威治时间
hr,hr. hour 小时
ID identification card 身份证
i.e. id est( = that is) 那就是,即
in. inch 英寸
Inc. incorporated 股份有限的
Jan. January 考驾照色盲测试图一月
Jr. junior 小 (用于姓名后)
Jul. July 七月
Jun. June 六月
kg,kg. kilogram 千克,公斤
km,km. kilometer 千米,公里
铁屋l,l. liter 升
lb,lb. libra( = pound) 磅
Ltd. limited 有限的, 股份有限
m,m. meter 米
MA Master of Arts 文科硕士
Mar. March 三月
min. minute 分钟
ml,ml. millimet
er 毫升
Mon. Monday 星期一
Mr,Mr. Mister …先生
Mrs,Mrs. Mistress …夫人,…太太
Ms,Ms. Mrs or Miss …女士
MS,MSc Master of Science 理科硕士
Mt mount,mountain 峰,山
No. number 号码
Nov. November 十一月
Oct. October 十月
P page;parking 页,停车处
par,para paragraph (文章的)段
Ph.D,PhD philosophiae Doctor 博士
pl. plural 复数
PM,P.M. post meridiem( = afternoon) 下午,午后
PRC People’s Republic of China 中华人民共和国
Prof. professor 教授
PS postscript 附言
Rd.,rd road 路
Sat. Saturday 星期六
c. cond 秒
Sep.,Sept. September 九月
sing. singular 单数
sq square 平方;广场
street 街道
sth something 某物,某事
Sun. Sunday 星期日
t,t. ton 吨
tel. telephone 电话
Thurs Thursday 星期四
Tues Tuesday 星期二
UK United Kingdom (大不列颠及北爱尔兰)联合王国,英国
UN United Nations 联合国
US,U.S. United States ( of America) 美利坚合众国,美国
usu. usually 通常
v,vs versus …对…
VIP very important person 重要人物,
vol. Volume 卷,册
W,w watt 瓦特
WC water clot 厕所
Wed,Weds Wednesday 星期三