AA always afloat 永远漂浮
AAR against all risks 针对所有风险
ABT about 大约
ACC acceptance/accepted 接受
ACCDG according to 根据
ACCT account 帐,因为
ACOL after completion of loading 装货结束后
ADDCOM address commission 回扣佣金
ADV advi 告知
AFLWS as follows 如下
AGT agent 代理人
AGW all goes well 一切顺利
AHPS arrival harbor pilot station 到达港口引航站
ANCH anchorage 锚地
ANS answer 回答
A/O and / or 和/或
AOH after office hours 工作时间外
AP additional premium 附加保险费
APS arrival pilot station 到达引航站
ARR arrive 到达
ASAP as soon as possible 尽可能快的
ASPS arrival a pilot station 到达海区引航站
ATA actual time of arrival 实际到达时间
ATD actual time of departure 实际开航时间
ATDNSHINC any time,day,night,Sunday and holodays included 包括任何时间,白天 黑夜星期六和节假日
ATDNSHEX any time,day,night,Sunday and holodays excepted 任何时间,白天,夜间星期六和节假日除外
ATS all time saved 所有节省时间
ATSBE all time saved both ends 所有两港节省时间
ATSDO all time saved discharging only 所有卸货港节省时间
ATSLO all time saved loading only 所有装货港节省时间
AWTS all working time saved 所有节省的工作时间
AWTSBE all working time saved both ends 所有两港节省的时间
AWTSDO all working time saved discharging only 所有卸货港节省的时间
AWTSLO all working time saved loading only 所有装货港节省的时间
BB ballast bonus 空航奖金(空放补贴)
BBB before breaking bulk 卸货前
B/D breakdown 故障
BENDS both ends 两端(装港和卸港)
BIMCO baltic international maritime conference 波罗的海国际航运公会
BIZ business 业务
B/L bill of lading 提单
BLR boiler 锅炉
BLT built 建造
BOD bunker of delivery 交燃油
BOR burker of redelivery 接燃油
B/S bill of sale 买契
BSS basis 基础
BT berth terms 泊位条款
CAP capacity 容量,能力
CAPT captain 船长
CBF cubic feet 立方英尺
CBM cubic meters 立方米
CFM confirm 确认
CGO cargo 货物
CHOPT charterer's option 租方
CHTRS charterers 租船人
contract of affreightment 包运合同
COMM commission 佣金
CONS consumption 消耗
COT cargo oil tanks 货油舱
COW crude oil washing 原油洗舱
C/P charter party 租船合同/租约
CPD charerter pays dues 租船人付税
CPP clean petroleum products 清洁石油产品
CQD customary quick despatch 按港口习惯速度
CTL constructive total loss 推定全损
CU.GR crain capacity in cubic feet 立方英尺散装容积
CUM.GR-BL grain/bale capacity in cubic meters 立方米散装/包装容积
DBE(W)ATS despatch payable both ends on(working) all time saved 支付两港所有节省(工作)时间的速遣费
D.CL detention clau 滞留条款
D/CL. deviation clau 绕航条款
D/D dry docking 进干船坞
DDO Despatch discharging only 卸货港速遣
DELY delivery 交付
DEM demurrage 滞期废
DEP departure 离开,开航
DES despatch 速遣费
DEV deviation 绕航
DF Dead freight 空舱费
DHD Desptch half demurrage 速遣费是滞期费的一半
DISCH Discharge 卸货
DISPORT Discharge port 卸货港
DLOSP Dropping last outward a pilot 最后出港海区引航员下船
DO Diel oil 柴油
D/O Dilivery order 提货单
DOP Dropping outward pilot 出港引航员下船
DOSP Dropping outward a pilot 出港海区引航员下船
DPP Dirty petoleum products 不洁石油产品
DT Deep tank 深舱
DTG Distance to go 还要行驶的距离
DTLS Details 细节
DWCC Deadweight cargo capacity 货物载重吨容量
DWT Deatweight tons 载重吨
ERLOAD Expected ready to load 预计准备装货
ETA Expected time of arrival 预计到达时间
ETB Expected time of berth 预计靠泊时间
ETCD Expected time of completion discharge 预计卸货完成时间
ETR Espected time of readlivery 预计还船时间
FAC As fast as the vesl can receive or deliver 以船舶能接受或交付的尽快的速度
FACCOP As fast as the ship can load/discharge accord-ing to custom of port 根据港口习惯以船舶尽快的装/卸货
FCC First class charterers 一流的租船人
FD Freight,dispatch and demurrage 运费和滞期费
FDND Freight,dispatch and demurrage defence 运费,速遣费和滞期保护
FHEX Friday and holidays excluded 星期五和节假日除外
FHINC Friday and holiday included 包括星期五和节假日副
FI Free in
FILO Free in liner out 租船人承担装货费,船东承担卸货费
FILTD Free in liner terms discharge 租船人承担装货费,船东承担卸货费
FIO Free in and out 租船人承担装/卸货费
FIOS Free in and out and stowed 租船人承担装货、卸货和堆装费
FIOST Free in and out and stowed and trimmed租船人承担装货、卸货和堆装和平舱
FIOT Free in and out and trimmed 租船人承担装货、卸货和平舱
FLWG Following 下达 下列
FM From 从,自
FO Fuel oil /free out 燃料油/租船人承担卸货费船东承担装货
FOC Flag of convenience 方便旗
FONASBA The federation of national associations of shipbrokers and agents 全国船舶经纪人和代理人协会联盟
FRT Freight 运费
FW Fresh water 淡水
FWD Forward 向前
FYG For your guidance 供你指导
FYI For your information 给你提供信息
FYR For your reference 供你参考
G/A General average 共同海损
GLESS Gearless 无装卸设备
GMT Greenwich mean time 格林威治时间
GRD Geard 有装卸设备
GRT Gross registered tonnage 毛登记吨
初晴HA/HO Hatches/Holds 舱口/舱
HC Hatch Coaming 舱口围
HFO Heavy fuel oil 重燃油
HRS Hours 小时
HSD High speed diel 高速柴油
HSS Heavy grain ,soyas ,sorghum 重粮,黄豆,高粱
H/STMG Harbor steaming 港内航行
IAC Including address commission 包括回扣佣金
IFO Intermediate fuel oil 1000秒燃油
IGS Inert gas system 惰性气体系统
IMM Immediately 立即
IMO International Maritime Organization 国际海事组织
KTS Konts 节/海里
LASH Lighter Aboard Ship 子母船
LAT Latitude 纬度
LAYCAN Laydays and Cancellong date 船舶受载期和解约期
L/D Loading and Discharging 装/卸货
LDG Loading 装货
LIFO Liner In Free Out 船东承担装货费,租家承担卸货费
LNG Liquified Natural Gas 液化天然气
LOA Length overall 全长
LOI Letter of Indemnity 保函
LONG Longitude 经度
LTBENDS Liner Terms Both Ends 船东承担装货和卸货费
LUBOIL Lubrication oil 润滑油
MDO Medium Diel oil 混合柴油
MED Meditterranean 地中
MIA Marine Insurance Act 海上保险法
MOLCO More or less charterer's option 租家选择或多或少
MOLOO More or l
ess owner's option 船东选择或多或少
MOS Months 月
MT Metric ton 公吨
MV Motor vesl 柴油机船
NA Not applicable 不适用
NK Nippon Kaiji Kyokai(Japane Ship Class-ification Society) 日本船籍社
NOR Notice of Readiness 准备就绪通知书
NORA Notice of Readiness accepted 接受装卸准备就绪通知书
NORT Notice of Readiness tendered 递交装卸准备就绪通知书
NORT & A Notice of Readiness tendered and accepted 递交和接受装卸准备就绪通知书
NRT Net registered tonnage 净登记吨
OA Overage 超龄
OAAOOP On attival at or off the port 到达港内或港外
OBO Oil/Bulk/Ore Carrier 石油,散货,矿石三用船
ONRS Owners 船东
O/T Overtime 加班
P.A. Per annum 每年
P/A Particular average 单独海损
P&I Protection and Indemity 保障和赔偿
PC Part cargo 部分货物
PCT Percent 百分之
PDPR Per day por rata 每天按比例
PM Premium 保险费
PMT Per metric ton 每公吨
PPT Prompt 即刻,即期
RCVD Received 收到
RD Running days 连续日
RE Refer to /Regarding 有关
RECAP Recapitulation 概括
美人蕉根REDEL Redelivery 交还
REF Reference 参考
RGDS Regards 问候
RORO Roll on-Roll off 滚装船
ROB Remaining on board 遗留船上
ROC Refer to our cable 参阅我们的电报
ROT Refer to our telex 参阅我们的电传
RVT Revert 回复
RYC Refer to your cable 参阅你们的电报
RYT Refer to your telex 参阅你们的电传
SB Safe berth 安全泊位
SBT Segregated ballast tank 分隔压载舱
SCHDL Schdeule 时间表
SF Stowage factor 积载因素
SHEX Sundays and Holidays excepted 周日和节假日除外
SHEXEIU Sundays and Holidays excepted even if ud 即使使用,周日和节假日亦除外
SHEXUU Sundays and Holidays excepted unless ud 除非使用,周日和节假日除外
SHINC Sundays and Holidays included 包括周日和节假日
SHIPT Shipment 货载
SLD Sailed 开航
SOL Shipowners' liability 船东负责
SOLAS Safety of life at a 海上人命安全
SP Safe port 安全港
Speed 航速
岁月神偷歌词SSHEX Saturdays sundays and holidays excepted 周六、周日和节假日除外
STOA Subject to owner's approval 有待船东批准
SUB Subject to 有待于
Salt water 海水
SWL Safe working load 安全工作负责
TBF To be for··· 由···(承担)
TBN To be nominated 待指定
TC Time charter 定期租船
TCT Time charter on trip basis 航次定期租船
TD Tweendecker 二层柜(双甲板)船
TLECON Telephone conversation 电话谈论
THRU Through 通过
河西节度使TIP Taking inward pilot 进港引航员上船
TLX Telex 电传
TT Telegraphic transfer 电汇
TTL Total 总额
TWHD Tons per workable hatch per day 每天每可工作舱
ULCC Ultra large crude carrier 超级油轮
VLCC Very large crude carrier 大型油轮
VSL Vesl 船舶
WCCON Whether customs cleared or not 不论是否清关
WD Working day 工作日
WFPON Whether in free pratique or not 不论是否检疫
WHD Per working hatch per day 每天每工作舱
WIBON Whether in berth or not 不论是否靠泊
WIPON Whether in port or not 不论是否在港内
WOG Without guarantee 不做保证
WP Weather permitting 天气允许
WTS Working time saved 节省的工作时间初中生舞蹈
W W D Weather working day 晴天工作日
WWR Where when ready 准备就绪的地点和时间
XPNS Expens 费用