1notice them 关注他们
2smile a lot 多微笑
3acknowledge them 教给他们知识
4learn their names 记住他们的名字
5ek them out 认出他们
6remember their birthday 记住他们的生日
7ask them about themlves 问他们关于他们的事
8look in their eyes when you talk to them 跟他们说话的时候看着他们的眼睛
9listen to them 倾听他们
10play with them 与他们玩耍
11read aloud together 一起大声朗读
12giggle together 跟他们一起傻笑
13be nice 保持亲和,温和
14say yes a lot 多说是的
15tell them their feeling are ok 告诉他们,他们的感觉是对的
16t boundaries that keep them safe 为了建立他们的感觉感而建立感情的篱笆
17be honest 诚实
18be yourlf 自然地表现自己
19listen to their stories 倾听他们的故事
20hug them拥抱他们
21forget your worries sometimes and concentration only on them有时忘记你的忧愁,只关注他们
22notice when they are acting differently当他们表现不同的时候关注他们
23prent options when they ek your counl 当他们咨询你的意见时提供几个不同的意见
24play outside together一起到外面玩耍
25surpri them给他们惊喜
26stay with them when they are afraid 当他们害怕的时候与他们在一起
27invite them over for juice 邀请他们一起喝果汁
28suggest better behavior when they act out 他们出格的时候,建议他们有更好的解决方案
29feed them when they are hungry当他们饿的时候喂养他们
30delight in their discovers当他们有所发现的时候表现出高兴
染发男31share their excitement分享他们的兴奋
32nd them a letter or postcard给他们写信和寄贺卡
33follow them when they lead当他们带领我们的时候跟随他们
34notice when they are abnt当他们不在的时候关注他们
35call them to say hello呼吁他们多跟别人打招呼
36hide surpri for them to find把一些惊喜藏起来让他们去找
37give them space when they need it 当他们需要空间的时候给予他们空间
38contribute to their collections 对他们的收藏有所贡献
39discuss their dreams and nightmares 跟他们一起讨论他们的梦想和噩梦
40laugh at their jokes他们讲笑话的时候一起笑
41be relaxed放松部队心得体会
42kneel,squat,sit you are at their eye level跪着,坐着,与他们平视
43answer their questions回答他们的问题
44tell them how terrific they are 告诉他们,他们有多么的了不起
45create a tradition with them and keep it与他们一起创立一个传统并保持他
46learn what they have to teach当他们当我们的老师的时候,我们就做学生
47u your ears more than mouth多你的耳朵,少用嘴
48make yourlf available让他可以随时找到你
49show up their concerts, games and events展示他们的活动,音乐会,游戏
50find a common interest找到一个共同的话题
51hold hands during a walk当走路的时候,手拉手
52apologize when you are done something wrong当你做错事情的时候道歉
53listen to their favorite music with them 与他们一起听他们喜欢的音乐
54keep promis you make 信守你的承诺来月经可以吃螃蟹吗
55wave and smile when you part当你离开的时候,招手和微笑
56display their artwork in your home在家里展示他们的艺术作品
57thank them 谢谢他们
58point out what you like about them 当你喜欢他们的时候请指出
59clip magazines pictures or articles that interest them剪下他们感兴趣的图片和文章
60give them lots of compliments给予他们很多的肯定
怎样挽回爱情61catch them doing something right 当他们做对事情的时候拥抱他们
62Encourage win-win solutions鼓励双赢方案
63give them your indided attention给他们你用不离开的关注
64ask for their opinion咨询他们的意见
65have fun together 一起玩
66be curious with them 对他们感兴趣
67introduce them to your friends and family 把他们介绍给你的朋友和家人
68tell them how much you like being with them 告诉他们你有多喜欢跟他们在一起
69let them solve most of their own problems 让他们自己解决他们自己大多数的问题
70meet their friends 和他们的朋友会面
71meet their parents 和他们的老师会面
72let them tell you how they feel 让他们告诉你他们感觉如何
73help them become an expert at something 帮助他们在某方面成为专家
74be excited when you e them 当你看见他们要表示兴奋
75tell them about yourlf 让他们了解你
76let them act their age 让他们做他们那个年纪的事情
77prai more, criticize less 表扬多,批评少
78be consistent 忍耐
椰子鸡汤的做法79admit when you make a mistake 当你犯了错,要承认
80enjoy your time together 一起享受你们的时间
81give them a special nickname 给他们一个昵称
82marvel at what they do 对他们所做的事情惊讶
83tell them how proud you are of them 告诉他们你有多为他们骄傲
84pamper them 宠爱他们
85unwind together 一起放松硅离子
86be happy 开心
87ask them to help you 叫他们帮助你
88support them 支持他们
89applaud their success 为他们的成功高呼
90deal with problems and conflicts while they are still small 当他们还小的时候处理问题和冲突
逖的读音91chapter one a dance 一起跳舞
92tell them stories in which they are hero 告诉他们一些故事,他们小朋友是英雄的
93believe in them 相信他们
94nurture them with good food, good words and good fun 用好吃的,好话和好玩的来喂养他们
95be flexible 灵活的
96delight in their uniqueness 在他们的独一处欢呼
97let them make mistake 允许他们犯错
98notice when they grow 当他们成长的时候给予关注
99wave and honk when you drive by them 当你开车的时候看到他们就跟他们打招呼和想喇叭
100give them immediate feed back 给他们立刻的回应
101include them in conversation 让他参与你们的谈话
102respect them 尊重他们
103join in their adventure 参与他们的冒险
104visit their schools 参观他们的学校
105help them learn something new 帮助他们学习新东西
106be understanding when they have a difficult day 当他们有困难的时候理解他们
107give them good choice 给予他们好的选择