Super Simple Songs Two Lyrics and Actions
1.Count and Move
Let's get started with some counting!(Make a circle or a line)Can you count to20?(Elicit respons from kids here,a big YEAH!!!!or just a head nod!)Here we go!(Start marching! The march leader,teacher or student,ts the pace)One!Two!Three!Four!Five!Six! Seven!Eight!Nine!Ten!Eleven!Twelve!(Everyone responds'One!Two!Three!Four! Five!Six!Seven!Eight!Nine!Ten!Eleven!Twelve!')(Here the music quiets down,so try singing quietly or whispering here if you are marching,stop and crouch down)Thirteen! (Thirteen)Fourteen!(Fourteen)Fifteen!(Fifteen)Sixteen!(Sixteen)(Back to the high energy music)Seventeen!(Seventeen)Eighteen!(Eighteen)Nineteen! (Nineteen)Twenty!(Twenty)YAY!!!!!!(Everybody claps,jumps up and down,throw your hands up in the air and wave them like you just don't care!)That was fun!
(Chorus)Hello!(Wave your right hand)Hello!(Wave your left hand)Hello,how are you?(Wave your right hand,then gesture towards someone el,placing your arms in front of you in an'And you?'kind of gesture.)
I'm good!(I'm GOOD!)(thumbs up!)I'm great!(I'm GREAT!)(thrust your hand in the air)I'm wonderful!(place both hands on the side of your face,making a sun-like gesture, and SMILE!)X2
(Chorus)I'm tired.(I'm tired)(slouch your shoulders,drop your head,and sigh,'I'm tired')I'm hungry.(I'm hungry)(rub your tummy)I'm not so good.(Frown,wave your hand in front of your face,and nod your head'no'.)X2
(Chorus X2)
3.How's the Weather?
(Chorus)How's the weather?How's the weather?How's the weather today?(similar to the American Sign Language sign for'weather',make a'W'with your middle three fingers on each hand,point them towards each other,and twist back and forth)Is it sunny?(make a big circle over your head with your arms)Is it rainy?(move your hands down in front of you,simulating rain)Is it cloudy?(puff two imaginary pillows above your head)Is it snowy?(move your hands down in front of you in a slow,wavy motion)How's the weather today?(make the twisting‘W’s with your fingers)
幼儿游戏的价值Let's look outside.(put your hand above your eyes and peer out of the window)How's the weather?(T
wisting‘W’s with your fingers)Is it sunny today?(make a big circle over your head with your arms)Let's look outside.(put your hand above your eyes and peer out of the window)How's the weather?(Twisting‘W’s with your fingers)Is it rainy today? (move your hands down in front of you,simulating rain)Let's look outside.(put your hand above your eyes and peer out of the window)How's the weather?(Twisting‘W’s with your fingers)Is it cloudy today?(puff two imaginary pillows above your head)Let's look outside. (put your hand above your eyes and peer out of the window)Is it snowy today?(move your hands down in front of you in a slow,wavy motion)
4.One Potato Two Potatoes
One potato,two potatoes,three potatoes,four!Five potatoes,six potatoes,ven potatoes, more!One potato,two potatoes,three potatoes,four!Five potatoes,six potatoes, ven potatoes,more!
5.Eeney Meeney Miney Moe(Choosing Rhyme)
(singing)Eeney meeney miney moe Catch a tiger by the toe If he hollers let him
go Eeney meeney miney moe Eeney meeney miney moe
(chanting)Eeney meeney miney moe Catch a tiger by the toe If he hollers let him
鼻子怎么形容go Eeney meeney miney moe Eeney meeney miney moe山西招生考试官网
6.The Eeny Weeny Spider
The eeny weeny spider went up the water spout.(Walk your fingers up.)Down came the rain and washed the spider out.(Flutter your fingers down,simulating rain,and then sweep your hands out.)Out came the sun and dried up all the rain.(Make a circle over your head with your arm,simulating the sun.)Then the eeny weeny spider went up the spout again.(Walk your fingers up.)
Okay,put your fingers together.Let's do the Eeny Weeny Spider.
The eeny weeny spider went up the water spout.Down came the rain and washed the spider out.Out came the sun and dried up all the rain.Then the eeny weeny spider went up the spout again.
A little faster now.
The eeny weeny spider went up the water spout.Down came the rain and washed the spider out.Out came the sun and dried up all the rain.Then the eeny weeny spider went up the spout again.
Now let's try it slow,with a low voice.The big,big spider.(Do the same actions this time, but with BIG gestures.Put your hands far apart.)
The big,big spider went up the water spout.Down came the rain and washed the spider out.Out came the sun and dried up all the rain.Then the big,big spider went up the spout again.
7.Rock Scissors Paper Finger play#1
兔子绘画Rock scissors paper(make rock,scissors,and paper gestures with your hands)Rock scissors paper(make rock,scissors,and paper gestures with your hands)One,two,three (count to three with your fingers)Play with me(point to your chest with your thumbs)Right hand PAPER!(place your right hand out flat)Left hand PAPER!(place your left hand out flat)(playful music)(connect your thumbs together and make a butterfly)It's a BUTTERFLY!(fly your butterfly up and down and all around if you like, pau the music here and spend some time flying around the room!)
Rock scissors paper Rock scissors paper One,two,three Play with me Right hand ROCK!Left hand SCISSORS!(playful music)(Place the rock on top of the scissors,the rock becomes a snail shell and the scissors become the snail's antennae.)It's a SNAIL! (Again,pau the music here if you like have the snails crawl around the room and talk to each other talk with your kids about snails!)
Rock scissors paper Rock scissors paper One,two,three Play with me Right hand SCISSORS!Left hand SCISSORS!(playful music)(The scissors become a crab's pincers. Hold them up to the side of your face and open and clo your pincers)It's a CRAB!(Hold your pincers up and walk around the room sideways!)
Rock scissors paper Rock scissors paper One,two,three Play with me Right hand PAPER!Left hand PAPER!(playful music)(Place both hands on either sides of the face to simulate a lion's mane)Oh no!It's a LION!(Growl and stalk around the room!)
8.Who Took the Cookie?
昆明好玩吗(Make a rhythm with everyone patting their legs and clapping their hands to the beat.Pat, clap,pat,clap,pat,clap)
Who took the cookie from the cookie jar?[Tanja]took the cookie from the cookie jar. Who me?(student points to herlf)Yes you!(students nod their heads"yes")Not me! (student shakes her head"no")Then who?(everyone shrugs their shoulders)
Troy!([Tanja]points at[Troy])
(Make a rhythm with everyone patting their legs and clapping their hands to the beat.Pat, clap,pat,clap,pat,clap)
Who took the cookie from the cookie jar?[Troy]took the cookie from the cookie jar.
Who me?(student points to himlf)Yes you!(students nod their heads"yes")Not me! (student shakes his head"no")Then who?(everyone shrugs their shoulders)
Knocky!([Troy]points at[Knocky])
(Make a rhythm with everyone patting their legs and clapping their hands to the beat.Pat, clap,pat,clap,pat,clap)
Who took the cookie from the cookie jar?[Knocky]took the cookie from the cookie jar. Who me?(stud
ent points to herlf)Yes you!(students nod their heads"yes")Not me! (student shakes her head"no")Then who?(everyone shrugs their shoulders)
Devon!([Knocky]points at[Devon])
(Make a rhythm with everyone patting their legs and clapping their hands to the beat.Pat, clap,pat,clap,pat,clap)
Who took the cookie from the cookie jar?[Devon]took the cookie from the cookie jar. Who me?(student points to himlf)Yes you!(students nod their heads"yes") I took the cookie!
9.The Wheels on the Bus(Learn It)
The wheels on the bus go round and round.(Make your hands and arms go round and round in a circle.)Round and round.Round and round.The wheels on the bus go round and round.Round and round.
The door on the bus goes open and shut.(Clap your hands together on"shut"and open them on"open".)Open and shut.Open and shut.The door on the bus goes open and shut. Open and shut.
The wipers on the bus go swish,swish,swish.(mimic the motion of windshield wipers with your hands and arms.)Swish,swish,swish.Swish,swish,swish.The wipers on the bus go swish,swish,swish.Swish,swish,swish.
The horn on the bus goes beep,beep,beep.(Pretend to be honking the horn on the steering wheel of a bus.)Beep,beep,beep.Beep,beep,beep.The horn on the bus goes beep,beep, beep.Beep,beep,beep.
The people on the bus go up and down.(If you are standing,stretch up and then if you are sitting,point up and then point down.)Up and down.Up and down.The people on the bus go up and down.Up and down.
The babies on the bus go waa waa waa.(Place your hands next to your eyes and pretend to cry.)Waa,waa,waa.Waa,waa,waa.The babies on the bus go waa waa waa.Waa,waa, waa.
The mommies on the bus go shhh shhh shhh.(Place your finger in front of your mouth as you make the shhh sounds.)Shhh shhh shhh.Shhh shhh shhh.The dadies on the bus go shhh shhh shhh.Shhh shhh shhh.
10.The Wheels on the Bus(Sing It)
(Everybody stands in big circle.As the bus nois fade in and the music starts,begin moving around the room pretending to drive the bus.You may want to give all of the students some props to act as steering wheels(tambourines work great).Honk the horn!)
(Everyone stops and faces into the circle.)The wheels on the bus go round and round. (Make your hands and arms go round and round in a circle.)Round and round.Round and round.The wheels on the bus go round and round.Round and round.(Go!Walking in a circle,everyone pretends to drive a bus and honk the horn.)
(Everyone stops and faces into the circle.)The door on the bus goes open and shut.(Clap your hands together on"shut"and open them on"open".)Open and shut.Open and shut.The door on the bus goes open and shut.Open and shut.(Go!Walking in a circle, everyone pretends to drive a bus and honk the horn.)
(Everyone stops and faces into the circle.)The wipers on the bus go swish,swish,swish. (Mimic the motion of windshield wipers with your hands and arms.)Swish,swish,swish.