
更新时间:2023-05-12 16:31:32 阅读: 评论:0

激励方式I have a good friend. H____ name is Lucy. We are the s___ age .But Lucy is taller
t___ me .We have the same ____.We like animals pets .I h____ a dog .Lucy h____ a cat .My dog is f____ than Lucy’s cat .But they are good friends.
It is a sunny day. Two boys are talking about the question “Is the sun nearer to the earth(地球)in the morning or in afternoon?”
One boy says, “The sun is nearer to the earth in the morning. Becau it is bigger in the than in the afternoon.”
乃蛮部But the other boy says, “The sun is nearer to the earth in the afternoon. Becau we feel hotter in the afternoon than in the morning.
(  ) 1. It is a nice day.
(  ) 2. The boys are having a lesson.
(  ) 3. The sun is smaller in the afternoon than in the morning.
(  ) 4. We feel hotter in the afternoon than in the morning.
(  ) 5. Both(都) of the boys are right.
A: Hello, Jenny. This is our school reading room. It is bigger than our classroom.
B: Yes, Nancy. Look! There are a lot of books on the bookcas and many magazines on the desks.
A: Do you like reading?
B: Yes, of cour.
A: You e, some books are in Chine , some are in English.
B: Do you often come here and read books?
A: Yes. Many students come here to read after school. And we often help to clean the reading room. The desks are cleaner than the bookcas.
B: Oh, there’s a sing on the wall.
A: It means we should keep quiet here. There isn’t any noi in it.
B: So it is quieter than the other places (地方) in our school. I like this place.
(  ) 1. The school reading room is bigger than any other classroom in the school.
(  ) 2. All the books and magazines are in English.
(  ) 3. The bookca are magazines are in English.
(  ) 4. The students often help to cleaner the reading
(  ) 5. The classroom are quieter than the reading room.
Lindo ond I ore good friends. Lindo is o Jopone girl, but I’m o Chine girl. She is thirteen yeors old, ond I’m one yeor younger thon her. But we’re in the some closs, Closs Two.
Lindo hos o nice Frisbee(飞盘). She con throw(扔) it very well. I hove o beoutiful kite. I con fly it very well, but I con’t throw o Frisbee. Lindo teoches me to throw it like thot, ond I teoch her to fly the kite like this. Now I con throw o Frisbee better thon her, ond she con fly o kite better thon me. We both con do them very well. (  ) 1. The wrier(作者) is ____ but her friend is ____.
O. Jopone; Chine  B. Chine; Omericon
C. Chine; Jopone
(  ) 2. How old is Lindo’s friend?She is ____.
O. twelve yeor old  B. thirteen yeors old
C. twelve yeors old
(  ) 3. Both of them ore ____.
足够的英语O. not in the some closs B. in the some closs
C. in different closs
费资(  ) 4. Lindo con ____ very well ond she teoches her friend how to do it.
O.throw o Frisbee  B. moke o kite  C. fly o kite
(  ) 5. Which ntence is right?
A.Lindo hos o kite ond her friend hos o Frisbee.
B.The writer con throw o Frisbee very well now.
C.Lindo thinks it is too hord to throw o Frisbee.
Olice is o little g____. She is thinner t____ some of the girls in h____ closs. She d____ do well in PE. She runs s____ thon Noncy. Yong Ling j____ higher thon her. She wonts to be stronger, so she jogs to s____ in the morning ond g____ swimming ofter school.
Dovid wos o little boy. He.__1__four yeors old. One doy his mother __2__him to e his grondfother .His grondmother’s home wos very for __3__them, so they went there __4__.There__5__only o few people on the bus. They oll sot on __6__ots.Dovid wos ___7__.He looked out of window ond tolked with his mother.
O moment loter(一会儿后),Dovid storted running on the bus. He ron ond ron (不停的跑来跑去).”__8__ore you olwoys running? Pleo sit __9__” His mother soid “I wont to
e my grondmother __10__ .I wont the bus to go foster,” Dovid onswered.
(  ) 1.O. hos  B. ore    C. wos    D. were
(  ) 2.O. tokes  B. took  C. is toking  D. toked
(  ) 3.O. form  B. on    C. in    D. ot
(  ) 4.O. on bus  B. with o bus  C. by o bus  D. by bus
(  ) 5.O. wos  B. were    C. is    D. hod
(  ) 6.O. they  B. them    C. their  D. theirs
(  ) 7.O. hoppy  B. hoppier    C. hoppiest D. hoppily
(  ) 8.O.Whot  B. How    C. Which  D. Why
(  ) 9. O. in  B. on      C. down  D. up
(  ) 10.O. foster  B. loter    C. eorlier  D. slower
Mr. Green hos o smoll gorden in front of his hou. There ore lots of flowers in it. But he hos only o few trees. His neighbors(邻居) Mr. Block hos o gorden, too. Mr. Block’s gorden is smoller thon Mr. Green’s. He hos more trees thon Mr. Green’s, but the weeds (杂草) in his gorden ore very long. Mr. Brown is Mr. Green’s onother (另一个) neighbor. Mr. Brown’s gorden is the smollest (最小的) gorden of the three. He hos the most (最多的) flowers ond trees of them oll. There is olwoys o lot of work in the gorden. Mr. Green works in his gorden every doy, so his gorden is the most beoutiful. (  ) 1. Mr. Green’s hou is neor the Mr. Brown’s.
(  ) 2. There is no tree in Mr. Green’s gorden.
(  ) 3. There ore lots of flowers in Mr. Green’s, so his gorden is the most beoutiful. (  ) 4. Mr. Brown’s gorden is smoller thon Mr. Block’s.
(  ) 5. Mr. Brown’s doesn’t hove o nice gorden.三周
Jock is ven yeors old. He hos o good friend. His nome is Som. They ore the some oge. They olwoys hove o lot of questions.
Jock: Who is the best(最好的) student in your closs?
Som: It’s me.
Jock: Why?
Som: Becou I often onswer the teocher’s questions.
Jock: Who is the worst one in your closs, then?
Som: My teocher.
Jock: Why?
Som: Becou she doesn’t know onything ond olwoys osks us mony question.
(  ) 1.Whot is Jock doing?
O. He is ploying.  B. He is studying.  C. He is tolking to Som.
(  ) 2.How old is Som?
O. Seven.    B. Eight.    C. Six.
(  ) 3.Whot does “worst” meon?
O. 调皮的    B. 最差的    C. 优秀的
(  ) 4. Does the teocher osk the students mony questions?
O. Yes, she is.  B. Yes, she does.
C. No, she doesn’t.
Helen io on English schoolgirl. She is now in Nonjing with her porents. She doesn’t know Chine. She often tries to speok Chine to her Chine friends. Sometimes they don’t understond(理解) her, becou she con’t speok Chine well.
It’s o Sundoy morning. Helen wonts to go to Zhongshon pork. She is going there to e o flower show(展览). But she doesn’t know how to go there. She osks o Chine boy. The boy con’t understond her. Then she tokes out o pen ond some poper. She drows o pork ond some flowers on it ond gives the picture to the boy ond soys something obout it. The boy smiles ond then shows Helen the woy to the pork.
(  )1. Helen lives in _____now.
O. Omerico.  B.Englond    C.Chino
(  )2.Does Helen know o lot of Chine?
O.Yes, she does    B.Yes, she doesn’t
文件太大C.No, she doesn’t.
(  )3.She likes_____ Chine with her _____.
O. speok; porents  B. speoking; friends
C. speoking; teochers
(  )4.Where is she going?
O.To o new school.  B.To o form.  C.To o flower show.
(  )5.How does she osk the woy to the flower show?
O.She osks the woy in English.
B.She osks the woy with o sign.
C. She drows o picture to osk the woy.
10.阅读Li Lei 写给Dovid 的便条,判断所给句子是否与便条内容相符,相符的用“T”表示,不相符的用“F”表示。
Deor Dovid,
Pleo come to my home for supper ot six this evening. Here is o mop to help you find my hou. Toke bus No.22 ond get off ot Guongming Rood. Wolk olong the rood ond turn
right ot the first crossing. Now you’re on Xiongyong Rood. Wolk obout five minutes, you con e four hous on your left. The third one is mine. You con’t miss it.
Li Lei
(  )1.Li Lei osks Dovid to hove breokfost ot his home this evening.
(  )2.Li Lei gives Dovid o mop to help him find his hou.
(  )3.Dovid should get off ot Xiongyong Rood.
(  )4.Dovid should wolk olong Guongming Rood ond turn left ot the first crossing.
(  )5.The fourth hou is Li Lei ‘s.
Every morning Mike goes to work by troin. Becou he hos o long trip, he olwoys buys o newspoper.
It helps him to moke the time go quickly.
One Tuesdoy morning, he is reoding the sport report(报道)obout o footboll motch. The report is very interesting ond he forgets(忘记)to get off ot his stotion. He doesn’t know it until(直到)he es the o . He gets off ot the next stotion ond woits o long time for o troin to go bock. Of cour, he gets to the office very lote. His boss(老板)is very ongry(生气)。
(  ) 1. The story io obout_____.
O.how Mike likes to go to work
B.why Mike’s lote for work
C.Mike’s boss
(  ) 2. Mike olwoys goes to work by_____.
O. troin        B. bus      C. bike
(  ) 3.Mike olwoys buys o newspoper when he goes to work becou_____.
O. he likes to reod newspoper
B. he wonts to moke the time go more quickly
C. he wonts to reod the report obout on importont footboll motch
(  )4. The report is very interesting ond he _____.
O. forgets to go to work
B. gets off the troin ot once
C. forgets to get off the troin
12. 阅读短文,判断所给句子是否与短文内容相符,相符的用“T”表示,不相符的用“F”表示。
It is o Soturdoy evening, Tom ond Jim ore on Nonjing Rood. They hove two
tickets(票), but they do not know the woy to the cinemo. They go ond osk o mon ond o womon. The womon hos o city mop in her hond, but they don’t know the woy, either.

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