拟声(说), 【语】拟声法
Onomatopoeia is the imitation of natural sounds in word form. The words help us form mental pictures about the things, people, or places that are described. Sometimes the word names a thing or action by copying the sound. For example: Bong! Hiss! Buzz!
Onomatopoeia(occasionally spelled onomateopoeia or onomatop?ia,
from Greek ονοματοποι?α) is a word or a grouping of words that imitates the sound it is describing, suggesting its source object, such as "click," "clang," "buzz," or animal nois such as "oink", "quack", "flap", "slurp", or "meow". The word is a synthesis of the Greek words ?νομα (onoma, = "name") and ποι?ω (poieō, = "I make" or "I do") thus it esntially
means "name creation", although it makes more n combining "name" and "I do", meaning it is named (& spelled) as it sounds (e.g. quack, bang, etc.).【Wikipedia】
象声词(又称拟声词,onomatopoeia )是用语音模拟自然声音形成的词,其语音形式在元音、音高、节奏上体现所拟声音的特点,语义内容具有很强的语境依赖性,但也有部分符号化了。拟声词的来源可追溯至语言前期,声音的模仿是猎人求生的本能,之后才逐渐地将其转变成符号。拟声词汇是利用字义及声音间的关连性构成的。象声词语音语义两个方面都受到语言系统的制约。象声词与叹词处在语言与副语言界线的两边,不应混为一谈。
身临其境、如闻其声的氛围,达到传声达情和闻声解意的语用目的。例如,有一家美式连锁餐厅“时时乐”(Sizzler),其英文名字便是源自牛排油炸 (或烤肉) 时,所发出的声音 (sizzle)。然而,同样的动物叫声,不同国家的人听起来却有不同的感受,因此就出现不同的拟声字词。中国人认为杜鹃叫声是「布谷、布谷」;但是英美人士却觉得是 "cuckoo" (布谷鸟;杜鹃)。我们说公鸡叫声是「喔喔啼」;但英文则以 "cock-a-doodle-do" (或 coo-coo-ri-coo) 来表达。至于英文母鸡、小鸡及火鸡叫的拟声字是 cackle (咯咯声), cheep (唧唧啾啾) 及
gobble-gobble (咯咯)。此外,有些动物则有两种以上声音词汇,如猫声有 meow
夫妻肺片做法(张开嘴叫) 及 purr (愉快声);狗吠声有 bark (咆哮), snarl (狂吠), whine (哀声), yelp (痛苦尖叫) 及 "bowwow"。另外,一个有趣的对比是中文的「哎哟」(被人碰到),英文是以 "ouch" 表示。因此,下次被英美人士踩到脚时,记得喊 "Ouch",而非 "Shit" 或「Ai-yo」。
这里顺便介绍两首有趣的诗歌,一是I Speak, I Say, I Talk这首诗,它取自Mice Squeak, We Speak (老鼠叽吱,我们说话)这本书。
I Speak,I Say,I Talk
Cats purr.猫咪喵喵
Lions roar.狮子咆哮
Owls hoot.夜枭鸣叫
Bears snore.大熊呼噜
Crickets creak.蟋蟀嘎嘎
Mice squeak.老鼠叽吱
Sheep baa.绵羊咩咩
But I SPEAK.但我说话
Monkeys chatter.猴子唧唧
Cows moo.母牛哞哞
Ducks quack.鸭子嘎嘎
Doves coo.鸽子咕咕
Pigs squeal.猪仔尖叫
Hors neigh.马儿嘶鸣
Chickens cluck.小鸡咯咯
But I SAY.但我能说
Flies hum.苍蝇嗡嗡
Dogs growl.狗儿狂吠
Bats screech.蝙蝠尖鸣
Coyotes howl.郊狼嚎叫
Frogs croak.青蛙呱呱
Parrots squawk.鹦鹉嘎嘎
Bees buzz.蜜蜂嗡嗡
But I TALK.但我能聊发卷
*Plea click here for the audio recording.
诗中列有 21 种动物叫声,每一行皆列出该动物及其所发出的声音(action verbs 动作动词)。作者亦备有Internet Worksheet摆渡是什么意思
(/K-2002/u1_mice/worksheet.html),供学童画出最喜欢的动物及写出其叫声。另一个网页Sound Safaris (声音狩猎探险。
另一首诗是Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear? (By Bill Martin Jr./Eric Carlet),诗中作者亦藉由重复的问题"What Do You Hear?" 带出10 种动物的10 种声音动词。该诗的内容大致如下:
Polar Bear (北极熊), Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?
I hear a lion roaring in my ear.
I hear a hippopotamus (犀牛) snorting (哼鼻) in my ear.
怎样提高肺活量I hear a flamingo (火鹤) fluting (吹笛) in my ear.
I hear a zebra (斑马) bragging (吹嘘) in my ear.
火龙果的切法I hear a snake hissing (嘶嘶) in my ear.
I hear an elephant trumpeting (吼叫) in my ear.
I hear a leopard (豹) snarling (咆哮) in my ear.
I hear a peacock (孔雀) yelping (尖叫) in my ear.
I hear a walrus (海象) bellowing (吼声) in my ear.
... hear a zookeeper whistling (吹口哨) in
因此,Onomatopoeia又可以理解为using "sound" words,例如:
murmur (咕哝), whisper (耳语声), giggle (咯咯笑声), hum (哼), ouch (哎呀), hush (嘘), chuckle (抿着嘴轻声地笑), mutter (轻声低语), en (嗯), hi (喂), chatter (唠叨), whoop (喘气声), babble (胡言乱语, 含糊不清地说)
cock---crow, hen—cackle, chicken---cheep, duck---quack, goo---cackle, dove---coo, magpie---chatter, parrot---squawk, nightingal e---jug.
ass---bray, pig---grunt, sheep---baa, hor---neigh, lion---roar, cow---moo, dog---bark, fox---yelp, monkey---jabber, mou---pee p, tiger---growl, cat---mew, elephant---trumpet, wolf---bowl
bee---buzz, mosquito---hum, cicada---chirp, snake---hiss, cricket ---chirp, frog---croak
click 喀嚓 (剪刀, 门, 按钮), clack 铿锵 (刀叉, 碗碟, 机器), clink 叮叮 (金属, 玻璃),
clank 叮当 (铁链, 刀枪), clang 发出铿锵声 (叮当声), rumble 轰隆声(雷, 风, 炮, 车),
toot 嘟嘟 (火车, 汽车, 轮船), ticktack 嘀嗒 (钟表)
Nothing was heard but the voice of the master and the scratching of pens on paper.
On the way through the mountains to school, we can e the babbling water in the brook, hear the frogs croaking, cuckoo cuckooing, birds singing, sparrows chirping in the forest. All are lovely.